Opera Mini download for free android


Download opera mini for android for free

Modern gadgets, such as smartphones and tablets, are primarily positioned as internet devices. Naturally, browsers are the most important applications for such devices. Often the regular software is inferior to the convenience of programs from third-party developers. One of the most famous third-party web browsers for Android is Opera Mini. The fact that he can, we will talk today and talk.

Traffic savings

Opera Mini has always been famous for its traffic saving function. This chip works very simply - the page data that you are going to view are sent to the Opera server, where they are lit by a special algorithm and sent to your device.

Opera Mini saving mode

There are three savings mode settings: automatic, high, extreme. In addition, you can turn off the traffic savings at all (for example, using homemade Wi-Fi).

Selection of Opera Mini Saving Mode

Automatic mode sets up the possibility of saving, studying the data transfer rate in your connection. If you have low-speed 2g- or 3G-Internet, then it will be closer to the extreme. If the speed is high, then the mode will be closer to "high".

The mansion is "extreme" mode. In addition to the data compression itself, it also disables diverse scripts (JavaScript, AJAX, etc.), because of which some sites can work not entirely correctly.

Incorrect work of the Opera Mini website

Lock advertising

A pleasant addition to the traffic economy regimer is an advertisement blocker. It works well - no pop-up windows and new incomprehensible tabs, unlike the latest versions of UC Browser Mini. It is worth noting that this tool works exclusively with the included economy function. So if you do not need to save, but you want to view page without advertising - install a separate solution: Adguard, Adaway, Adblock Plus.

Opera mini advertising lock

Optimization of video recordings

An incredibly useful feature of Opera Mini is optimizing video recordings. By the way, none of the competitive solutions there is nothing like that. Like an advertisement lock, this chip works only when the savings mode is enabled. It works in the same way as data compression. The disadvantage is the low speed of the roller.

Opera MINI video optimization

Customizable interface

The mini opera developers took care of people who want to view the Internet as well as in the "adult" Opera. Therefore, in the mini version there are two modes of the form: "Phone" (convenience in controlling one hand) and "tablet" (convenience in switching between tabs). The "tablet" mode is very convenient when working in landscape mode on smartphones with a large screen diagonal. It is worth noting that there is no such function in competiting browser (UC Browser Mini and Dolphin Mini). Yes, and in senior Internet observers something similar is only in Firefox for Android.

Planter mode Opera Mini

Night mode

Opera Mini has a "night mode" - for lovers to sing on the Internet. The wealth of setting this mode can not boast, but with its task it copes well, reducing the brightness or allowing its level. Together with it there is also a built-in filter of a blue spectrum, which is activated by the slider "reduce the voltage of vision".

Opera Mini Night Mode

Advanced settings

Very interesting for a specific category of users there will be a manual setting function of some features of the mini opera. To do this, simply type in the search bar (just in case, switch to the extreme savings mode):

Opera: Config

Here is a huge number of hidden settings. We will not stop on them in detail.

Hidden Settings Opera Mini


  • Full support of the Russian language;
  • The program is absolutely free;
  • High traffic savings;
  • The ability to set up "for yourself."


  • Low load speed with poor connection;
  • Incorrect display of sites in "extreme" mode;
  • Often spoil files when loading.
Opera Mini is one of the oldest and most common mini-versions of well-known web browsers. The experience of developers made it possible to create a very fast application that carefully drawn traffic and has the possibilities of fine tuning. Not denying its flaws, we note that the opera is not in vain is considered to be the best browser of all capable of compressing the data - none of the competitors can boast of such functionality.

Download opera mini for free

Upload the latest version of the application with Google Play Market

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