Download drivers for ASUS USB-N10


Download drivers for ASUS USB-N10

ASUS USN-N10 wireless network adapter for correct operation with the operating system must have the driver installed on the computer. In this case, it will function correctly and there should be no problems. Today we will look at all available ways to search and install files for the adapter mentioned above.

Download the driver for the ASUS USB-N10 network adapter

There are various methods of performing this process, but they all require the user to carry out certain manipulations, and also differ in difficulty. Let's analyze every option, and you already decide for yourself what will be the most appropriate.

Method 1: Support Web Page from the manufacturer

First let's consider the most effective method - loading software from the manufacturer's website. At such resources, the latest and proven files are always posted. The process itself is as follows:

Go to the official site asus

  1. Open the Home Page Asus.
  2. There are several buttons on the panel from above. You will need to bring the mouse pointer to the "Service" and go to "Support".
  3. You will immediately move to the tab where the equipment is searching. Everything is done quite easily - just type the network adapter model in the string and click on the displayed option.
  4. Product Support Page opens. All its contents are divided into several categories. You are interested in "Drivers and Utilities".
  5. The next step is the choice of the operating system. Here specify your version and bit.
  6. Next will be revealed with the list with available files. Select Driver and click on the download button.
  7. Download driver for ASUS USB-N10

Upon completion of the download procedure, only start the installer and wait until it automatically execute all the necessary actions. After that, you can already start working with the device and adjust the network.

Method 2: The official utility from ASUS

The aforementioned company has its own utility that allows various manipulations with network adapters. In addition, it independently finds and installs updates for drivers. You can download this software to your computer as follows:

Go to the official site asus

  1. Open the ASUS main page and through the "Service" pop-up menu. Go to Support.
  2. In the search string, enter the exact name of the network adapter model and press ENTER.
  3. Now in the product tab, go to the "Drivers and Utilities" section.
  4. Before starting the download, the mandatory point is the definition of the installed OS. Select the appropriate option from the pop-up list.
  5. Now find the utility, it is called ASUS USB-N10 Utility, and download it by pressing the appropriate button.
  6. Loading utilities for ASUS USB-N10

  7. It will only be installed. Run the installer, specify the place where you want to save software files and click on "Next".
  8. Installing the utility for ASUS USB-N10

Wait until the process is completed, run the utility and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen. It must independently scan the connected device and put the driver.

Method 3: Additional software

Now easy to install drivers using third-party programs. They produce almost all actions independently, and from the user only to specify certain parameters. Such software works not only with components, it correctly recognizes and loads to peripheral devices. Meet the best representatives of such programs in our material on the link below.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

More on our website you can find detailed instructions for working in Driverpack Solution. This software is one of the most popular in this category and perfectly copes with its task.

Installing Drivers via DRIVERPACCOLUTION

Read more: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

Method 4: Network Adapter ID

Each device, including peripheral, is assigned its own identifier, which is necessary during operation with the operating system. If you manage to find out this unique code, you can download drivers to this equipment through special services. ID for ASUS USB-N10 looks like this:

USB \ Vid_0B05 & PID_17BA

Search driver for ID for ASUS USB-N10

If you decide to use this option, we recommend reading in detail with the instructions on this topic in another article by reference below.

Read more: Search for hardware drivers

Method 5: Device Manager in Windows

As you know, most users of WINTOVS, it is built into the "Device Manager", which allows you to manage all connected devices. It has a function with which drivers via the Internet are updated. It is suitable in order to install files on the ASUS USB-N10 network adapter. Read about this method below.

Device Manager in Windows 7

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

The driver for the network adapter under consideration is easy to find, it will be necessary to produce only a few action. However, the methods of performing this process are as many as five. We recommend familiarizing yourself with all them and choose the one that will be most convenient.

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