Why does not work playing market on android


Why does not work playing market on android

Play Market is one of the key links of the operating system from Google, since it is thanks to him that users find and install new games and applications, and then update them. In some cases, this important component of the OS ceases to work normally, refusing to perform its basic function - download and / or updating applications. On how to eliminate this kind of problem, we will tell us in our current article.

Why is Google Play Market

Almost any application store malfunction is most often accompanied by the window with the notification in which the error number is specified. The problem is that this code designation does not speak at once anything ordinary user. And yet, it is not worth upset - the decision, or rather, its different options have been found for a long time.

Articles on the elimination of errors in Play Market on the site Lumpics.ru

In a special section of our site, you can find detailed guidelines for the elimination of most license system (with code designation) Play Markets. Follow the link below and find a material on specifically for your problem there. If there are no errors with which you encountered (for example, it has another number or does not give out itself), read the ways from this article. Most of them we will refer to the already available instructions.

Read more: Elimination of errors in the work of the Play Market

Preparatory measures

No matter what a serious problem in the operation of the android system or its individual components, sometimes it is possible to solve it by a banal reboot of the device. Perhaps that or another Play Market error is only a temporary, single failure, and to restore its functioning you just need to restart the system. Do this, and then try to use the store again and install or update the software with which the error has previously occurred.

Android reboot

Read more: How to restart the device on Android

If the restart does not help, it is possible that the market does not work on another banal reason, such as the absence or poor quality of the Internet. Check whether data transfer or Wi-Fi is enabled on your device, as well as how stably communicates with the World Wide Web. If you need and, if there is such an opportunity, connect to another access point (for wireless networks) or find the zone with a more stable cellular coating.

Check Internet connection on smartphone with Android

Read more:

Checking the quality and speed of the Internet connection

Turning on Mobile Internet 3G / 4G

How to improve the quality and speed of the Internet

The last thing is to do before proceeding directly to troubleshoot the problems in the store, it is to check the date and time on the device. If at least one of these parameters will be installed incorrectly, the operating system, with a large probability, will not be able to contact Google servers.

  1. Open the "Settings" of your mobile device and find the "Date and Time" sections in the list. On the latest versions of Android, this item is hidden in the "System" section.
  2. Date and time section in device settings on Android

  3. Go to it and make sure that the date and time are determined automatically and accurately correspond to reality. If necessary, translate the switches opposite the corresponding items to the active position, as well as be sure to make sure that your time zone is specified below.
  4. Check the date and time parameters on the smartphone with Android

  5. Restart the device, and then try using the Play Market.
  6. Running Play Market on Smartphone with Android

    If the basic recommendations described above did not help eliminate the existing problem, proceed to alternately perform the actions proposed on the text.

Note: After completing each individual step from the following methods, we recommend first to reboot your smartphone or tablet, and only then use the playmark, checking whether the problems in its work disappeared.

Method 1: Cleaning Data and Work With Play Market Updates

Checking and configuring obvious trivia correctly, you can safely move directly to the playing market, in which problems are observed. Despite the fact that it is an integral part of the operating system, in its essence it is the same application as the rest. During the long-term work, the store is overgrown with file trash, unnecessary data and cache that should be deleted. Such a simple action is one of the necessary (and often only) steps to troubleshoot number errors.

Erase the data in Play Market on Android

Read more: Cleaning data and cache in Play Market

Restart the device, and then try to use the app store. If, after deleting data and cache, the performance is not restored, you should make sure that it is updated to the last relevant version. In most cases, updates come and are installed automatically, but sometimes they can be disabled.

Check availability Play Play Market on Android

Read more:

Application update on android

How to update Google Play Market

Solving application update problems

Oddly enough, but the cause of the inoperability of the playing market may be the opposite, that is, its update. In rare cases, updates are installed incorrectly or simply contain errors and bugs. And if the problems in the Google application store are caused by the latest update, it needs to roll back. About how to do this, we have previously written.

Delete updates to Play Market on Android

Read more: Deleting Play Market updates

Method 2: Clearing Data and Reset Google Play Services

Google Play services - another important component of Android OS. It provides the correct work of Google's branded applications, including a long-suffering playing market. Like the latter, the services are also "clogged" over time, in favor of unnecessary data and cache, which prevents their work. All this is required to erase in the same way as in the case of the application store, and then restart the smartphone or tablet. The algorithm for performing this simple procedure, we have already been considered.

Transition to Google Play service on Android

Read more: Delete data and Google Play Services Cache

Similarly, playing marquet and all other applications, google services are also updated regularly. The problem under consideration under this article could cause as an incorrectly installed update and its absence in the operating system. Delete service updates, restart the device, and then wait until the application is updated automatically or do it manually. Our articles will help you execute this procedure.

