How to block advertising in all browsers


Virus in the browser remove

Advertising, which is shown on websites, can be strongly distracted from viewing content, and sometimes even interfere with the normal operation of web resources and browser itself. Now there are several solutions to help get rid of annoying advertising.

About advertising content on sites

Today, advertisements can be found almost on all sites in a slight exception. Usually, if the site owner is interested in the promotion and convenience of users, advertising is located so as not to interfere with the maintenance of the main content. Ads on such resources do not contain shock content. Such an advertisement is placed by the owners to receive money from ad hoc appellations that are subsequent to promotion of the website. Examples of such sites - Facebook, classmates, VKontakte, etc.

There are also resources of dubious content that are stuck with various advertising, which distracts the attention of the user. They can represent some danger, since there you can pick up the virus.

Quite often, the advertising software is found, which is fraudulently falls on the computer, gets control over the browser and establishes its extensions that reproduce advertising on all Internet sites, even when there is no connection to the network.

If you have a web pages open a long time, it does not always mean that in the browser advertising virus. Perhaps this is happening for other reasons. On our site you can view an article where this problem is described in detail.

Read more: What should I do if pages in the browser are loaded

Method 1: Adblock Installation

This is a famous anti-plane solution that is suitable for almost all modern browsers. It spreads completely free and blocks all advertising that has placed the owner of the site. However, some sites due to this expansion may not work correctly, but it is rather rare exceptions.

Lock advertising in Adblock

With us you can see how to install Adblock in such common browsers like Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, Opera, Yandex.Bauzer.

Method 2: removal of malicious advertising software

Advertising software on a computer is quite often determined by antivirus programs as malicious, thanks to which it can be calmly removed or placed in quarantine at the first scan.

The function of such software is that it establishes special add-in in the web browser or system files that begin to play obsessive advertising. Ads can also be shown when you just work at a computer without internet.

To identify advertising software, almost any more or less common antivirus is suitable, for example, a Windows Defender, which goes by default in all computers running Windows. If you have another antivirus, you can use it, but the instruction will be considered on the example of the defender, as it is the most affordable solution.

Step-by-step instruction has the following form:

  1. Open the Windows Defender, using the Magnifier icon in the Taskbar and entering the appropriate name in the search bar, if you use Windows 10. If you have older OS on the computer, then first you need to open the "Control Panel", and there is already a string Search and enter a name.
  2. When opening (if everything is fine), a green interface should appear. If it has an orange or red, it means that Antivirus has already found something when he spent scanning in the background. Use the Clear Computer button.
  3. Windows Defender Main Screen

  4. If in the 2nd step interface was a green or you made cleaning the system, then start the complete check. To do this, in the "Check Parameters" block, set the box next to the "full" and click on "Check Now".
  5. Windows Defender Scanning Preparation

  6. Wait for scanning. Usually a complete check lasts a few hours. Upon completion, remove all detected threats by using the same button.
  7. Restart the computer and check whether advertising has disappeared in the browser.

Additionally, you can make a scanning system special software that finds and removes the promotional software. Such programs do not require installation and, perhaps, to remove advertising programs from a computer, better antiviruses will cope.

Read more: Checking a computer for viruses without antivirus

You can use special online services that have similar functionality, but do not require downloading to a computer. However, the main condition in this case is the availability of a stable Internet connection.

Read more: Online checking system, files and links to viruses

Method 3: Disabling extraneous additions / extensions

If it happened that your computer was really infected with the virus, but scanning and removing malicious software did not give results, then, most likely, the virus installed any third-party extensions / additions into the browser, which were not recognized as a threat.

In this case, you will only just deactivate extraneous additions. Consider the process on the example of Yandex.Bauser:

  1. Click the three-stranded icon in the upper right corner and select "Add-ons" in the resulting context menu.
  2. Transition to supplements in Yandex Browser

  3. Scroll through the list of installed extensions. Those you are not installed, shut down by clicking on a special button opposite the name. Or delete them by using the Remove link.
  4. List of additions to Yandex Browser

Method 4: elimination of arbitrary opening in the browser

Sometimes the browser can independently open and display a promotional website or banner. This happens even if the user manually closes all tabs and browser. In addition to the fact that arbitrary launches interfere normally work at the computer, they can strongly load the operating system, which leads to even greater problems with the computer in the future. Such behavior often provokes several factors. You already have an article on our site that will help find the reasons for arbitrary launch of advertising content in the browser and will help in solving this problem.

Read more: Why the browser independently starts

Method 5: The browser stopped running

Typically, the advertising software does not prevent the start of the browser, but there are exceptions, for example, when the advertising program enters the conflict with any element of the system. This problem can be removed if you get rid of such software by using one of the ways above, but they can not always help. Our site has an article where it is written how to act in this situation.

Read more: Troubleshooting a web browser

Turn off the fully advertising on sites can be just a couple of clicks by downloading a special extension. If it does not help, then you need to check the computer and the browser for the presence of malicious software and / or extraneous extensions.

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