How to install a translator in Google Chrome


How to install a translator in Google Chrome

Users actively using the Internet often fall on sites with content in a foreign language. It is not always convenient to copy the text and translate it through a special service or program, so a good solution will turn on the automatic translation of the pages or adding an extension to the browser. Today we will describe in detail how to perform this in the popular Google Chrome web browser.

Now it is enough to restart the web browser and you will always receive notifications of possible translation. If you want this sentence to be shown only for certain languages, follow these actions:

  1. In the Language Settings tab, do not activate the translation of all pages, and immediately click on "Add Languages".
  2. Add Language to Google Chrome Browser

  3. Use the search to quickly find lines. Highlight the checkbox you need and click on "Add".
  4. Find a language for adding Google Chrome in the browser

  5. Now get the button in the form of three vertical points near the desired row. She is responsible for displaying the settings menu. In it, tick the item "Offer to translate pages in this language".
  6. Enable translation for language in Google Chrome browser

You can configure the function in question directly from the notification window. Make the following:

  1. When the alert appears on the page, click on the "Parameters" button.
  2. Translation parameters in Google Chrome browser

  3. In the menu that opens, you can select the desired configuration, for example, this language or the site will no longer be translated.
  4. Estab the necessary translation settings in Google Chrome browser

On this we finished with the consideration of the standard tool, we hope everything was clear and you easily figured out how to use it. In the case when notifications do not appear, we advise you to clean the cache of the browser so that it will work faster. Detailed instructions on this topic can be found in the other article by reference below.

Read more: How to Clean Cache in Google Chrome browser

Method 2: Installing "Google Translator" add-on

Now let's analyze the official extension from Google. It is the same as the function discussed above, translates the contents of the pages, however, has additional features. For example, you have access to work with a dedicated text fragment or translating through an active string. Adding Google Translator is carried out like this:

Go to Google Loading page Translator Chrome browser

  1. Go to the Add-on page in the Google store and click on the Install button.
  2. Installation of the translator extension for Google Chrome browser

  3. Confirm the installation by clicking on the appropriate button.
  4. Agreement with a translator extension installation for Google Chrome browser

  5. Now the icon appears on the extension panels. Click on it to display the string.
  6. Translation string Extension for Google Chrome browser

  7. From here you can move to the settings.
  8. Go to the Google Chrome browser expansion settings

  9. In the window that opens, you can change the expansion parameters - select the basic language and configuration of the instantaneous translation.
  10. Translator settings in Google Chrome browser

Special attention deserves actions with fragments. If you need to work with only one text fragment, do the following:

  1. On the Highlight page you need and click on the displayed icon.
  2. Select a fragment of text in Google Chrome browser

  3. If it does not appear, right-click on the fragment and select "Google Translator".
  4. Translate text fragment in Google Chrome browser

  5. A new tab will open, where the fragment will be translated through the official service from Google.
  6. Displaying the translation of the text fragment in the Google Chrome browser

Text translation on the Internet is needed almost every user. As you can see, it is easy to organize it with a built-in tool or expansion. Select the appropriate option, follow the instructions, after which you can immediately begin comfortable with the contents of the pages.

See also: Text translation methods in Yandex.Browser

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