Scribals sound on windows 10


Scribals Sound in Windows 10

Many users involve their computers running "dozens" as a multimedia center. Some of them face an unpleasant feature - a reproducible sound scrolls, creaks and in general very poor quality. Let's find out how to cope with this problem.

Eliminate the wishes of sound in Windows 10

The problem appears for several reasons, the most common of them:
  • problems with sound hardware drivers;
  • The system has a software audio filter;
  • incorrect operating system parameters;
  • Physical problems with devices.

The removal method depends on the source of the problem.

Method 1: Disconnecting additional effects

The most frequent program reason for the described problem is the activity of "enhanced" sound. Therefore, to solve it, these effects are required to disable.

  1. Open the Sound Device Manager - the easiest way to do this is the "Run" window. Press the Win + R key combination, then enter the MMSYS.CPL code in the field and click OK.
  2. Open Sound to eliminate hoarse sound on windows 10

  3. Click the "Playback" tab and carefully examine the list of audio order devices. Make sure that the master device is selected by default, such as built-in speakers, connected columns or headphones. If it is not so, double click on the left mouse button at the desired position.
  4. Select the main device to eliminate hoarse sound on Windows 10

  5. Next, select the selected component and use the "Properties" button.
  6. Properties of the main device to eliminate hoarse sound on Windows 10

  7. Open the "Improvements" tab and check the option "Disable all sound effects" options.

    Disable audio effects to eliminate hoarse sound on Windows 10

    Press "Apply" and "OK" buttons, after which you close the tool and restart the computer.

  8. Check if the sound returned to the norm after your manipulations - if the source was additional effects, the output should work without third-party noise.

Method 2: Changing the output format

Often, the cause of the problem is the unsuitable audio output parameters, namely the bit and frequency.

  1. Repeat steps 1-2 of the previous method and open the "Advanced" tab.
  2. Open Advanced Sound options to eliminate hoarse sounds on Windows 10

  3. In the default format menu, select a combination "16 bits, 44100 Hz (CD" "- this option provides compatibility with all modern audio cards - and apply changes.
  4. Set the default format to eliminate hoarse sound on Windows 10

    Installation of a compatible format should help troubleshoot.

Method 3: Turning off the monopoly mode

Modern audiocards can operate in monopoly mode when they intercepts all sounds without exception. This mode can affect sound removal.

  1. Repeat step 1 of the method 2.
  2. Find on the Monopoly Mode block tab and remove the marks from all options inside it.
  3. Disable monopolization mode to eliminate hoarse sound on Windows 10

  4. Apply the changes and check the performance - if the problem was monopolized, it should be eliminated.

Method 4: Reinstall sound card drivers

The source of the problem can be directly directly drivers - for example, due to damage to files or incorrect installation. Try reinstalling the service software for a sound-ceiling device by one of the following methods below.

Sound card checking for troubleshooting sound on Windows 10

Read more:

How to find out which sound card is installed on the computer

Example installation of drivers for sound card

Method 5: Hardware Check

It is also possible that the reason for the appearance of wheezing and creaking is a hardware fault of the audio order device. Check includes the following steps:
  1. The first should check the external equipment: speakers, speakers, audio sound audio system. Disconnect all the devices from the computer and check them on a deliberately working machine - if the problem is reproduced, the problem is exactly in external components.
  2. Next, you should check the sound card and the quality of its contact with the motherboard. It is important to make sure that the card is tightly fixed in the appropriate connectivity, not the backtitis, and the contacts are clean and without corrosion. Also, it will be useful to check the equipment on another, fully a good machine. In the event of problems with the sound card, the most appropriate solution will be replaced, since the repair of samples for the mass market is nonrenized.
  3. A rare, but unpleasant source of problem occurrence - tip from other equipment, in particular analog radio receivers or TV signal or sources of the magnetic field. Try to remove such components if possible.


We looked at the reasons why the sound in Windows 10 may drag and creak. Finally, we note that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the source of the problem is either in the wrong settings or faulty external equipment.

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