How to remove and paste a key with a laptop keyboard


How to remove and paste a key with a laptop keyboard

In case of problems with the keys on the keyboard of the laptop or during its cleaning, it may be necessary to extract them with the subsequent return of them in place. In the course of the article, we will tell about the mounts on the keyboard and properly extract the keys.

Changing keys on keyboard

The keyboard on the laptop can be very different depending on the model and manufacturer of the device. We will consider the replacement process on the example of one laptop, focusing on the main nuances.


This section includes SHIFT and all keys having a larger size. Exception is only a "space". The main difference of wide keys is the presence of a single fastening, but at once two, the location of which can vary depending on the form.

Note: Sometimes one large retainer can be used.

  1. As in the case of the usual keys, the bottom touch of the key with a screwdriver and disconnect the first mount gently.
  2. Start extracting a wide key on a laptop

  3. Do the same actions with the second retainer.
  4. Removing a wide key on a laptop

  5. Now release the key from the remaining mounts and pulling up, pull it out. Be careful with a metal stabilizer.
  6. Successful removal of a wide key on a laptop

  7. The process of extraction of plastic locks We described earlier.
  8. Removing the mounting keys on a laptop

  9. On the keyboard "ENTER" is notable for what can be very different in shape. However, in most cases, this does not affect its attachments, which completely repeat the design of the "shift" with one stabilizer.
  10. Extraction process Enter key on laptop


The Space key on the laptop keyboard in its design has a minimum of differences from an analog on a full-fledged computer peripheral device. It, like "SHIFT", is constrained at once two mounts placed on both sides.

  1. In the field of the left or right edge, hook a "mustache" with a sharp end of a screwdriver and disconnect them from fastening. Plastic latches in this case have large sizes and therefore removing the key is greatly simplified.
  2. The process of extracting a space on a laptop

  3. You can remove the fixators on the previously written instructions.
  4. Removing a blank on a laptop

  5. Problems with this key may occur only at the stage of its installation, since the "space" is equipped with two stabilizers at once.
  6. Successful removal of a blank on a laptop

During extraction, as well as the subsequent installation, be extremely careful, since the attachments can be easily damaged. If this nevertheless was allowed, the mechanism will have to be replaced with the key.

Installation of keys

Purchase keys separately from the laptop are quite problematic, as they are not all suitable for your device. For the case of a replacement or if you need to return the previously extracted keys, we have prepared the appropriate instructions.


  1. Rotate the mount, as shown in the photo and secure the narrow part with the "mustache" at the bottom of the jack for the key.
  2. Setting the key mount on a laptop

  3. Lower the remaining part of the plastic lock and slightly push it on it.
  4. Successfully installed key mount on a laptop

  5. From above in the correct position, set the key and how to press it. You will learn about the successful installation by the characteristic click.
  6. Successfully installed key on a laptop


  1. In the case of fasteners of wide keys, you need to do exactly the same as with usual. The only difference is in the presence of one, but at once two locks.
  2. Installing the keyboard keys on a laptop

  3. Schedule into metal holes stabilizer tips.
  4. Installing a wide key on a laptop

  5. As before, return the key to the original position and press it up to it. Here it is necessary to distribute the pressure so that most of its part falls on the area with fasteners, and not the center.
  6. Successfully installed wide key on a laptop


  1. With the "Space" fasteners, you need to do the same actions as when installing other keys.
  2. Install the "space" on the keyboard so that the narrow stabilizer is directed from top to bottom.
  3. Start setting a blank on a laptop

  4. Curtain a wide stabilizer to the upper holes as well as it is shown by us.
  5. The installation process of a blank on a laptop

  6. Now it is necessary to press the key twice before receiving clicks symbolizing the successful installation.
  7. Successfully installed gap on a laptop

In addition to those considered by us, small keys may be present on the keyboard. Their extraction and installation process is completely similar to the usual.


Showing proper caution and attentiveness, you can easily remove and set the keys on the laptop keyboard. If the attachments on your laptop are very different from the article described in the article, be sure to contact us in the comments.

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