How to remove a virtual disk in windows 10


How to remove a virtual disk in windows 10

Each user can create a virtual drive if desired. But what if he is no longer needed? It is about how to correctly remove such a drive in Windows 10, we will also tell me further.

Virtual Disc Uninstall Methods

Total is worth highlighting two ways that will allow you to correctly delete the drive. You need to choose that one that matches the preliminary process of creating a virtual hard disk. In practice, everything looks so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

Method 1: "Disk Management"

This method will be suitable for you if the virtual drive was created exactly through the specified tool.

Remember that before performing the actions described below, you should copy all the necessary information from a remote disc, since after final uninstalling you cannot restore it.

In order to remove the disk, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the "Start" button with the right mouse button (PCM), then select Count Disk Management from the context menu.
  2. Running disk management via Start button in Windows 10

  3. In the window that appears, you must find a desired virtual disk. Please note that it is necessary to do this at the bottom, and not in the top list. After you have found a drive, press the name of the PCM (the desired area is listed on the screenshot below) and in the context menu, click on the "Disconnect the Virtual Hard Drive" line.
  4. The process of disconnecting a virtual hard disk in Windows 10

  5. After that, a small window will appear. It will feature the path to the disk file. Remember this path, since in the future it will be needed. It is better not to edit it. Just press the "OK" button.
  6. Confirmation of the disconnection of a virtual hard disk in Windows 10

  7. You will see that from the list of media the hard disk disappeared. It remains only to delete the file on which all the information from it is stored. To do this, go to the folder, the path to which I remembered earlier. The desired file is extension "VHD". Find it and remove it in any convenient way (via the "DEL" or context menu).
  8. Deleting a virtual hard disk file in Windows 10

  9. At the end, you can clear the "basket" to make place on the main disk.

This method is complete.

Method 2: "Command Line"

If you have created a virtual drive through the "command line", then you should use the method described below. The following operations must be performed:

  1. Open the Windows Search window. To do this, it is enough to activate the string on the taskbar or press the button with the image of the magnifying glass. Then enter the CMD command in the search field. The query result will appear on the screen. Click on its name with the right mouse button, then select the "Startup on behalf of the administrator" from the context menu.
  2. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

  3. If you have activated "accounting of accounts", then a request will be prompted to start the command handler. Click the Yes button.
  4. Request for launching command handler in Windows 10

  5. Now enter the "Subst" query on the command prompt, and then press "ENTER". This will display a list of all previously created virtual hard drives, and also shows the path to them.
  6. Execution of the Subst command at the Windows 10 command prompt

  7. Remember the letter that the desired drive is indicated. In the screenshot above such letters are "X" and "V". To remove a disc, enter the following command and click "Enter":

    subst x: / d

    Instead of the letter "X", put the one that the desired virtual drive is indicated. As a result, you will not see any additional windows with progress on the screen. Everything will be done instantly. To check, you can again enter the "subst" command and make sure that the disk retired from the list.

  8. Deleting a virtual hard disk via the command line in Windows 10

  9. After that, the "command line" window can be closed, since the removal process is completed.

By resorting to one of the methods described above, you will be able to remove a virtual hard disk without much effort. Remember that these actions do not allow you to remove the physical sections of the hard drive. To do this, it is better to take advantage of other ways we told earlier in a separate lesson.

Read more: Ways to remove hard disk partitions

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