Letters do not come to mail


Letters do not come to mail

Now many users actively use electronic boxes. They serve to work, communicate or through them are simply registered on social networks. It does not matter for what purpose you brought mail, there are still important letters periodically come. However, sometimes there is a problem with the receipt of messages. In the article we will talk about all possible solutions to this error in various popular services.

We solve problems with entering email letters

Today we will analyze the main reasons for the appearance of the faulty under consideration and provide instructions for their correction in four popular postal services. If you are a user of any other service, you can also follow the proposed manuals, since most of them are universal.

Immediately it is worth noting if you do not come with letters from certain contacts that you reported your address, be sure to check it out correctly. Perhaps you made one or more errors, because of what messages are not sent.

If the problem was exactly the case, it should decide and you will again receive regular messages to your email box.

It should be borne in mind that a certain amount of memory is allocated for Google account. It applies to disk, photo and gmail. It is free of charge 15 GB and in the case when there is not enough space, you will not receive letters to mail.

Free space in Gmail

We can recommend switching to another plan and pay for an additional cost of the set price or clean the place in one of the services to receive correspondence again.

Increase accessible memory in Gmail

Rambler mail

At the moment, Rambler Mail is the most problematic service. A huge number of errors is associated with its unstable work. Letters often fall into spam, automatically deleted or do not come at all. We recommend the owners of the account in this service to perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account by entering your registration data or using a profile from another social network.
  2. Login to Rambler account

  3. Move to the "Spam" section to check the list of letters.
  4. If there are the messages you need, check them with a check mark and select "Do not spam" so that they no longer fall into this section.
  5. Pull out letters from spam in Rambler

See also: Solving problems with work Rambler Post

There are no built-in filters in the ramper, so nothing should be archived or deleted. If you did not find the information in the Spam folder, we advise you to contact the support center for the service representatives helped you deal with the error that occurred.

Go to Rambler feedback page

Sometimes there is a problem with entering letters from foreign sites by mail, which is registered under the Russian domain. This is especially true of the mail Rambler, where messages may not come for hours or are not delivered in principle. If such problems arise related to foreign sites and Russian postal services, we recommend contacting the service used to further solve errors.

On this, our article comes to an end. Above, we dismantled in detail all available methods of correcting the error with the entry of letters on the email in popular services. We hope that our leaders have helped you correct the problem and you will receive messages again.

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