How to check the seller on aliexpress


How to check the seller on aliexpress

Aliexpress is a platform with a huge number of stores selling the most diverse goods. In fact, it is an online market, where, ideally, the buyer must choose the thing that interests not only on the basis of its price and characteristics, but also pushing out from the store level. This applies not so much rating as the picture as a whole. In order for the purchase process to go smoothly, and the chance to receive a poor-quality product became minimal, it is important to accommodately approach the seller's choice.

There are several criteria for assessing the quality of the store, and most of them provide Aliexpress itself, who speaks by an intermediary in conclusion of a transaction between the seller and the buyer. You can only remember all of them and be able to competently operate with the facts collected. We will tell you what methods of checking are considered reliable, and which one should be bypass.

For example, we will take random stores that are best suited to demonstrate their quality and reliability.

We want to note the following in advance. If you decide to make a purchase by an unknown seller, which as a result of checks will seem to you even more doubtful, weigh everything "for" and "against":

  • The price of the product. The thing is not so expensive and you will be ready to accept the fact that it will be not the way you expected.
  • No analogues. The store produces some kind of unique product that cannot be found even from the discovers.
  • Delivery date. Periodically, all sorts of baubles can go very slowly to the buyer or just get lost upon delivery. If their absence on the appointed period does not change your life to the worse, place an order.
  • The goods are not prohibited. Be sure to check if the purchase of some unusual product is punished for entering your country.

Summarizing the foregoing, important, expensive and urgent goods must be ordered in stores with a good reputation. Different inexpensive things from interest and at an attractive price can be bought from new, unknown stores.

Method 1: Independent store analysis

There is nothing better than an independent verification of reliability. To do this, there is a sufficient number of functions on the site, and all stores have the same pattern, respectively, something spoiling reputation cannot be hidden.

Stage 1: View shall

It is impossible to disagree that the set of buyers is enough to know that the selected store is not a one-day and has a high place in the ranking of other vendors. This will help make sure the basic information present on the page of any product will help.

Popular and proven brands are not shy to write about their advantages in banners. For example, this store selling Xiaomi technology declares that it is an official distributor, in connection with which sells a 100% original and provides 1 year warranty service.

See |

Just above you see the name of the store, the mark "Reliable brand", the number of positive feedback and subscribers. To obtain deployed information, click on the arrow located right of the name. We will tell about reliable brands just below until we dwell on the other.

Preview Total Store Reputation on

The most important information here is the opening date and the detailed rating of the seller. In general, it suffices to choose a seller with a rating from 99% and higher, in extreme case from 98%, where a hundredth share is high, for example, 98.8%. All that below, often (not always) hints at the fact that the seller has some problems and there is a significant level of complaints. Especially if he is also large: to fill the weighty percentage of negative feedback, sending a lot of goods, you can only just take the trafficking for fakes or being dishonest in another plan. That is what we will try to find out through the next step.

Ratings and store opening on |

The opening date of the store does not always play an important role. Of course, by default, more confidence in those who have been in this market for several years, but there are always exceptions. So, sellers can start trading with fakes only over time, and new stores, in attempts to earn the loyalty of the audience, on the contrary, often sell high-quality goods and provide high service: organize fast delivery, promote problems solving, help when choosing a product, and also give very good Discounts.

Stage 2: Detailed Statistics

Many people have enough previous information, but we offer not to stop at this, because they do not particularly characterize the seller and do not talk about the problems that he has (or were before).

  1. Go to the "Feedback" section, the button is located on the black menu panel. She is present from any seller as on pages with a commodity and inside the store.
  2. Page on |

  3. Here we see expanded data on how the store is evaluated by buyers. We are interested in the FEEDBACK HISTORY unit, where it is shown how many and what ratings the seller was put within 1, 3 and 6 months. The logic here is simple: it is convenient to see the number of low estimates and compare with the number of high.
  4. Design Statistics on |

  5. So, 1,018 low estimates on the background 63 477 (statistics from the example above) makes it clear that this store is good. A small percentage of bad assessments indicates that most often buyers have remained dissatisfied with the goods themselves who did not meet their expectations. Of course, among them there are those who did not receive the order or received it spoiled, but this is probably not the seller's wines, but courier services.
  6. Scroll down to see the reviews that users leave. Unlike the page with the reviews of a specific product, reviews on all products are displayed here, which in principle sells this store. Stripping from the example below, we see that buyers remain satisfied with the parcels, and estimates put very often - every few minutes. So, there are many orders.
  7. All reviews on Aliexpress

Making a conclusion on this method of checking, it is not difficult to understand that in most cases it turns out to be enough to check the seller. The considered example shows that an analyzed store can easily execute orders and not be afraid that you will fall into the paws of a fraudster.

Method 2: Competent reviews of reviews

This one would seem to be a banal council, it is impossible not to consider in more detail for one simple reason. Often, users neglect reading feedback or make it wrong. Some simply see a large number of reviews and calm down that since there are many of them, it means that the goods buy and it is exactly good. Not always everything turns out to be.

