How to create a conference in Skype


Conference in Skype

Work in Skype is not only bilateral communication, but also the creation of multiplayer conferences. The functionality of the program allows you to organize a group bell between multiple users. Let's find out how to create a conference in Skype.

How to create a conference in Skype 8 and above

First, find out the conference creation algorithm in the messenger version of Skype 8 and above.

Running a conference

We define how to add people to the conference, and then call.

  1. Click the "+ Chat" element on the left side of the window interface and in the list that appears, select New Group.
  2. Transition to the creation of a new group in the Skype 8 program

  3. In the displayed window, enter any name that you want to assign a group. After that, click on the elder pointing to the right.
  4. Assigning a name in the Skype 8 program

  5. A list of your contacts opens. Choose those of those people you want to add to the group by clicking on their names with the left mouse button. If there are many objects in contacts, you can use the search form.

    Selection of people from contacts when creating a group in Skype 8 program

    Attention! Add to the conference can only be a person who is already present in the list of your contacts.

  6. After the icons of the selected people appear above the list of contacts, press "ready."
  7. Completion of the Group's creation in the Skype 8 program

  8. Now that the group is created, it remains to make a call. To do this, open the "Chats" tab in the left area of ​​the window and select the group just created. After that, at the top of the program interface, click the camcorder or phone tube icon depending on the view of the conference created: video call or voice conversion.
  9. Start a conference in the Skype 8 program

  10. A signal will be sent to your interlocutors about the start of the conversation. After they confirm their participation by clicking on the relevant buttons (camcorder or handset), communication will be started.

Making a call in the Skype 8 program

Adding a new member

Even if initially you did not add a person to a group, and then decided to do this, then it is not necessary to form it again. It is enough to make a given person in the list of participants of the existing conference.

  1. Select the desired group among the chats and click on the upper part of the window on the "Adding to Group" icon in the form of a little man.
  2. Transition to adding new participants in the Skype 8 group

  3. A list of your contacts with a list of all persons who have not been attached to the conference will open. Click on the names of those people you want to add.
  4. Adding new people to a group from the list of contacts in the Skype 8 program

  5. After displaying their icons at the top of the window, click "Finish".
  6. Completion of adding new people to a group from the list of contacts in the Skype 8 program

  7. Now the selected faces are added and will be able to participate in the conference on a par with previously attached people.

New people added to the group in the Skype 8 program

How to create a conference in Skype 7 and below

Creating a conference in Skype 7 and in earlier versions of the program is made according to a similar algorithm, but with its own nuances.

Selection of users for the conference

The conference can be created in several ways. It is convenient to pre-make the choice of users who will participate in it, and then make a connection.

  1. The easiest way, simply with the CTRL button on the keyboard click on the names of the users you want to connect to the conference. But you can choose not more than 5 people. Names are located on the left side of the Skype window in contacts. When clicking on the name, with the CTRL-shrouded button at the same time, Nick is released. Thus, you need to highlight all the names of the connected users. It is important that they are currently online, that is, about their avatars should be a bird in a green mug.

    Next, by clicking the right mouse button on the name of any of the group members. In the context menu that appears, select the "Start Teleconference" item.

  2. Selection of users for the conference in Skype

  3. After that, each user you choose will come an invitation to join the conference, which he must accept.

There is another way to add users to the conference.

  1. We go into the section "Contacts" menu, and in the list that appears, select the "Create a new group" item. And you can simply press the keyboard shortcut in the CTRL + N keyboard.
  2. Creating a group in Skype

  3. A conversation creation window opens. On the right side of the screen is the window with avatars of users from your contacts. Just click on those who want to add to the conversation.
  4. Adding people to a group in Skype

  5. Then click on the camcorder or handset symbol at the top of the window, depending on what is planned - a conventional teleconference or video conference.
  6. Call in Skype.

  7. After that, as in the previous case, connecting to selected users will begin.

Switching between conference types

However, there is no significant difference between a teleconference and video conference. The difference consists only of whether users are included with or discovered by video cameras. But even if the teleconference was initially launched, you can always turn on the video conference. To do this, it is enough to click on the symbol of the camcorder in the conference window. After that, the offer will come to all other participants to do the same.

Enabling the camera in the conference in Skype

Disable the camcorder in the same way.

Adding participants during the session

Even if you started a conversation with the already selected group of people, new participants can be connected to it during the conference. The main thing is that the total number of connected do not exceed 5 users.

