How to find out your email password


How to find out your email password

Sometimes the user has the need to find out your email password. This can be done only when it was saved in the browser or activated the auto-complete function. The methods given in the article are universal and suitable for the holders of the box in any, even the most unpopular service. Let's analyze them in more detail.

We learn your password from email

Total there are two methods, thanks to which you can find out your password from the e-mailbox. In addition, we will talk about the third, alternatively, what is suitable if you do not configure the input information in your browser.

Method 1: View saved passwords in the browser

Now the majority of popular web browsers offer the user to save their logins and codes so that every time you do not enter them again. The settings are available to viewing absolutely all specified ever information, including email data. Consider the password search process on the example of Google Chrome:

  1. Run the browser, click on the icon in the form of three vertical points on the right above and go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Go to Google Chrome browser settings

  3. Run down the tabs and expand additional parameters.
  4. Opening additional Google Chrome settings

  5. In the "Passwords and Forms" category, click on "Password Setup".
  6. Go to category with saved Google Chrome passwords

  7. Here, use the search to find your email faster.
  8. Search for saved passwords in Google Chrome browser

  9. It remains only to click on the eye icon, so that the string is displayed in the form of characters, not points.
  10. Displays the saved password in Google Chrome browser

Now you know your code from the required account. You can copy it or remember to use in the future. It is expanded on how to find saved data in other popular browsers, read the following articles.

Now you have learned the necessary data from email. Repeat that this method is universal for all services and browsers, so the algorithm of actions will be almost identical everywhere.

Method 3: Password Restore

Unfortunately, not all users are configured to save passwords and auto-complete. In addition, there are situations when you need to know the data for the entrance, working for a foreign computer. If this happened, it is necessary to hope only for your memory, trying to remember which combination of characters you used. However, you can simply go to restore and set a new password.

Google password recovery

For each service, each service has several, for example, confirmation on the phone, sending the code to the reserve box or the answer to the secret question. Select the most suitable option and follow the instructions provided. Read more about the recovery of passwords in the most popular postal services, read in another material on the link below.

Password Recovery Method Google

Read more: Password recovery from email

Above, we looked at two main methods, how to find out your password from the e-mailbox, and also talked about an alternative version that will be useful in certain cases. We hope that our article helped you deal with the question that has arisen and now you know your own entry data.

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