Rambler Mail: Major Causes and Decision


Rambler Mail does not work

Rambler Mail - Let not the most famous but quite reliable postal service. Many users prefer to have a mailbox here. But sometimes, trying to open your mail once again, they may face some problems.

Mail Rambler does not open: problems and their solution

Fortunately, unresolved problems practically does not exist. In this case, there are several main reasons.

Cause 1: Incorrectly entered login or password

This is one of the most common reasons that interferes with the user to enter the mailbox.

Solutions here are several:

  1. You need to check whether Capslock is not included. In this case, we simply turn off the key and re-enter the data.
  2. Keep Kapslock in Rambler

  3. Included Russian layout. Data entry is possible only on Latin. We switch the layout with the combination of the "Ctrl + Shift" keys (or "Alt + Shift") and try to enter the login and password again.
  4. incorrect data entry Rambler

  5. If the above methods did not help, try to restore the password. For this:
  • In the login window, find the link "Forgot your password?" And click on her.
  • Rambler's password recovery

  • In a new window, enter your email address, enter a captcha (text from the picture) and click "Next".
  • Check mail when recovering password Rambler

  • We specify the phone number (1), which was specified when registering and click "Get Code" (2).
  • A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number by SMS. We enter it into the field that appears.
  • Code to change password Rambler

  • It remains only to come up with a new password (3), confirm it with repeated input (4) and click "Save" (5).
  • Creating a new password Rambler

Cause 2: Browser Problems

The mail service from Rambler is very picky to the web browser used to visit it. So, it may not be launched if an irrelevant or outdated version is used to access the Internet if compatibility mode and / or in the case of "overload" of the program accumulated cache and cookies. Let's go in order.

Notification Rambler Mail that the browser is outdated

Installing updates

Actually, not only the browser must be updated in a timely manner, but also any program used on the computer, as well as the operating system itself. This is the main guarantor of stable, uninterrupted, and simply quickly work the entire software and components of the OS. About how to install updates for most popular web browsers, we have previously written. Just click on the link below, find your program there and read the detailed instructions in order to update it.

Google Chrome browser update

Read more: How to update the web browser

By installing an update for a browser, try to visit the Rambler Mail site, the problem with its work should be eliminated. If this does not happen, go to the next steps.

Cleaning cookies and cache

Cookies (Cookies) - the file to which the web browser saves the information received from the servers and user information. The latter include logins and passwords, specified settings, statistics, etc. When visiting a particular web resource, the browser sends this data to him, which allows you to identify the user, and at the same time speed up the download process. Despite the importance and favor of cookies, sometimes this file is a burden, due to which certain sites refuse to work. Among those and picky Rambler, so this file must be deleted to ensure it.

Removal Cook in Mozilla Firefox

Read more: Cleaning cookies in popular web browsers

After reading the article on the link above and executing the action described in its last part, go to the Rambler Mail site. If it still does not work, additionally it will be necessary to clean the cache, what we will tell about.

Note: Cookies are stored only one session, that is, before closing the browser, so you can simply restart the program to quickly delete this file.

Cache - temporary files that first simplify and even speed up Internet surfing, but then, with an increase in their volume, on the contrary, can slow down the work of the web browser, additionally having a high load on the hard disk and the system as a whole. These data, as well as the Cookies mentioned above, you need to delete from time to time. About how to do this, you can find out in the relevant article on our website.

Clearing cache files in Opera browser

Read more: Cleaning cache in popular web browsers

As in the case of the execution of each of the steps described above, after cleaning the cache, try to run the mail in the Rambler browser - the service must work. If this time this does not happen, go further.

Disable compatibility mode

Compatibility mode is a fairly useful opportunity in many, but not in all cases. So, if in a web browser, which is used to visit the site Rambler mail, it is activated, then the postal service can be launched. Sometimes a corresponding notification appears on the page describing the problem and offering its solution, but it does not always happen.

To independently disable compatibility mode, follow the steps below. In our example, Google Chrome is used, but the proposed instruction is applicable to a completely any web browser.

