Download drivers for HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One


Download drivers for HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One

Sometimes users may encounter incorrect work of the MFP, the reason for which in most cases is the lack of suitable drivers. This statement is fair and for the device Deskjet 1513 All-in-One from Hewlett-Packard. However, find the need for this device is not difficult.

Install Drivers for HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One

Note that the main methods of installing software for the device under consideration there are four. Each of them has its own specificity, because we recommend first to get acquainted with everyone, and only then choose the most suitable for your case.

Method 1: manufacturer site

The easiest option is to download drivers from the device web page on the manufacturer's website.

Go to Hewlett-Packard website

  1. After downloading the main page of the resource, find the "Support" item in the header and click on it.
  2. Open support on the official website for downloading drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  3. Next click on the link "Programs and Drivers".
  4. Select programs and drivers on the official website for downloading drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  5. Click "Printers" on the next page.
  6. Open printer support on the official website for downloading drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  7. Enter the name of the HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One in search string, then use the Add button.
  8. Find the device page on the official website for downloading drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE 2

  9. The support page of the selected device will be downloaded. The system automatically determines the version and the battery of Windows, however, you can also install the other - for this click to "Change" to the area marked in the screenshot.
  10. Change OS on the device page on the official website for downloading drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  11. In the list of available software, select the desired driver option, read its description and use the "Download" button to start downloading the package.
  12. Download drivers on the device page on the official website of HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  13. At the end of the download, make sure that the device is correctly connected to the computer and start the driver installer. Click "Continue" in the welcome window.
  14. Start installing drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  15. The installation package also presents additional software from HP, which is installed by default along with the drivers. You can disable it by clicking on the "Configure Software Selection" button.

    Select additional software during the installation of drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

    Remove the checkboxes from the items that do not want to install, then press "Next" to continue work.

  16. Continue installing drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  17. Now you need to read and accept the license agreement. Mark the option "I looked (a) and accept the agreement and installation parameters" and press the "Next" again.
  18. Adopt Agreement for installing drivers to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

  19. The installation process of the selected software begins.

    Driver installation process to HP PSC 1513 ALL IN ONE

    Wait for his end, after which you restart the laptop or PC.

The method is simple, safe and guaranteed operational, however the HP site is often rebuilt, why the support page may be unavailable from time to time. In this case, it remains either to wait until the technical work is completed, or to use an alternative option for the search for drivers.

Method 2: Universal Search Applications

This method is to install a third-party program, the task of which is selection of suitable drivers. Such software does not depend on the manufacturing companies, and is a universal solution. We have already considered the most remarkable products of this class in a separate article available on the link below.

Read more: Select the program to update drivers

Download drivers to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One via DRIVERMAX

The Drivermax program will be a good choice, the advantages of which are a clear interface, high speed and extensive database. In addition, novice users will be very useful to build a system for restoring the system to help correct possible problems after incorrect installation of drivers. So that this does not happen, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions for working with Drivermax.

Lesson: Updating Drivers using Drivermax

Method 3: Equipment ID

This method is designed for experienced users. First of all, you need to define a unique identifier of the device - in the case of HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One, it looks like this:

USB \ Vid_03F0 & PID_C111 & MI_00

Search for drivers to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One on Equipment ID

After identifying the ID, you should visit Devid, GetDRivers or any other similar site where you need to use the received identifier to search for software. Features of the procedure you can learn from the instruction on the link below.

Read more: How to find drivers on device ID

Method 4: Windows standard tools

In some cases, you can do without visiting third-party sites and installing additional programs using Windows tools instead.

  1. Open "Start" and go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Open the control panel for installing the driver to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  3. Select "Devices and Printers" and go to it.
  4. Open devices and printers to install the driver to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  5. Click "Installing the Printer" in the menu from above.
  6. Select the installation of the printer to receive the drivers to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  7. After starting the "Wizard of Adding Printers", click "Add Local Printer".
  8. Select Add a local driver installation printer to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  9. In the next window it is not necessary to change anything, because press "Next."
  10. Continue adding a local printer to install the drivers to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  11. In the "Manufacturer" list, find and select "HP", in the "Printers" menu - the desired device, then double-click LKM.
  12. Select a printer to install the driver to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

  13. Set the printer's name, then press "Next".

    Finish adding a local printer to install the driver to HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One built-in

    Wait for the completion of the procedure.

  14. The disadvantage of this method is to install the basic version of the driver, which often does not involve many additional features of the MFP.


We reviewed all available search and installation methods for HP Deskjet 1513 All-in-One. As you can see, nothing complicated in them.

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