Extensions for Locking Advertising on YouTube


Extensions for Locking Advertising on YouTube

Now many users are actively used by Youtube video hosting. Advertising while watching rollers is becoming more and more, and sometimes it works incorrectly and displayed every minute, especially in long video. This situation does not suit a certain number of people, so they establish special extensions for the browser, which block advertising on YouTube. In this article we will consider in detail them.

Installing Browser Extensions

Now every popular web browser supports work with additions. They are installed almost the same everywhere, you will need to perform only a few steps, and the process itself will take less minute. The principle of installing all applications is the same. We recommend reading detailed instructions on this topic on the links below.

Read more: How to install extensions in browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser

I would like to separately consider this process in the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Its owners will need to produce the following actions:

Go to Firefox add-on store

  1. Go to the Add-on Store and enter the name of the required utility in the search bar.
  2. Search for additions in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Open its page and click on the "Add to Firefox" button.
  4. Adding a supplement to Mozilla Firefox

  5. Wait for download and confirm the installation.
  6. Confirmation of adding add-on in Mozilla Firefox

To work correctly, some extensions require a reboot of the browser, so we recommend that it is performed after installation.

Additions to block advertising on YouTube

Above, we told about how to install applications, and now let's talk about what applications to use to block advertising on YouTube. There are no particularly much of them, we will look at the most popular, and you already choose what will be most convenient.


AdBlock is one of the best additions that is actively used by user throughout the world to turn off advertising in the browser. The standard version allows you to make a white list of YouTube channels, change additional parameters and view statistics. On the links below you can read in detail about this extension for common web browsers.

Adblock extension for browsers

Read more: AdBlock Supplement for Google Chrome Browser, Opera

In addition, there is also AdBlock Plus, minimally different from the addressed add-on. The difference is noticeable only in the configuration, filters and function buttons. It is deployed to compare these two utilities in another our material.

READ ALSO: AdBlock VS Adblock Plus: What is better

Adblock Plus extension for browsers

Read more: Adblock Plus for Browser Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Bauser, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome

If you are interested in blocking advertising exclusively on YouTube video hosting, we advise you to pay attention to the version of Adblock on YouTube. This extension is embedded in the browser and works exclusively on the aforementioned site, leaving the remaining advertising banners open.

Adblock extension on YouTube

Download adblock on YouTube from Google store


There is an adguard program, the main function of which is blocking advertising and pop-up ads. In addition, this software provides many more opportunities, but now we will pay attention to the addition of Antibanner. It is installed in the browser and does not require pre-downloading to the computer. In detail about the use of this utility in popular browsers, read the article on the link below.

READ ALSO: Adguard or Adblock: Which of the advertising blockers is better

Adguard antibanner for browsers

Read more: Adguard advertising blocker for browser Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex.Bauser, Google Chrome

Ublock Origin.

Of course, Ublock Origin is not such a well-known extension as representatives above, but it copes perfectly with its task and works correctly with the YouTube service. The interface is made in a minimalist style, however, with additional settings, the new user will have to be tinted, since all the rules and changes are entered using a special syntax, you can familiarize yourself with the documentation from the developer.

Expansion Ublock Origin for browsers

Read more: Ublock Origin: Google Chrome browser advertising blocker

As you can see, there are three different additions for browsers, which allows you to block advertising on YouTube. All of them work in about the same principle, however, they differ in efficiency and additional features. We offer to get acquainted immediately with all representatives, and only then choose the most suitable option.

READ ALSO: Programs for blocking advertising in the browser

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