Download Drivers for D-Link DWA-125


Installing Drivers to D-Link DWA-125 Adapter

In most motherboards of stationary computers, there is no built-in Receiver Wi-Fi networks, because external adapters are used for such a wireless connection to which D-Link DWA-125 belongs. Without the appropriate software, this device will not work fully, especially on Windows 7 and below, because today we want to introduce you to installing drivers to it.

Search and download to D-Link DWA-125

To fulfill all the following procedures, the Internet will need to connect to the Internet, so be prepared to use another computer if the adapter in question is the only available communication option to the network. Actually there are four methods, consider them in more detail.

Method 1: Support page on D-Link

As practice shows, the most reliable and secure way to receive drivers - download from the site developers. In the case of D-Link DWA-125, the procedure looks like this:

Go to adapter support page

  1. For some reason, find the support page through the search from the main site cannot be, therefore the link provided above leads directly to the desired resource. When it opens, go to the "Downloads" tab.
  2. Downloads for D-Link DWA-125 on the official website

  3. The most responsible part is to search for a suitable version of drivers. To choose to choose it, you need to clarify the revision of the device. To do this, take a look at the sticker on the reverse side of the adapter case - the figure and the letter next to the inscription "H / W VER." And there is a revision of the gadget.
  4. Definition of revision D-Link DWA-125 for downloading drivers on the official website

  5. Now you can go directly to the drivers. Links to download installers are located in the middle of the downloads list. Unfortunately, there is no filter on operating systems and revisions, so it will have to pick up the appropriate package yourself - carefully read the name of the component and its description. For example, for Windows 7 x64, the following drivers will be suitable for the DX audit device:
  6. Download Driver for D-Link DWA-125 on the official website

  7. The installer and the necessary resources are packaged in the archive, because at the end of the download, unpack it with a suitable archiver, then go to the appropriate directory. To start the installation, start the "Setup" file.

    Run the driver installation for D-Link DWA-125 downloaded from the official site

    Attention! Most adapter revisions require the device shutdown before installing the drivers!

  8. In the first window of the Installation Wizard, click "Next".

    Start installing the driver for D-Link DWA-125 downloaded from the official site

    It is possible that in the process you will need to connect the adapter to the computer - do it and confirm in the appropriate window.

  9. Continue the installation of the driver for D-Link DWA-125 downloaded from the official website

  10. Next, the procedure can develop in the following scenarios: Fully automated installation or installation with connecting to recognized Wi-Fi network. In the latter case, you will need to select the network directly, enter its parameters (SSID and password) and wait for the connection. At the end of the installation, click "Finish" to close the "Wizard ...". You can check the result of the procedure in the system tray - the Wi-Faya icon should be lit.

Ending driver installation for D-Link DWA-125 downloaded from the official site

The procedure guarantees a positive result, but only if a suitable version of drivers was loaded, so be careful in step 3.

Method 2: Applications for installing drivers

Among the available software, there is a whole class of applications that automatically load drivers to recognized computer equipment. With the most famous solutions from this category, you can find further.

Read more: Driver installation applications

Separately, we want to advise to pay attention to Drivermax - this application has established itself as one of the most reliable, and the disadvantages like the lack of Russian localization in our case can be neglected.

Download Driver for D-Link DWA-125 using DriverMax

Lesson: Drivermax Driver Update

Method 3: Adapter ID

Technically similar alternative to the first described method - use the hardware name of the device, otherwise ID, for software search. The ID of all revisions of the adapter under consideration is below.

USB \ Vid_07D1 & PID_3C16

USB \ Vid_2001 & PID_3C1E

USB \ Vid_2001 & Pid_330F

USB \ Vid_2001 & PID_3C19

One of the codes should be entered on the page of a specialized site like DriverPack Cloud, download drivers from there and set them according to the algorithm from the first method. A detailed manual for the procedure written by our authors can be found in the next lesson.

Download Driver for D-Link DWA-125 using ID

Lesson: We are looking for a driver using equipment ID

Method 4: "Device Manager"

Windows system tool for equipment administration has in its composition the download function of missing drivers. Manipulation does not constitute anything complicated - just call "Device Manager", find our adapter in it, click on the PCM by his name, select the "Update Drivers ..." option and follow the instructions of the utility.

Download Driver for D-Link DWA-125 using Device Manager

Read more: Installing drivers by system means


So, we presented all available methods for obtaining software for D-Link DWA-125. For the future, we recommend you to create a backup of the drivers on the USB flash drive or disk and to further use it to simplify the installation after reinstalling the OS or connect the adapter to another computer.

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