How to make an antenna for modem


How to make an antenna for modem

Many of us have long and enjoyed such devices as modems from cellular operators, which allow you to access the World Wide Web. But unfortunately, in contrast to broadband wired Internet, such devices have several significant drawbacks. The main one is the features of the propagation of a radio signal in the surrounding space. Radio waves in 3G, 4G and LTE ranges have a bad property to reflect on obstacles, scatter and fond, the speed and quality of the Internet connection will deteriorate accordingly. What can be taken in such a situation?

We make an antenna for modem

The easiest and most cheap way to strengthen the signal coming from the base station of the provider to your modem is a homemade antenna from the subwoofers made by your own hands. Let's consider together the most simplest and most popular options for making structures that enhance the radio signal entering the MODEM with BS.

Wire antenna

The simplest version of the self-made antenna is the use of a piece of copper wire of a small cross section, which you need to wind into several turns around the top of the modem. The remaining end of the wire 20-30 centimeters long extend vertically. This primitive method under certain conditions may noticeably increase the stability of the received radio signal.

Wire antenna for modem


Probably, in any house, if you wish to find an empty used tin can from soft drinks or coffee. This simple item can be the basis of another self-made antenna. We remove the capacitance cover, we make a hole in the side wall, we insert the modem to the modem to half the housing, you connect to a computer or laptop using a USB extension. Next remains to find the best location of the design in space. The gain effect in this case can be very good.

Motor antenna for modem

Colander 4g.

Most people have an ordinary aluminum colander. And this item utensils can be used to create another simple antenna for a modem. You only need to fix the "whistle" in the bowl of dishes, for example, using adhesive tape. As they say, everything is ingenious simply.

Alental colander for modem

Antenna Kharchenko

Frame zigzago-shaped antenna of the famous Soviet radio amateur Kharchenko. For the manufacture of such an amplifier, a copper wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm is needed. Bend it in the form of two combined squares, to the connection point by placing the modem connected via the USB cable to the computer. From the back of the antenna, thin metal sheet as a reflector. Make such a device can be pretty quickly, and the gain coefficient under certain conditions can be very pleased.

Antenna Kharchenko

Converted satellite antenna

Many of us use satellite television services. And if there is an old satellite plate at your disposal, it is quite possible to redo the antenna for the 4G modem. Make it very simple. Remove the converter from the bar and in its place is secure modem. We guide the construction towards the base station of the provider, slowly rotate it until the best result is achieved.

Satellite plate

So, we reviewed several options for the manufacture of antenna for a 4G modem with their own hands from affordable programs. You can try to make yourself any of the proposed models and noticeably enhance the signal received from the base station of the provider. Good luck!

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