Installing Drivers via AMD Catalyst Control Center


Installing Drivers via AMD Catalyst Control Center

The net installation of Windows, as well as the installation of new hardware components in the PC, is almost inevitably endangered for the user with the need to search and add to the driver of the drivers of various devices. The video card, as one of the most important components of modern computers and laptops, requires the installation of components to be able to function properly almost in the first place. The Radeon graphic adapters owners can practically not worry about this issue, because the powerful and functional tool is created for them - AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Download and update AMD drivers via Catalyst Control Center

It can be said that AMD Catalyst Control Center (CCC) is mainly designed to maintain the performance of video cards, which are based on the AMD graphics processor, at the proper level, and therefore the installation and maintenance of drivers must be carried out with this Without special problems. In fact, it is.

CCC installer is now called Catalyst Software Suite. It cannot be downloaded from the official site for modern powerful video card models - for them, developers have created a new application: AMD Radeon Software. Use it to install and update via a video card.

Automatic installation

The driver package for graphic adapters Advanced Micro Devices is part of the Catalist Control Center and all the necessary components are added to the system when installing the application. To install the video adapter driver, it is enough to perform a few simple steps.

Go to the official site AMD

  1. We download the AMD Catalyst Control Center installer from the manufacturer's official website in the Technical Support section. To obtain the desired version of the driver, it is necessary to determine the type, series and model of the graphics processor, on the basis of which the video card is built.

    Download drivers for AMD video card from an official site

    After that, you will need to specify the version and the discharge of the operating system used.

    Defining the version and bit of the operating system for downloading the driver on the AMD video card

    The final stage will unfold tabs and the choice of Catalyst Software Suite.

  2. Downloading AMD Catalyst Software Suite from the official site

  3. After the katalist installer is loaded, we start the installation.

    AMD Catalyst Control Center Running installation

    The initial stage is the unpacking of the component installer necessary for the user's specified path.

  4. After unpacking, the welcome window of the Catalyst installation manager will automatically start, in which you can select the language of the installer interface, as well as the components of the Control Center, which will be installed with the drivers.
  5. AMD Catalyst CONTROL CENTER installation manager main

  6. The CCC installation program "can" not only install the desired components, but also delete them from the system. Therefore, a request for further operations appears. Click the "Install" button,

    AMD Catalyst Control Center Installation or Removal of Components

    which will call the following window.

  7. To start automatic installation of the graphics adapter drivers and the Catalynist Control Center, install the installation type switch to the "Fast" position and press the Next button.

  9. If the AMD drivers and software are installed for the first time, it will be necessary to create a folder to which components will be copied. The directory will be created automatically after pressing the "Yes" button in the appropriate request window. In addition, you will need to adopt the terms of the license agreement by pressing the appropriate button.
  10. AMD CATALYST CONTROL CENTER license agreement

  11. Before starting the file copy procedure, the system will be analyzed for the presence of a graphic adapter and its parameters to install a fresh version of the drivers.
  12. AMD Catalyst Control Center System Configuration Analysis

  13. The further process is fully automated,

    AMD Catalyst Control Center Installation Progress

    You only need to wait for the installation of the installation and click the "Finally" button in the final window of the installer.

  14. AMD Catalyst Control Center Installation Completed

  15. The final stage is a reboot of the system that will start immediately after pressing the "Yes" button in the window-request query.
  16. AMD Catalyst Control Center Restarting System

  17. After rebooting, you can check the fact of the driver's presence in the system by opening the Device Manager.

AMD Catalyst Control Center Video Card Driver Installed

Driver Update

Software develops quite serious pace and AMD video cards drivers are no exception. The manufacturer is constantly improving the software and therefore should not be neglected by updates. In addition, all possibilities are provided to the catalist control center.

  1. Run AMD Catalyst Control Center in any convenient way. The simplest method is the right mouse button on the desktop, and then select the AMD Catalyst Control Center item in the open menu.
  2. AMD Catalyst Control Center Running from the desktop

  3. After starting clicking on the "Information" tab, and in the discontinuing list of functions, according to the "Update" link.

    AMD CATALYST CONTROL CENTER Item Information - Update

    The CCC will display information about the current installed driver version. To check the availability of new versions of the components, click the button "Check availability of updates now ..."

  4. If the updated drivers are found on AMD servers, the corresponding notification will appear. Using the window, you can immediately go to download update files by clicking the "Download Now" button.
  5. AMD Catalyst Control Center has an update, start downloading

  6. After the updated components are loaded,

    AMD Catalyst Control Center update download progress

    The installer window will automatically open the graphics adapter driver drivers. Press "Install"

    AMD Catalyst Control Center Installing a Updated Driver

    And wait for the end of the unpacking process of the necessary files.

  7. AMD Catalyst Control Center Unpacking updated drivers

  8. Further steps are completely repeated as such when installing the video adapter drivers for the first time. We perform items No. 4-9 above described how to automatically install drivers and as a result we obtain updated software components that ensure the performance of the video card based on the AMD graphics processor.

AMD Catalyst Control Center Updated Video Card Drivers

As we see, despite the importance of the drivers in the question of the functioning of Advanced Micro Devices video cards, their installation and update using Catalyst Control Center turns into an simplest procedure, which usually does not cause difficulties even from novice users.

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