How to enable file extension display in Windows 7


How to enable file extensions in windows 7

Initially, windows extension files are hidden. It is very convenient for novice users, because they see only the file name without unnecessary characters. From a practical point of view, the disabled display of extensions creates a booster safe, allowing attackers to easily infect your computer, disguising a malicious file, for example, under the photo. So, alleged graphic documents "Photo.jpg" can actually be "photo.jpg.exe" and turn out to be a virus. However, you will not know this and run the executable file. For this reason, we recommend that you enable the display of file extensions in Windows.

Turn on the display of file extensions

In Windows 7, there is only one option, the change of which affects the display of extensions. But you can come to it in two ways. Let's both explore them.

Method 1: "Control Panel"

  1. Through the Start menu, go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Running control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Go to the "folder parameters" submenu.
  4. Parameters of folders in the control panel in Windows 7

  5. Remove the checkbox from the "Hide extensions for registered files of the files", which is located in the View tab. Click "OK" in order to confirm the changes.

Method 2: "Service"

This method will lead to the same setting, but only by another.

  1. Run the "Explorer" and press the "ALT" button. A string with additional options appears. In the "Service" menu, select the "Folder Settings" string.
  2. Parameters of folders in the service in Windows 7

  3. In this folder parameters window in the "View" column, remove the mark from the "Hide extensions for registered files" element. Confirm your solution by clicking on the "OK" button.

When you remove the checkbox, object formats will appear:

The name of the files with the display of extensions in Windows 7

This is so easy enough to protect yourself from viruses, turning on the display of file formats.

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