How to make a beautiful inscription in photoshop


How to make a beautiful inscription in photoshop

Creating beautiful attractive inscriptions is one of the main design techniques in the photoshop program. Such inscriptions can be used to design collages, booklets, when developing sites. You can create an attractive inscription in different ways, for example, apply text to the picture in Photoshop, apply styles or various overlay modes. In this lesson we will show how to make beautiful text in photoshop CS6

Creating a beautiful lettering

As always, we will experiment on the name of our site using styles and imposition mode "Color".

Stage 1: Application Styles

  1. Create a new document of the required size, fill with black background and write text. Text color can be any, contrast.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  2. Create a copy of the layer with the text ( Ctrl + J. ) And remove visibility from the copy.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  3. Then go to the original layer and double-click on it by calling the layer styrel window. Here turn on "Inner glow" and exhibit the size of 5 pixels, and the imposition mode changes on "Replacing light".

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  4. Next include "External glow" . Customize size (5 pix.), Overlay mode "Replacing light", "Range" - 100%.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  5. Press OK , go to the layer palette and reduce the value of the parameter "Fill" up to 0.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  6. We turn to the upper layer with text, we include visibility and twice with a click on it, causing styles. Turn on "Embossing" With such parameters: depth 300%, size 2-3 pix., Loan contour - double ring, smoothing is turned on.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  7. Go to the point "Circuit" And put a tank, including smoothing.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  8. Then turn on "Inner glow" And change the size of 5 pixels.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  9. Zhmem. OK And again we remove the fill of the layer.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

Stage 2: Coloring

It remains only to paint our text.

  1. Create a new empty layer and paint it in any way in bright colors. We took advantage of this gradient:

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

    Read more: How to make a gradient in Photoshop

  2. To achieve the necessary effect, change the overlay mode for this layer on "Color".

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

  3. To enhance the glow, we create a copy of the gradient layer and change the overlay mode on "Soft light" . If the effect turns out to be too strong, it is possible to reduce the opacity of this layer to 40-50%.

    Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

The inscription is ready, if you wish, you can still refine various additional elements on your choice.

Create a beautiful inscription in Photoshop

The lesson is over. These techniques will help when creating beautiful texts suitable in order to sign photos in Photoshop, placement on sites as logos or design of postcards and booklets.

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