Download drivers for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series


Download drivers for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

Radeon HD 4600 Video Card Owners - Models 4650 or 4670 can install software for additional features and fine configuration of its graphic adapter. You can do this in different ways.

Installing software for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

ATI video cards Together with their products support, several years ago became part of AMD Corporation, so all software can now download on this site. Models of the 4600 series refer to sufficiently outdated devices, and there is no fresh software for them. However, after reinstalling the operating system and, in the event of problems with the current driver, you will need to download the basic or extended driver. Consider the process of loading and installing more.

Method 1: Official site AMD

Since ATI has been redeemed AMD, now all software for these video cards download on their website. Do the following steps:

Go to the AMD Support page

  1. Using the link above, go to the Official website of the AMD.
  2. In the product selection block, press the list of the list to the right to relevant the additional menu:

    Graphics> AMD Radeon HD> ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series> Your video card model.

    Deciding with a specific model, confirm the selection by the "Send" button.

  3. Search driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series on the official AMD website

  4. A list of available versions of the operating system will appear. Since the old device, it is not optimized under modern Windows 10, but users of this OS can download the version for Windows 8.

    List of supported operating systems and discharges for download ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

    Deploy the desired tab with files in accordance with the version and the discharge of your system. Find the Catalyst Software Suite file and download it by clicking on the button of the same name.

    Download the selected driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

    Instead, you can choose Latest Bet Driver. From standard assembly, it is distinguished by a later output date with the elimination of certain errors. For example, in the case of Windows 8 x64, the stable version has an audit number 13.1, Beta - 13.4. The difference is small and more often consists in small fixes, learn about which you can click on the "Driver Details" spoiler.

  5. Comparison of driver versions for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

  6. Run the Catalyst installer, change the file saving path, if you want, and click "Install."
  7. Starting Installer ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

  8. Starts the unzipping of the installer files, wait for it.
  9. Unpacking files to install ATI Radeon HD video card driver 4600 series

  10. The Catalist Installation Manager opens. In the first window, you can select the desired language of the installer interface and click "Next".
  11. Launched Catalyst Installation Manager for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

  12. In the window with a choice of installation operation, specify "install".
  13. Select driver installation operation for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

  14. Here, first, select the installation address or leave it by default, then its type is "fast" or "custom" - and go to the next step.

    Path and installation type driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

    There will be a short system analysis.

    Analysis of the system for installing the driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

    In the event of a quick installation, you will immediately move to a new stage, the user allows you to cancel the installation of the AMD App SDK Runtime component.

  15. Custom driver installation options for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

  16. A window will appear with a license agreement, where it will be necessary to accept its conditions.
  17. License Agreement when installing the driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

The driver will start, during which the monitor will flash several times. After successful completion, restart the computer.

Method 2: third-party

If you decide to reinstall the operating system, we advise you to take advantage of this option and engage programs from third-party manufacturers. They allow you to install several drivers for different components and peripherals at once. You can get acquainted with the list of such software by reference below.

Read more: Programs for installing and updating drivers

If you decide to choose Driverpack Solution or Drivermax, we suggest reading useful information on their use through links to relevant articles.

Installing the driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series via Driverpack Solution

See also:

Installing Drivers through Driverpack Solution

Installing drivers for video card via DRIVERMAX

Method 3: Video Card ID

Each connected device has a personal identifier. The user can resort to the search driver search by ID by downloading the current version or earlier. This method will be useful if the latest versions work unstable and incorrectly with an installed operating system. In this case, the Device Manager system tool and special online services with extensive drivers databases will be used.

Driver search for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series via video card ID

You can find out how to install in this way, you can use another article with step-by-step instructions.

Read more: How to find a driver by ID

Method 4: Device Manager

If you do not want to set separate Catalyst software and you just need to get the basic version of the driver from Microsoft, this method will suit. Thanks to it, it will be possible to change the display resolution to a higher than the standard Windows features. All actions will be performed through the Device Manager, and this is written in detail in a separate material on the link below.

Driver search for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series via Device Manager

Read more: Installing Driver Standard Windows

So, you learned how you can install the driver for ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series in different ways and in accordance with personal needs. Use the one that most suits you, and in the event of difficulties and questions, please contact the comments.

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