Setting the browser properties in Windows 7


Setting the browser properties in Windows 7

The flight browser in Windows 7 is Internet Explorer. Contrary to the erroneous opinion of a large number of users, its settings can affect not only the work of the browser itself, but also directly associated with the functioning of some other programs and the operating system as a whole. Let's figure out how to configure the properties of the browser in Windows 7.

Setting procedure

The process of adjusting the browser in Windows 7 is performed through the graphical interface of the IE browser properties. In addition, by editing a system registry, you can disable the ability to change the properties of the browser with standard methods of uninitiated users. Next, we will look at both of these action.

Method 1: Browser Properties

First, consider the procedure for adjusting the browser properties through the IE interface.

  1. Click "Start" and open "All Programs".
  2. Go to all programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. In the list of folders and applications, find the "Internet Explorer" element and click on it.
  4. Starting Internet Explorer through the Start menu in Windows 7

  5. In the IE opened, click the "Service" icon in the form of a gear in the upper right corner of the window and from the drop-down list, select "Browser Properties".

Go to the browser properties through Internet Explorer settings in Windows 7

Also open the desired window can also be through the "Control Panel".

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  4. Switch to the Network and Internet section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Click on the "Browser Properties".
  6. Running the Browser Properties window from the Network and Internet section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The browser properties window will open, in which all the necessary settings will be performed.
  8. Observer properties window in Windows 7

  9. First of all, in the General section, you can replace the default home page address to any site. Immediately in the "Auto-loading" block by switching the radio pool, it is possible to specify that it will be opened when IE is activated: an earlier home page or tabs of the last completed session.
  10. Specifying the homepage and startup pages in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  11. When installing a tick in a checkbox "Delete a magazine in a browser ..." After each end of work in IE, the visiting log will be cleaned. In this case, only the download option from the home page is possible, but not from the tabs of the last completed session.
  12. Activating the browser visiting log when exitting the browser properties window in Windows 7

  13. You can also manually clear the information from the browser log. To do this, click "Delete".
  14. Go to cleaning the browser log in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  15. A window will open, where by setting the checkbox you need to specify what it is required to clean:
    • cache (temporary files);
    • Cookies;
    • the history of visits;
    • Passwords, etc.

    After the required marks are set, press "Delete" and the selected items will be cleaned.

  16. Clearing browser log in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  17. Next, move to the Safety tab. There are more significant settings here, as they affect the operation of the system as a whole, and not just on the IE browser. In the "Internet" section by dragging the runner up or down, you can specify permits security levels. The extreme top position means the minimum level of active content.
  18. Adjusting the security level in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  19. In the "Reliable sites" and "dangerous sites" sections, you can specify the web resources, where the suspicious content and those on which it will be, on the contrary, is allowed to reproduce the suspicious content. Add a resource to the appropriate section by clicking on the Sites button.
  20. Go to adding a web resource to secure sites in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  21. After that, the window will appear in which you want to enter the address of the resource and click the "Add" button.
  22. Adding a web resource to a list of reliable sites in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  23. The "Privacy" tab indicates the cookie settings. This is also done using a runner. If there is a desire to block all cookies, then you need to raise the runner to the limit up, but it's likely that you cannot enter the sites that require authorization. When installing a runner, all cookies will be taken to the extreme position, but it will negatively affect the security and confidentiality of the system. Between these two positions there are intermediate, which is recommended in most cases to use.
  24. Adjusting Cook File Lock In the Observer Properties window in Windows 7

  25. In the same window, you can disable the default pop-up blocking blocking by removing the checkbox in the appropriate checkbox. But without much need, we do not recommend doing it.
  26. Disable pop-up lock in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  27. The "Content" tab is monitored by the content of web pages. When clicking on the "Family Security" button, the Profile Settings window will open where you can set the Parental Control Parameters.

    Go to setting up parental control in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    Lesson: how to set up parental control in windows 7

  28. In addition, in the "Content tab" you can install certificates for encrypting connections and authentication, specify settings for autocompleting forms, web channels and web fragments.
  29. Setting the parameters in the Content tab in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  30. In the "Connections" tab, you can connect the Internet connection (if it is not yet configured). To do this, click on the "Set" button, after which the network setup window opens, in which you want to enter the connection parameters.

    Go to the Internet connection installation in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    Lesson: How to configure the Internet after reinstalling Windows 7

  31. In the same tab, you can configure the connection via VPN. To do this, click the "Add VPN ..." button, after which the standard setting window of this type of connection opens.

    Go to adding a VPN connection in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    Lesson: How to configure a VPN connection to Windows 7

  32. In the "Programs" tab, you can specify the default applications to work with various Internet services. If you want to assign IE by the default browser, you just need to click in the same window on the "Use By Default" button.

    Purpose of Internet Explorer default browser in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    But if necessary, assign a different browser by default or specify a specialized application for other necessary (for example, to work with email), click the "Set Programs" button. The standard Windows window will open to assign default software software.

    Transition to the default program destination in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    Lesson: As the Internet Explorer to make the default browser in Windows 7

  33. In the "Advanced" tab, you can enable or disable a number of settings by installing or removing checkboxes. These settings are broken into groups:
    • Security;
    • Multimedia;
    • Overview;
    • HTTP parameters;
    • Special abilities;
    • Acceleration graphics.

