How do you know the name of the computer on the network


How do you know the name of the computer on the network

In the same local network can be connected to a fairly large number of computers, each of which has its own unique name. In this article, we will talk about how to determine the name.

We know the name of the PC on the network

We look at how the system tools that are available by default in every version of Windows, and a special program.

Method 1: Special Soft

There are many programs to find out the name and other information about computers connected to the same local network. We consider MyLanViewer - software that allows you to scan your network connections.

MyLanViewer download from the official site

  1. Download, install and run the program. It can be used free of charge only for 15 days.
  2. Free use of MyLanViewer

  3. Click on the tab «Scanning» on the top bar, click on the button «Start Fast Scanning».
  4. Start network scan program MyLanViewer

  5. It will be presented a list of addresses. The «Your Computer» row click on the icon with the plus sign.
  6. Successful search computer program MyLanViewer

  7. Your desired name is in the «Host Name» block.
  8. View detailed information in the program MyLanViewer

Optionally, you can independently explore the other features of the program.

Method 2: "Command Line"

Learn the name of the computer on the network can use the "Command Prompt". This method will allow you to calculate not only the name of the PC, but also other information such as an identifier or IP-address.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact us in the comments.

See also: How to find out ID for the PC

Method 3: Change your name

The simplest method of calculating the name is to look at the computer properties. To do this, right-click on the "Start" button in the list, select "System".

Transition to the System section, from the Start menu

After opening the window "System" information you need will be provided in the line "Full name".

View the full computer name in the properties

You can also find other information about the computer and edit them as necessary.

Ability to change the computer name in the properties

Read more: How to change the name of the PC


Discussed in the article methods you will know the name of any computer on the local network. The most convenient is the second method, as it allows to calculate the additional information without having to install third-party software.

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