How to find out the number of a kiwi wallet to transfer money


How to find out the number Kiwi wallet

Any user of the QIWI Wallet payment system needs to know the number of his wallet for almost any action with it. It is quite simple to find out this information and can be done in several different ways, we will analyze everything in order.

We know the number Kiwi

The essence of the Kiwi payment system is such that the login to enter the personal account is the mobile phone number to which the account is attached and which is the number of this wallet. Accordingly, to enter the office, you need to know the number of the wallet. But some users connect the entry through social networks to the account, so this article will be more interesting for them, because there are those who can not at all remember how exactly the phone number was tied in the Kiwi system.

This is how the first way helps to know the Kiwi Wallet number in just two actions. Let's try other options.

Method 2: Cabinet Settings

In some users of the system, the top string may be incorrectly displayed or not to appeal at all because of some problems on the server or browser. Especially for such cases there is another way - see the wallet number in the settings of the personal account.

  1. First you need to log in to the system and go to your personal account.
  2. Now you need to find the "Settings" button on the menu and click on it.
  3. Settings Wallet

  4. In the settings there will be another menu item, which is called "List of Accounts". You need to click on this item.
  5. CVI accounts

  6. Now you can see the wallet number in the enlarged format so that it is more convenient to perceive.
  7. Kiwi wallet number

Method 3: bank card number

There are two ways to see the QIWI Wallet Account number. But do not forget that there is still a kiwi card, with which you can pay for various purchases on the Internet. It would be nice to know the details of the card, in order to further enjoy it at the maximum.

  1. It is necessary to re-execute the first two points from the sequence specified in the second method.
  2. Now you need to click the "list of accounts" key to go to all tied accounts. Here the user sees a virtual map to which you can use, but the details of which are not known. You need to click on the number highlighted in blue.
  3. Selecting a QIWI card

  4. On the new page there will be a small map information, but you need to find the "Send Requisites" button in the left menu and click on it.
  5. Transition to card details

  6. It remains to confirm the sending of details to the number to which the map is attached by clicking the "Send" button.
  7. Send record details

This card message will come in the shortest possible time and the user will recognize the number of his account at QIWI Bank, which released this virtual card.

Method 4: We will find out the bank details

For some serious translations, the user may need the props of the wallet, so you need to know where to find them, and it is better to write them or print them.

  1. After the login to the QIWI system was performed, you need to search for the "Top Wallet" item in the main menu. As soon as it is found, you need to click on it.
  2. Replenishment Wallet

  3. Now, of all ways to replenish the wallet, you need to choose a "bank transfer".
  4. Fashion Selection - Bank Transfer

  5. Another window will open, where you need to click the Bank Transfer button again.
  6. Transition to translation

  7. The following page will appear an image with a kiwi wallet props, that is, with the account number and other important information.
  8. Details Wallet


So that is all. All ways to find out the wallet number or account number in QIWI system are quite simple and understandable. You don't have to understand not even inexperienced person. If you know some of your ways, tell us about them in the comments.

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