How to find out the IP-address of the router


Determining the ip-address of the router

Many Internet users are using such a device as a router to create a wireless network and provide connection to her multiple sites using a cable signal or Wi-Fi. After you configure the router's configuration, it successfully operates and performs its task. But sometimes the user for various purposes may be an urgent need to know the IP-address of the router. How can I do that?

Learn IP-address of the router

With manufacturers of routers come with pre-configured by default the IP-address. Typically, in various models, it is indicated on the back of the router. For example, TP-Link devices company is or, other variants are possible. But what if the inscription on the body has become illegible or IP has been changed during the setup and operation, and urgently needs to enter in the Web interface device?

Method 1: For information on connecting

To find out the IP of your router, you need to use the built-in operating system. Let's try to find out the necessary information on a computer windose 8, connected to the router. Actions in other versions of the operating system from Microsoft will be slightly different.

  1. In the lower left corner of the Desktop, right-clicking the mouse on the icon "Start" Windows logo. In the popup menu, find the line "Control Panel."
  2. Transition to the control panel in Windows 8

  3. In Control Panel, choose the unit "and the Internet", and in which we carry out the transition.
  4. The transition to the network and the intenet windose 8

  5. In the window "Network and Internet> LMC we click on the" Control Center Network and Sharing Center. "
  6. network management center in windose 8

  7. On the resulting tab we need the column "Change adapter settings".
  8. Change adapter settings in windose 8

  9. Further clicking RMB on the current network connection icon in the popup context menu we click LMB on the column "Status."
  10. Transition to the state in connection windose 8

  11. On the Connections tab, click on the icon state "information." We almost got to the information of interest to us.
  12. For information about connecting to windose 8

  13. So, here they are, all the needed data. The line "Default Gateway" seeing IP-address of the router that is connected to our PC or laptop. Ready!

Address of the router in windose 8

Method 2: Command String

An alternative method of using windose command line. In this case, should not have any difficulties even for a novice user. As an example, take a PC with Windows 8.

  1. Right-click mouse button "Start" from the context menu select the item "Command Prompt (Admin)."
  2. The transition to the command line in Vindovs 8

  3. In the command prompt, type: ipconfig and click on ENTER.
  4. Log in to network configuration in windows 8

  5. In the "Main Gateway" row we see the IP address of the router. The task has been successfully solved.

Main Connection Gateway in Winds 8

Summarize. Find out the IP address of the router is not at all difficult, using the built-in capabilities of Windows operating system. Therefore, if necessary, you can easily get accurate information about your router.

See also: Reset TP-LINK Routher Settings

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