As an example, we already took another store and the same way looked in detailed statistics. Pay attention to the number of negative reviews:

We see that in 6 months the store was left 972 bad reviews with a total number of 13,300. Remember that almost as many bad estimates at the previous store, but at the same time the number praise was almost 5 times more! The difference is obvious: most likely, the buyer has something wrong with product quality or service. If you look at the line "POSITIVE FEEDBACK RATE", it can be seen that the dynamics of store approval from buyers falls.

Now we move to a page of some popular product that sells this store. We go into the section with reviews and exhibit sorting at a minimum rating in 1 point. We see 2% of bad reviews here, which seems to seem to be a small number, but on the fact of the problem outlined by these 2% of people can translate 92% of the ratings with the highest point.


Do not read only positive feedback on goods! Many such reviews have nothing to do with reality. Aliexpress "famines" by the fact that many buyers evaluate the goods without trying it without changing. The rating is made simply for the fact that the goods simply reached the fast delivery, for the lack of visible damage / marriage or in general for the fact that the seller answered in a personal message to some question. It is negative reviews that are written on the basis of the use of things. At the same time, there are always exceptions: periodically buyers complain about long delivery, in which the seller is not to blame, and the mail, but a low score from not distinguished in the situation of a person receives the sender.

In the reviews we see: a few people complain that the goods were simply sent to another country and did not succeed. The seller himself did not help in solving the problem, someone was ignored at all.

Negative feedback on the fake page on

Based on all this, sum up for yourself: is it ready to risk and go to the purchase of goods from this store, knowing that you can get into that small percentage of dissatisfied? If the goods are cheap and the problem with it will not hit your wallet - buy. But remember that almost always exactly the same product is easy to find from another seller. To do this, the service has a search by photo, if it is impossible to find a specific thing independently.

Separately, we want to mention the search for a broad store. It is best to pay attention to the description of any reviews, because often buyers tell some useful things: they attach photos in different angles, they indicate their own dimensions, as clothes behave after washing or what weather is calculated. Analyze this data to make a full description of the thing and decide whether it needs you.

View product reviewsquituage on

Method 3: Choosing a reliable brand

Really high-quality shops that can be trusted belong to the category "Best Brands". You have already seen the appropriate note when analyzing the example in the method 1. If the product of such a store drops slightly below, to the block with general information, the left will be a partition with functions and information that duplicate those indicated at the top (rating, the ability to subscribe) . In this case, the inscription "Best brands" is clickable. Click on it.

The following page describes a description that such reliable shops are according to Aliexpress. Representatives of this category will also be listed there, where each tile is a link to the store. By choosing some of the proposed, you can subscribe to it and continue to always order from there, without fear of any problems. And even if something goes wrong, the Seller will always try to resolve the conflict in a positive way: such shops are very appreciated, so they will make a maximum effort to justify this status.

Inefficient seller verification method

On the Internet there are many services and browser extensions that offer you insert a link to a product or shop to determine if you can make an order. We do not recommend using similar sites for two reasons:

  • The information they give out is freely available. This means that you can get it independently by using the method of 1 of our article. Some similar sites simply output the same information from the "Feedback" section, in the same form, only with the translated points of points. The efficiency of such checks is 0%.
  • They can recommend a website for purchase if that trades fakes. To learn that the fraudulent store will succeed only by reviews of real buyers. Sites that are talking about, just look at how long the store was created and from which frequency sends orders. At the same time, 97% of positive feedback for them is the norm, while in reality the seller trades clearly not something very good.

Here is an example in detail: we found a store selling fake RAM for a computer. This is evidenced by comprehensive reviews on the product page:

We use some of these sites that give information about the seller. We see that formally the store is good: I have long been registered, there are answers to customer questions, fast dispatch and a large number of orders. Consequently, "you can safely place an order."

Online service notifying the reliability of the Seller's reliability on

We look at another site - the picture is the same. "Buy from him, without thinking," the site assures us and assigns 100% confidence level.

We establish an extension-assistant, giving cachek when buying with Ali, and we see: "Buy boldly. Buyers are satisfied with this product. "

Browser Extension notifying the reliability of the Seller and the site on

Let's go down to just below, read the reviews and understand that it is not.

Extra scentery shopping for fakes on |

Often, stores start their trading activities, really selling high-quality goods. It helps them gain feedback, popularity and audience. But subsequently, in attempts to prove on those buyers who trusted them, they begin to send fake products, copying it very well or, on the contrary, very bad. Therefore, be sure to read the reviews not to one product of the store, but at least another 3-4, especially when you want to buy a large amount of money.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regular customers on Aliexpress will not be superfluous to join the Group on social networks on this service, or rather unfair sellers. Dial in the search field of the site "Blacklist Aliexpress" and select the community that suits you. Regularly scrolling the tape, you will begin to better recognize low-quality stores. You can also always contact the seller yourself for help by writing him a personal message. As a rule, adequate of them competently advise you and inform about the timing of ordering. And do not forget to watch the cost of goods in the basket: Fraudsters can increase it, hoping for the buyer's inattention.

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