Download drivers for ACPI \ MSFT0101


Download drivers for ACPI MSFT0101

Many users of modern laptops and PCs, reinstalling Windows 7, often stumble in the "Device Manager" on a certain "unknown device", which looks like ACPI \ MSFT0101. Today we will tell you what it is for the device and what drivers he needs.

Drivers for ACPI \ MSFT0101

To begin with, you will understand what kind of equipment it is. The specified ID denotes Trusted Platform Module (TPM): a cryptographic processor that is capable of generating and store encryption keys. The main function of this module is to track the use of copyright-protected content, as well as a guarantee of the integrity of the computer hardware configuration.

Strictly speaking, the drivers for this device in free access are not: they are unique to each TPM. However, it is possible to deal with the problems of the device under consideration after all, in two ways: installing a special Windows update or shutdown of the trusted platform module in the BIOS settings.

Method 1: Installing Windows Update

For Windows Windows 7 x64 and its server version, Microsoft has released a small update, which is designed to correct the problem with ACPI \ MSFT0101

Update download page

  1. Go to the link presented above and click on the "HotFix Download Available" item.
  2. Go to Update Downloads to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  3. On the next page, check the desired patch, then enter the mailbox address below in both fields below, and click the Request Fix button.
  4. Request update to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  5. Next, go to the Introduced mailbox page and look for a message from "HotFix Self Service" in the list of incoming emails.

    Find a letter with updating to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

    Open the letter and scroll down to the block entitled as "Package". Find the location item at which the download download link is posted and click it.

  6. Download update to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  7. Load the archive with a patch to the computer and run it. In the first window, click "Continue".
  8. Start unpacking updates to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  9. Next, select the location of unpacked files and click OK.
  10. Continue unpacking update to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  11. Close the unpackingman, pressing the "OK" button again.
  12. Complete the update unpacking to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  13. Go to the folder where the installer is unpacked, and start it with a double mouse.

    Attention! On some PCs and laptops, installing this update can cause an error, so we recommend creating a recovery point before starting the procedure!

  14. Run the update to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  15. In the information message of the installer, click "Yes."
  16. Install updates to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  17. Installation procedure will begin.
  18. Installing the update to Windows 7 to solve problems with ACPIMSFT0101

  19. When the update is installed, the installer closes automatically, and the system will offer to reboot - do it.

Going to "Device Manager", you can make sure that the problem associated with ACPI \ MSFT0101 is corrected.

Method 2: Turning off Trusted Platform Module in BIOS

The developers have provided an option for cases when the device fails or for some other reasons is no longer able to perform their tasks - it can be turned off into the computer's bios.

Draw your attention to! The procedure described below is designed for experienced users, so if you are not sure about your abilities, use the previous method!

  1. Disable the computer and log in to the BIOS.

    Read more: How to get to the BIOS on the computer

  2. Further actions depend on the type of CMOS Setup. On AMI BIOS, you should open the Advanced tab, find the "Trusted Computing" option, go to the arrows to the TCG / TPM Support item and set it to the "NO" position by pressing the ENTER.

    TPM Disable in AMI BIOS

    At Award and Phoenix BIOS, you need to go to the "Security" tab and select the "TPM" option.

    TPM options in Phoenix and Award BIOS

    Then press ENTER, select the "Disabled" option arrows and confirm the action by pressing the ENTER key.

  3. Disable TPM in Phoenix and Award BIOS

  4. Save the changes (in most types BIOS, the F10 key works) and reboot. If you enter the Device Manager after loading the system, then notice the absence of ACPI \ MSFT0101 in the hardware list.

This method does not solve the problem with the drivers for the trusted module, however, it allows you to correct the problems arising due to the lack of software.


Summing up, we note that ordinary users very rarely need the capabilities of Trusted Platform Module.

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