Download drivers for ASUS N53S


Download drivers for ASUS N53S

For the normal functioning of any laptop, its holder will need to install software so that the components work correctly in the bundle with the operating system. There are several search, download and driver installation methods. In this article, we will consider suitable options for ASUS N53S laptop. Let's get on their disaster.

Download drivers for ASUS N53S

The algorithm of actions for each method is different, so it is worth carefully reading each of them to choose the most good and after that follow these instructions. We will consider in detail all possible options.

Method 1: ASUS official resource

Each large company engaged in the production of computers or laptops, there is an official page on the Internet, where they not only lay out product information, but also help users in solving their problems. The support page also contains all the necessary files. There you need to search for drivers, this is done like this:

Go to the official support of ASUS support

  1. Go to the ASUS Support Web Resource.
  2. Move the pointer to the "Service" pop-up menu and select the "Support" section.
  3. In the tab that appears, find the search bar and enter the device used in it.
  4. Go to "Drivers and Utilities".
  5. On this site, the OS is not determined independently, so in the pop-up menu you will need to select the Windows version installed on your device.
  6. Next, the list with all the available drivers will open and you will only have to download them in turn by clicking on the "Download" button.
  7. Download drivers for ASUS N53S

To start installation, simply open the downloaded installer, and wait for the end of the automatic process.

Method 2: Utility from ASUS

ASUS has its own utility, the main purpose of which is to search and install updates for the device. It is possible to use it as a software update software. You will only need to follow the following instructions:

Go to the official support of ASUS support

  1. Go to the official ASUS support resource.
  2. In the "Service" menu, open "Support".
  3. Next, enter the device used in the search string.
  4. A page of managing the device where you need to go to "Drivers and Utilities".
  5. Specify the operating system.
  6. In the list, locate the ASUS Live Update Utility utility and click on the "Download" button.
  7. Download utilities for ASUS N53S

  8. Run the downloaded file and click on "Next" to start installation.
  9. Getting started utility for ASUS N53S

  10. Select a location where you want to save the utility and go to the next step.
  11. Place Saving Files Utilities for ASUS N53S

  12. The installation process will begin, after which, click the program and immediately click "Check Update Immediately".
  13. Start searching for updates for ASUS K53S

  14. To install the laptop files, click on the appropriate button.
  15. Installing updates for ASUS K53S

Method 3: third-party programs

Now without any problems, you can find the software on the Internet for every taste. Many developers create new programs to facilitate computer to other users. Among the list of such software there are also representatives whose functionality is focused on finding and downloading drivers. We recommend familiarizing yourself with another article on the link below to explore the list of the best programs of this kind.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

In addition, we can advise to use Driverpack Solution to search and install the appropriate software for ASUS N53S components. The algorithm of action there is quite simple, you need to perform only a few steps. Read more about this in another our material, the link to which you will find below.

Installing Drivers via DRIVERPACCOLUTION

Read more: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

Method 4: Equipment ID

Each component connected to a computer or laptop has its own identifier, thanks to which it interacts with the operating system. The built-in Windows features allow you to learn the equipment ID, and you can use this data to search and download suitable drivers. In detail with this process, we invite you to familiarize yourself in another article.

Read more: Search for hardware drivers

Method 5: Built-in Windows

As you know, there is a task manager in WINTOV. Its functionality includes not only the monitoring of the connected devices, switching on and off them. It allows you to produce various steps with drivers. For example, you are available to update them via the Internet or specify the relevant files. This process is simply simply, you only need to follow the instructions that are shown in the article below.

Device Manager in Windows 7

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

Above, we got acquainted with five different options for searching and downloading software for a laptop ASUS model N53S. As you can see, all of them are very easy, do not occupy a lot of time, and the instructions given will be understood even in an inexperienced user.

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