How to earn ok in classmates for free: all ways


How to earn ok in classmates

Now almost every social network has its own currency, with which you can perform any actions inaccessible to other users of the site. So in classmates there is such a currency that allows you to open some additional features of the site, for example, the "invisible" mode or the rating "5+" for a while.

How to get a currency in the social network Odnoklassniki

There is a very simple way to get oki in the social network - to buy them for real money right from your own page. It is very convenient, but the cost of one eye is one real ruble, which is completely unprofitable, so you need to find other ways.

Method 1: Photo Moderation

The first way is suitable for those who want to get not exactly the currency of the social network, but some kind of service for it, this is what we will do now.

  1. First you need to find the search string on the site in which you only need to enter the word "moderator", and then select the game "Moderator of Odnoklassniki" from the list.
  2. Search apps for moderation in classmates

  3. Will a transition to the game page, where you need to click "Start Modern Engineering".
  4. The beginning of the moderation on the OK website

  5. The essence of the task is that the user needs to approve photos and video downloaded by other users, or reject them for objective reasons, game points will be accrued.

    It is worth considering this carefully to this and read the rules, as for the wrong decision (it is wrong, it is considered if most of the other moderators have taken another solution) points will be removed.

  6. Adoption or deviation of photos through the application of moderation in classmates

  7. After a set of a small number of points, you can move to the selection of the desired service on the site. Click "Auctions".
  8. Transition to auctions in classmates

  9. At the auction you can bet and get any service that is sold only for Oci. For example, we will bet on the "invisible" mode. Click "Make a bet".

    If the user wins, he gets a service and loses points. If he loses, then all points are returned to the game account and can be continued to quietly participate in the auctions.

  10. Rate at auction on the site OK

  11. If the auction is won, the user will receive a notice that you can start using the service. After that, it remains only to start using.

This method, as mentioned above, is suitable for those who want only to get some kind of service, and not the Oka themselves. But there is a way to obtain the site's currency without making money to the account.

Method 2: third-party sites

For this method, we will use a fairly popular site used to perform the tasks and withdrawals of funds into various games, including in the socialist classmates.

  1. First of all, you need to go to the site itself and log in with the help of any social network, for example, classmates.
  2. Authorization with classmates

  3. In the window that appears, I confirm authorization and return to the site again to perform tasks.
  4. On the main page you can find many different tasks that are not very difficult. We find any task and click "Run".
  5. Transition to the task to obtain the shacks in classbands

  6. If this is the first task, then you need to read the terms of the agreement, agree with them and click the "Continue" button.
  7. Reading the terms of the agreement for obtaining glasses in classmates

  8. Now you need to task and wait for payment by game loans that can be available immediately or after a while. All information about payment and timing of loans can be found in the description of the task.
  9. If the required number of credits is accumulated, you can press the "spend" button in the top menu of the site.
  10. Withdrawal from the site for classmates

  11. In the alphabetic search bar, you need to choose the English letter "O" to facilitate the search.
  12. Search for the right social network - ok

  13. Now choose the site "" and we derive funds to the account in the social network with a course of 10 credits = 1 ok.
  14. Selection of classmates for output

This is how it is quite simple to earn a currency of the social network through third-party sites. Almost all tasks are performed quickly and pleasantly, so you will like everyone who wants to get Oka.

If there are still some questions about receiving free shackles or about their purchase, then ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer so that you understand everything.

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