Deleting Google Play Services on Android

Read more:

Rollback of Google Play service updates

Upgrading Google Services

Method 3: Cleaning and reset Google Services Framework

The Google service framework is another proprietary application that, as well as the system component mentioned above, can influence Play Market. It is necessary to do it in the same way - first to erase the data and cache, and then roll back to updates, reboot and wait for their automatic installation. It is done in the same way as with all the others, including the applications discussed above. The only difference is that in the list of installed you need to choose Google Services Framework.

Clearing Cache and Google Services Framework Application

Method 4: Google Account Activation

The Google account on the Android smartphone provides access to all company applications and services, and also makes it possible to synchronize and preserve important information in the cloud. For these purposes, a separate application includes an operating system - Google accounts. By virtue of certain, often non-user causes, this important component of the OS can be disconnected. In order to restore the operation of the playing market, it will be required to re-activate.

  1. Open the "Settings" of your mobile device and go to the "Applications" section.
  2. Displaying all applications on Android

  3. In it, open a list of all applications or separately system (if such an item is provided) and find "Google Accounts" there. Tap for this name to go to the general information page.
  4. Google accounts in the list of applications on a smartphone with Android

  5. If the application is disabled, click on the "Enable" button. Additionally, it is necessary to clean the cache, for which a separate button is provided.

    Enabling Google Accounts on Anroid

    Note: On devices with relatively fresh, including the latest version of Android, to clean the cache you must first go to the section "Storage" or "Memory".

  6. As in all previous ways, reboot your smartphone or tablet after performing the manipulations offered by us.
  7. After starting the operating system, try using the Play Market.

Method 5: Setting "Download Manager"

Upload Manager, integrated into the operating system, similar to the Google accounts, may be one of the reasons that the application store refuses to work. As in the previous method, it is necessary to check whether this component of the OS is included and simply cleaned its cache. This is done as described in the previous method, the difference is only in the name of the desired application.

Enabling the Download Manager and Cleaning Android Cache

Method 6: Working with Google Account

In the method of 4, we have already written about the importance of the Google account in the operating system, and it is not surprising that this is a link, more precisely, problems with it can negatively affect the operation of other components. If none of the solutions proposed by us have not helped restore the performance of Play Market, you need to remove the main Google account from the mobile device, and then re-tie it. About how it is done, we wrote in one of the thematic articles.

Google Account Creation Process on Android

Important: To perform these actions, it is necessary to know not only the login from the account, but also the password from it. Be careful and not mistaken when entering.

Read more: Delete and re-binding google account

Method 7: Deleting viruses and editing a HOSTS file

The options described above will be useless if the virus settled inside the operating system. Yes, Android is much less prone to infection than Windows, but sometimes it still happens. The algorithm of actions in such unpleasant situations is not much different from the fact that we are all used to doing on a computer: OS needs to be scanned with antivirus, and in case of pest detectors, not only to delete them, but also to clear the Hosts file from unnecessary entries. We have previously written about all this in our reviews and articles about Play Market.

Editing Hosts File on Android Device

Read more:

Antiviruses for android

Editing Hosts File on Android

Method 8: Reset to factory settings

It is extremely rare, but still it happens that none of the methods voiced in the framework of this article allows to eliminate the problems in the work of the playing market. With such an unpleasant position, it will be impossible to update applications and games, nor download new, that is, the mobile device will lose most of its functionality.

Reset Android to factory settings

If other problems are observed in the Android work, we recommend that you reset it. True, it is worth understanding that this procedure implies a complete deletion of user data and files installed applications and all that was originally absent on the device. Before it is fully recommended to create a backup.

TWRP Backup Progress

Read more:

Reset Android Device Settings

Reset to the factory settings of SAMSUNG smartphones

Creating a backup of data on android

Alternative: Installing a third-party store

We offer methods allow to eliminate any problems in the operation of the Play Market. The actions described above is recommended for use only when other problems, errors and / or failures are observed in the Android mobile device. If you do not want to search for the roost cause, why Play Market does not work and eliminate it, you can simply install one of the alternative apps and use it.

Alternatives Google Play on Android

More details: Google Play Analogs


As you can see, the reasons for which the playing market may not work on android, there is quite a lot. Fortunately, each of them provides its own version of the elimination, even more step in the fight against the problem. The methods proposed under this material should be carried out in order, since the first half of them is the most frequent and simple, second - private cases and one-time failures, to face which it is extremely rare. We hope this article helped you restore the performance of the mobile application store.

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