    You do not need these settings without any need. So if you are not an advanced user, then it is better not to touch them. If you risked to make a change, but the result did not satisfy you, it is not trouble: the settings can be returned to the default positions by pressing the "Restore ..." element.

  34. Restoring additional parameters in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  35. Immediately you can reset to the default setting of all sections of the properties of the browser by clicking on "Reset ...".
  36. Reset all browser settings to default values ​​in the browser properties window in Windows 7

  37. To make the settings entered, do not forget to click "Apply" and "OK".

    Saving change settings in the browser properties window in Windows 7

    Lesson: Configuring Internet Explorer browser

Method 2: "Registry Editor"

Make some adjustments to the interface of the interface of the browser can also be through the "Registry Editor" of Windows.

  1. To go to the registry editor, type Win + R. Enter the command:


    Click OK.

  2. Run the system registry editor by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  3. The registry editor opens. It is in it that all further actions will be made to change the properties of the browser by switching to its branches, editing and adding parameters.

Registry Editor Interface in Windows 7

First of all, you can prohibit the launch of the browser properties window, which was described when considering the previous method. In this case, it will be impossible to change the previously entered data by the standard way through the "Control Panel" or IE settings.

  1. Go to the "Editor" in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and "Software" sections.
  2. Go to Software section in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  3. Then open the "Policies" and "Microsoft" folders.
  4. Go to the Microsoft section in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  5. If you do not find the "Internet Explorer" section in the "Microsoft" directory, then you need to create it. Click the right mouse (PCM) on the above directory and in the displayed menu sequentially go to "Create" and "Section".
  6. Go to creating a section in the Microsoft folder in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  7. In the created directory window, enter the name "Internet Explorer" without quotes.
  8. Creating a section of Internet Explorer in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  9. Then click on the PCM on it and create the "Restrictions" section.
  10. Creating the Restrictions partition in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  11. Now click the "Restrictions" folder name and select "Create" and "DWORD" options from the list.
  12. Transition to the creation of the DWORD parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  13. Assign the NOBROWSEROPTIONS NAME parameter and then click on it with the left mouse button.
  14. Go to the properties of the NOBROWSEROPTIONS parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  15. In the window that opens in the "Value" field, put the digit "1" without quotes and press "OK". After rebooting the computer, editing the properties of the browser with the standard method will be inaccessible.
  16. Prohibition of editing the properties of the browser by changing the value of the NOBROWSEROPTIONS parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  17. If it is necessary to remove the ban, then again go to the "NOBROWSEROPTIONS" parameter editing window, change the value from "1" to "0" and click OK.

Resolution of the interviewer properties by changing the value of the NOBROWSEROPTIONS parameter in the registry editor in Windows 7

Also, through the Registry Editor, you can not only disable the ability to start the IE properties window as a whole, but also block manipulations in separate sections by creating DWORD parameters and assign them the value "1".

  1. First of all, go to the previously created Directory of the "Internet Explorer" registry and create a "Control Panel" section there. It is in it that all changes in the observer properties are made by adding parameters.
  2. Creating a Control Panel partition in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  3. To hide these tabs, the General tab is required in the Control Panel registry section to generate the DWORD parameter called "GeneralTab" and give it the value "1". The same value will be assigned to all other registry parameters that will be created to block certain functions of the browser properties. Therefore, we will not specifically mention this below.
  4. GENERALTAB parameter properties in the registry editor in Windows 7

  5. To hide the Safety section, the SecurityTab parameter is created.
  6. Properties of the SecurityTab parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  7. Hiding the "Privacy" section occurs by creating the PRIVACYTAB parameter.
  8. PrivacyTab parameter properties in the registry editor in Windows 7

  9. To hide the "Content" section, create the "ContentTab" parameter.
  10. ContentTab parameter properties in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  11. The "Connections" section is hidden by creating the "ConnectionStab" parameter.
  12. ConnectionStab parameter properties in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  13. You can remove the "Programs" section by creating the ProgramStab parameter.
  14. Programstab parameter properties in the registry editor in Windows 7

  15. A similar method can be hidden by the "Advanced" section by creating the AdvancedTab parameter.
  16. Properties of the AdvancedTab parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  17. In addition, you can prohibit individual actions in IE properties without hiding the sections themselves. For example, to block the possibilities of changing the homepage, you need to create the "GeneralTab" parameter.
  18. GENERALTAB parameter properties in the registry editor in Windows 7

  19. It is possible to prohibit cleaning the log of visits. To do this, create the "Settings" parameter.
  20. Settings parameter properties in the registry editor in Windows 7

  21. You can also lock the changes in the "Advanced" section, not even hiding the specified item. This is done by creating the Advanced parameter.
  22. Properties of the Advanced parameter in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  23. To cancel any of the specified locks, you just need to open the properties of the corresponding parameter, change the value from "1" to "0" and click "OK".

    Cancel blocking in browser properties by changing the corresponding parameter in the registry editor in Windows 7

    Lesson: How to Open Registry Editor in Windows 7

Configuring the properties of the browser in Windows 7 is performed in the IE parameters where you can go through both the browser itself and through the control panel of the operating system. In addition, by changing and adding certain parameters in the Registry Editor, you can block separate tabs and the ability to edit functions in the observer properties. This is done so that the uninitiated user cannot make unwanted changes to the settings.

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