Audiodg.exe Surgious processor


Audiodg.exe Surgious processor

Sometimes the Audiodg.exe process that constantly works in the background creates an increased load on the computer resources. Many users do not know how to do in such a situation, because in our today's leadership we will try to help them.

Methods of correction of failures with audiodg.exe

Before starting actions, it is worth dealing with what we encountered. The audiodg.exe process refers to the system, and is an OS interaction tool and the sound effects pre-installed in the driver. Problems in its work are rare, but, one way or another, are associated with software malfunctions.

These actions help in most cases, but occasionally solve the problem with their help does not work. In this case, read further.

Method 2: Turning off the microphone

A rather rare cause of unusual behavior audiodg.exe may be an active microphone or conflict between several recording devices if there are more than one. The problem of this kind says the ineffectiveness of the procedure described in the method 1. The only solution to such a problem will turn off microphones.

  1. Go to the Sound Management Tool by performing the steps described in the steps 1-2 of the previous method, and open the Record tab. Highlight the first from the displayed devices and click on it by PCM, then select "Disable".
  2. Turning off the microphone to solve the problem with Audiodg

  3. Repeat the procedure for other microphones, if any, then restart the computer.
  4. Check how Audiodg.exe behaves - the load on the processor should fall. In the future, problem devices can be enabled back if necessary.


    Read more: Turning on the microphone on a computer with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

The inconvenience and disadvantages of this method are obvious, but there is no alternative.


Summing up, we note that audiodg.exe is extremely rarely becoming a victim of viral infection.

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