How to convert M4B to mp3


How to convert M4B to mp3

The M4B extension files are a unique format created specifically for storing audiobooks opened on Apple devices. Next, we will consider the M4B transformation methods in a more popular MP3 format.

Conversion M4B in mp3

Audio files with the expansion of M4B have a lot in common with the M4A format as part of the compression method and listening means. The main difference of such files is to support bookmarks that allow you to switch between several chapters listening to audio books.

Method 1: Free M4A to MP3 Converter

This software was considered in one of the methods of material on the conversion of M4A format to MP3. In the case of M4B, the software can also be used, but in addition to the standard conversion process, the end result can be divided into several separate files.

Go to the official website of the program

  1. Run the program and on the top panel, click the Add Files button.
  2. Transition to adding a file in M4A to MP3 Converter

  3. Through the Opening window, find and select the desired audio book with the M4B extension.
  4. Select M4B on PC via M4A to MP3 Converter

  5. If there are multiple bookmarks in the book, you will be selected:
    • YES - split the source file to several MP3s on the chapters;
    • NO - Convert audio recording to a single MP3.

    Ability to split a file in M4A to MP3 Converter

    After that, in the "Source Files" list, one or more records will appear.

  6. Successfully added file in M4A to MP3 Converter

  7. Regardless of your choice, in the "Output Catalog" block, install the appropriate directory to save the result.
  8. Setting up the output directory in M4A to MP3 Converter

  9. Change the value in the "MP3 output" list and click the Installation button.

    Selection of output format in M4A to MP3 Converter

    On the "MP3" tab, place the appropriate parameters and apply them using the "OK" button.

  10. Setting up the output format in M4A to MP3 Converter

  11. Use the Convert button on the top panel with tools.

    Start Converting File in M4A to MP3 Converter

    Wait for the end of the conversion process.

  12. File conversion process in M4A to MP3 Converter

  13. In the "Result" window, click the Open Directory button.

    Successfully converted file in M4A to MP3 Converter

    Based on the M4B audiobook separation method you choose, the file may be one or more. Each MP3 can be reproduced using a suitable media player.

  14. Successfully created files via M4A to MP3 Converter

As you can see, use the main features of this program quite easily. At the same time, if necessary, you can also resort to additional functions by downloading and installing the appropriate software.

The main advantage of the program is a fairly high transformation rate, while the high sound quality is saved and most of the source information about the file.

Read also: Opening Files in M4B format


Both programs from this article allow you to transform M4B format to MP3, depending on your result requirements and with minimal quality loss. In case of issues on the described process, contact us in the comments.

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