  1. On the desktop, locate the web browser label (you will need to close the program), click on it with the right mouse button (PCM) and select "Properties".
  2. Open the Google Chrome browser properties through the context menu

  3. In the window that opens, go to the Compatibility tab and remove the box in front of the "Run program in compatibility mode" item.
  4. Turning off the compatibility mode for Google Chrome browser

  5. Next, press the "Apply" and "OK" button below to close the properties window.
  6. Close Google Chrome browser properties window

    Disconnecting the compatibility mode, run the browser and go to the Rambler mail site. If the service has earned - excellent, but if not, you will have to resort to more decisive actions.

Cause 3: Safety Certificate Problems

In this case, you need to make sure that the time set on the PC clock is correct. For this:

  1. In the taskbar we are looking for a clock.
  2. Checking time

  3. Open any search system (for example Google ), Write there, for example, "Time in Kazan" and we carry out the result with PC clock.
  4. Checking time through Google

  5. In case of inconsistencies, press the clock and select "Setting the date and time".
  6. Setting the time and date of Windows 10

  7. In the settings window that opens, we are looking for the item "Change the Date and Time" and click "Change".
  8. Windows 10 change change settings

  9. In the pop-up window, set up the right time and click "Change".

Setting the Windows 10 time

It does not prevent and update the operating system to the latest version. How to do it, described in detail here:


How to update windows 10

How to upgrade windows 8

Cause 4: Mailbox Lock

If you do not use Rambler e-mail for a long time, it can be blocked first to accept letters, and then to send them. In this case, you need to unlock the account. This is done as follows:

Note: The actions described below must be performed from the computer.

Lock Removal Page with Mail Rambler

  1. Go to the above link to a special web service page. Enter the login and password from your account, and then click the "Login" button.
  2. Removing the blocking from the account Rambler Mail

  3. On the next page in the corresponding fields, re-enter the login and password from your email, after which you check the "Unlock" item.
  4. Click the Login button for authorization in the Rambler email service.

If the problems in the work of Rambler mail were observed due to its blocking due to a long "idle time", the execution of the above-described manipulations will help to eliminate them.

Reason 5: Deleting mailbox

When removing the Rambler account called "Unified Profile", the box is deleted in the mail service. Together with e-mail, all its contents in the form of incoming and outgoing letters are erased. To understand with those who removed the account - the user himself or ill-wishers - it does not make sense, since after performing this procedure it is more impossible to restore neither the box on the rampller nor the data that was stored in it. The only possible solution, although it can be called it with a large stretch, - creating a new Rambler account.

Registration of a new e-mailbox on Rambler Post

Read more: Email registration on Rambler

Cause 6: Temporary service failure

Unfortunately, recently the most common cause of problems with the work of the Rambler mail is the temporary failure. At the same time, unfortunately users, service representatives are almost never reported, as they do not report to eliminate problems. Attempts to appeal to technical support Rambler are useless - the answer comes after a few days, and even much later. The letter itself simply states the situation: "Yes, the failure was, everyone eliminated."

An error occurred in the service Rambler Mail

And yet, despite the reluctance of service representatives, comment on his work in real time, we will leave a reference to the feedback form. On this page you can ask your question, including all kinds of errors, temporary failures, their causes and deadlines.

Feedback form on service Rambler Post

Mail Rambler Technical Support page

To learn about whether there are problems with mail Rambler only with you or other users, you can also on specialized web resources. Such services track the work of sites and custom activity on them, displaying the time of failures, "drops", falling attendance. One of these monitoring tools is DOWNETECTOR, the reference to which is presented below. Go through it, find the Rambler there and check its performance on schedule.

Home Online Services Downdetector

Go to the online service downtector


As you can see, the reasons why Rambler Mail does not work, there is quite a lot. Some of them can be easily eliminated, to solve others will have to try a little and attach certain efforts, but there are also such problems with which the user is simply not able to cope on their own. We hope this exhaustive material was useful for you and helped to restore the performance of the postal service.

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