How to disassemble a laptop battery


How to disassemble a laptop battery

The battery almost any laptop, like many other components, can be disassembled if necessary, pulling out well-workable lithium-ion cells. We will try in detail to describe the disassembly process of a similar battery with a visual example.

Open the laptop battery

If you first come across the battery disassembly process, the actions from the instructions are recommended over a potentially unnecessary battery. Otherwise, its contents and housing may be damaged, thereby preventing subsequent assembly and use.

After completing the opening of the housing and freeing the cell from plastic, you can move to the next step.

Step 2: Disconnect the cells

And although this stage of layouting lithium-ion batteries from Lappopic is the simplest, when disconnected, you need to follow safety, without allowing the contacts of the cells to close.

  1. First, remove or cut the film that fastens the batteries with each other.
  2. Division of the cells of the battery from a laptop

  3. From each single battery you need to turn off the terminals. It should be done with caution, since there is a possibility of damage to the battery.
  4. Turning off terminals on laptop battery cells

  5. After removing the clamps from the contacts of each cell, you can easily separate the board and connect the tracks.
  6. Successful terminal removal from battery cell

  7. When the batteries are disabled from the total chain of the battery, they can be used as separate power sources for any suitable devices. To learn the power of one battery, check out the Internet specification. To do this, follow the shell number.

    An example of a lithium-ion battery model from a laptop

    For example, in our case, each cell has an output voltage equal to 3.6V.

On this, we complete the process of disassembling the lithium-ion battery of the laptop and we hope that you managed to achieve the desired result.

Battery assembly

After complete disassembly, the laptop lithium-ion battery can be collected back, but maybe it is only subject to the preservation of the housing integrity. Otherwise, the possible situation at which the battery is not sufficiently fixed in the appropriate nest on the laptop.

Successfully assembled battery from laptop

In addition, in the original state there should also be an internal board, a track with contacts, as well as connections between lithium-ion cells. Check the performance of the battery after opening is best with a voltmeter and only with complete confidence in reliability, which can be used on a laptop.

See also: Battery Testing from Laptop


Following the instructions from this article, you will manage to open a laptop battery without damaging internal content. If you have something to supplement the material or misunderstanding, contact us in the comments.

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