How to find out your login in Skype


Login to Skype.

Login to Skype serves for two things: to enter your account, and as Nick through which other users are associated with you. But, unfortunately, some people forget their login, while others do not know what it is when they are asked to give their contact details for communication. Let's find out where you can see login in Skype.

To enter your account in Skype, fortunately, the login must not always enter. If you already logged in this account on a specific computer, then, most likely, in the next time, when you start the Skype program, you will be automatically entering it, without entering a login and password. It will last until a manual output from the account is made. That is, it is high like that, not even knowing or not remembering its own login, you can visit the account.

But it may not continue to continue. First, one day, the program still may require you to enter a login and password (when you go from another computer it will happen), and secondly, until you provide your login from Skype, none of the other users can Contact you. How to be?

It should be noted that, depending on the specific procedure of your registration, the login may correspond to your mailbox entered during registration, but may not fit it. You need to look at login directly in the Skype program.

Learning your login in Skype 8 and above

You can find your username in Skype 8 as directly bypassing your account and through another profile if you cannot enter into your account. Next, we will consider in detail each of these methods.

Method 1: Login View Authorized User

First of all, consider how to find out the login while in your account.

  1. Click on your avatar in the upper left corner of the program interface.
  2. Go to the settings of your profile in the Skype 8 program

  3. In the settings window that opens, find the "Profile" block. It will be located "Login in Skype". It is opposite this item displays your login.

Login in Skype in the settings window of your profile in the Skype 8 program

Method 2: View login from another profile

If it is impossible to enter the account due to the loss of login, you can ask someone from friends to watch it in your Skype profile.

  1. You must find in the chat in the left part of the Skype window, the name of that profile, the information on which should be viewed, and click on it with the right mouse button. In the list that opens, select the "View Profile" item.
  2. Go to viewing user profile from contacts in Skype 8

  3. In the window that opens, you need to scroll the mouse wheel until the "Profile" block appears. As in the previous case, in front of the "Login in Skype" item will be the desired information.

Login in Skype in the User Profile viewing window in the Skype 8 program

Learning your login in Skype 7 and below

Similar ways, you can find out your login and in Skype 7. In addition, there is an additional action option that will help you know the necessary information through the Windows Explorer. All these methods will go a conversation below.

Method 1: Login View Authorized User

  1. Some users mistakenly think that the name displayed in the upper left corner of the application window, and there is a login, but it is not. It may coincide with the login, but not necessarily. To find out your login, click on this behalf.
  2. Name in Skype

  3. A window opens with information about your profile. In the "Accounts" line and the name of your login will be located.
  4. Account in Skype

Method 2: How to find out login if the entry is not possible?

But what to do if you have already encountered a problem, and cannot log in to your account in Skype, because do not remember the name of the account? In this case, there are several solution solutions.

  1. First of all, you can ask any of your comrades who have been added to Skype contacts, see your login there. This comrade can do by clicking the right mouse button according to your name in contacts, and selecting the "View Personal Data" item from the opened list.
  2. Go to viewing user data in Skype

  3. In the personal data window that opens, it will see your username in the "Skype" string.
  4. Personal user data in Skype

But this method will only help if you can contact those people who are listed in contacts. But what to do if you have always supported communication only through Skype? There is a way to find out the login, and without appealing to third parties. The fact is that when the user first enters a specific account in Skype, a folder is formed on the hard drive of the computer in a special directory, the name of which is the name of the account that has shown. In the overwhelming majority, this folder is stored at the following address:

C: \ Users \ (Windows Name) \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Skype

That is, to get to this directory, you will need to insert your username in Windows to this expression, and drive it into the address string "Explorer".

  1. But, there is a simpler, and universal way. Click on the keyboard the combination of the Win + R keys. Opens the "Run" window. We enter the expression "% AppData% \ Skype" expression, and press the "OK" button.
  2. Run the window in Windows

  3. After that, we move to the directory where the folder is stored with the Skype account. However, such folders may be somewhat if the program came from various accounts. But having seen his login, you still have to remember him, even among several other items.

Data folder Skype account

But, both of the method described above (access to a friend and viewing the profile directory) are suitable only if you remember your password. If you do not remember the password, then one knowledge of the login will not help you with the standard way to get into the Skype account. But, and in this situation there is a way out if you remember the phone or email address that were entered during registration in this program.

  1. In the form of the login in Skype in the lower left corner of the window, click on the inscription "Can't Log in to Skype?".
  2. Login and password restore in Skype

  3. After that, the browser set by default will start, which will open a web page where you can produce a password recovery procedure and login in a standard way, specifying the address of your email, or the phone introduced during registration.

Mobile version of Skype.

If you prefer to use the mobile version of Skype, affordable both on iOS and on Android, then you can recognize your login in it in almost the same way as in the updated PC program with your own or someone else's profile.

Method 1: Your profile

In the event that you are logged in in Mobile Skype, you will not find out the login from your own account.

  1. Run the application and tap on the icon of your profile located in the center of the top panel, above the blocks "chats" and "Favorites".
  2. Open your profile in the mobile version of Skype

  3. Actually, in the Profile Information window you will immediately see your "login in Skype" - it will be indicated opposite the item of the same name.

    Learn your login in the mobile version of the Skype application

    Note: Pay attention to the string "You are logged in as" where email is indicated. This address is tied to Microsoft account. Knowing it, you can log in to Skype, even if you forgot the login - just enter mail instead, and then the password corresponding to it.

  4. See Microsoft email address in Skype mobile version

  5. That's just just you can find out your login in Skype. Remember it, and better write down, so as not to forget later.

Method 2: Friend Profile

Obviously, much more often users are asked about how to find out their login in Skype when simply do not remember it, and therefore cannot be logged in in the appendix. In this case, the only thing that can be done is to seek help to any person from your list of contacts, with which you support communication somewhere in addition to Skype - ask him to see your login in this program.

Note: If you know your email and password from the Microsoft account, try using this information for authorization in Skype - the developer company has long combined these profiles.

  1. So, the person who you have in the contacts Skype must find the chat with you (or just find your name in the address book) and tap it.
  2. Open the profile of another user in the mobile version of Skype

  3. In the corresponding window that opens, you must click on your name in Skype, located at the top.
  4. Open the information about the user profile in the mobile version of Skype

  5. The opened block with information about the profile should be slightly slam down until the "Profile" section. The desired information will be indicated opposite the "Login in Skype" inscription.
  6. Login for another user in the profile information in the mobile version of Skype

    Regardless of whether you are authorized in your Skype account or not, in order to learn the login from it, you just need to open the partition with information about the profile. There are no other options to receive this information, but as an alternative when it is not possible to log in in the application, you can try to enter it under the Microsoft account.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to find out your login if you do not know it, or forgotten. The choice of a particular way depends on which one of three situations you are: you can go to the account; Can't go to the account; In addition to login, the password has also forgotten. In the first case, the task is solved elementary, and the latter is the most difficult.

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