Download drivers for hp laserjet 1300


Download drivers for hp laserjet 1300

Drivers are a specific set of system files designed to ensure the performance of the corresponding devices available in the system. Today it will be about where to find and how to install the driver for the LaserJet 1300 printer from HP.

Installing for HP LaserJet 1300

There are several options for this procedure. The main and most effective are manual methods, such as independent search and copy the necessary files on the PC or using the package embedded in the system. For lazy or more expensive users, there are special tools that give the ability to install or update the drivers automatically.

Method 1: Official Resource Hewlett-Packard

On the official HP support site, we can find the driver for any printed equipment issued by this manufacturer. Here you need to take care, since there may be several positions for download.

Go to HP support site

  1. On this page, it is mandatory to pay attention to how the site software defined the system installed on our computer. In the event that the version and discharge do not match, click on the link shown in the figure.

    Switch to the system selection on the official driver download page for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  2. We are looking for your system in lists and apply changes.

    Selection of the operating system version on the official driver download page for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  3. Next, open the "Driver-Universal Print Driver" tab and click the "Download" button.

    Loading software on the official download page driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  4. Having waited for the end of the download, open the installer double click. If required, change the way to unzip in the "Unzip to Folder" field with the Browse button. All dawns leave on their places and click "Unzip".

    Selecting the Place for Unpacking Driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  5. After unpacking, click OK.

    Confirmation of the completion of the driver unpacking for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  6. I confirm your consent with the text of the license with the Yes button.

    Adopting a license agreement when installing a driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  7. Select the installation mode. In the program window, it is clearly indicated than they differ from each other, we will only advise you to choose the "ordinary" option.

    Selecting a method for installing a universal driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer

  8. A standard Windows printer installation tool window opens, in which click on the top item.

    Run the driver installation for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  9. Determine the method of connecting our device to the PC.

    Selecting the connection port when installing the driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  10. Select the driver in the list and click "Next".

    Select the required driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  11. Let the printer, not too long, name. The installer will offer to use its option, you can leave it.

    Assigning a device name when installing a driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  12. In the next window, we determine the possibility of sharing the device.

    Configuring sharing when installing the driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  13. Here we decide whether to make this printer by the default device, whether to make a test session or complete the operation of the installation program using the "Finish" button.

    Completing the driver for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

  14. In the installer window, press "ready" again.

    Completing the driver installer for the HP LaserJet 1300 printer in Windows 7

Method 2: HP Support Assistant Program

The developers of the Hewlett-Packard company specifically for their users have created a program that allows you to manage at once with all HP devices connected to the computer. One of the main and very necessary functions we need is the installation of drivers.

Download HP Support Assistant

  1. In the first window of the downloaded installer, press the "Next" button.

    Running the installation of the HP Support Assistant program in Windows 7

  2. We read and accept the license agreement.

    Adoption of the terms of the license agreement of the HP Support Assistant program in Windows 7

  3. Next, proceed to scanning the system for the availability of devices and their drivers.

    Run checking for driver updates in the HP Support Assistant program

  4. We observe the process of verification.

    The process of checking the availability of driver updates in the HP Support Assistant program

  5. After the search is completed, select our device and run the update.

    Running the HP LaserJet 1300 Printer Driver Update Process in HP Support Assistant

  6. We determine which files must be installed to us on the PC, start the process with the button shown in the screenshot, and wait for the installation.

    Go to download and install driver updates using the HP Support Assistant program

Method 3: third-party programs

On the Internet, software products designed to replace the user in operations such as the search and software update for various devices are widespread. One of these tools is DRIVERMAX - we will use.

Keep in mind that the driver that will be set is the basic for all LaserJet models. If after installing it, the device does not use all its capabilities, set the software using the official website.


Installing the printer drivers is a fairly simple case, if you clearly follow the instructions and follow the rules. The main problems of inexperienced users are errors when choosing the right packets, so be careful when searching. If not confident in the correctness of your actions, it is better to use one of the special programs.

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