  1. In order to add new participants, it is enough to click on the "+" sign in the conference window.
  2. Adding a new user in the conference in Skype

  3. Then, from the list of contacts simply add someone you want to connect.

    Moreover, in the same way, you can turn the usual video call between two users to a full-fledged conference between a group of persons.

Mobile version of Skype.

Skype, developed for mobile devices running Android and iOS, today possesses the same functionality as its modern analogue on the PC. Creating a conference in it is performed on the same algorithm, but with some nuances.

Creating a conference

Unlike the desktop program, in mobile skype, the creation of a conference is not entirely intuitive. And yet the process of special difficulties does not cause.

  1. In the "Chats" tab (displayed when you start the application), click on the round icon with the image of the pencil.
  2. Go to the beginning of the conference in the mobile version of Skype

  3. In the "New Chat" section, which will open after that, tap on the New Group button.
  4. The beginning of creating a new group in the mobile version of Skype

  5. Set the name for the future conference and click on the button with the right arrow.
  6. Enter the name for the future conference in the mobile version of Skype

  7. Now mark those users with whom you plan to organize a conference. To do this, scroll through the currently discovered address book and check the challenge opposite the necessary names.

    Adding conference participants in the mobile version of Skype

    Note: Participants in the conference created can only be the users who are in your Skype contact list, but this restriction can be circumvented. Tell about it in paragraph "Adding participants".

  8. Noting the desired number of users, tap the "Finish" button located in the upper right corner.

    Creating a conversation with participants in the mobile version of Skype

    The creation of a conference will begin, which will not take long, after which information about each stage of its organization will appear in the chat.

  9. Information about the newly created conference in the mobile version of Skype

    This is how easily you can create a conference in the Skype application, although this is called a group, conversation or chat here. Next, we will discuss directly about the start of group communication, as well as about adding and removing participants.

Running a conference

In order to start a conference, it is necessary to perform the same actions as for voice or video call. The only difference is that it will have to wait for an answer from all invited participants.

Pressing the reset button to complete the conference in the Skype mobile application

Adding participants

It happens that the already created conference requires to add new participants. Make it can even during communication.

  1. Exit the conversation window by pressing the direction directed left arrow near her name. Once in the chat, tap on the blue button "Invite someone else."
  2. Transition to adding new participants in the Conference in the mobile version of the Skype application

  3. A list of your contacts will be opened, in which, as well as when creating a group, you need to mark a specific user (or users) checkbox, and then click on the "Finish" button.
  4. A notification will be notified of the addition of a new member, after which he will be able to join the conference.
  5. This method of adding new users to the conversation is simple and convenient, but only when its participants communicate a little in the chat, since the "invite someone else" button will always be at the very beginning of the correspondence. Consider another option to replenish the conference.

  1. In the chat window, tap according to its name, and then scroll down the page of information down a bit.
  2. Open conference information in the Skype mobile application

  3. In the "Member" block, click on the "Add People" button.
  4. Transition to adding new users to the conference in the Skype mobile application

  5. As in the previous case, find the necessary users in the address book, check the box next to their name and tap the "Finish" button.
  6. The new participant will be attached to the conversation.
  7. This is so easy you can add new users to the conference, but, as already mentioned above, only those who are contained in your address book. What to do if you need to create an open conversation, to which you could also join those whom you do not know or simply do not support the connection with them in Skype? There is a very simple solution - it is enough to generate a link for shared access, allowing you to enter into chat any person and spread it.

  1. Open the conference first to which you want to provide access by reference, and then its menu, taping the name.
  2. Open the Basic Conference Menu in the mobile version of Skype

  3. Click the first in the list of available items - "Link to join the group".
  4. Add a link to join the Conference in the mobile version of the Skype application

  5. Turn into active position a switch opposite the inscription "Invitation to the Group on the link", and then holding your finger at the "Copy to the clipboard", actually, copy the link.
  6. Creating and copying a link to join the group in the mobile version of the Skype application

  7. After the link to the conference is placed in the clipboard, you can send it to necessary users in any messenger, by e-mail and even in the usual SMS message.
  8. Sending Links to access the conference in the mobile version of the Skype application

    As you might notice, if you provide access to the conference by reference, to join it and take part in communication will be able to absolutely all users, even those that do not use Skype at all. Agree, such an approach has a clear advantage over the traditional, but very limited invitation of people solely from its list of contacts.

Removal of participants

Sometimes in the Skype conference you need to quickly add an action to delete users from it. It is done in the same way as in the previous case - through the chat menu.

  1. In the conversation window, tap on its name to open the main menu.
  2. Go to the main conference menu in the Skype mobile application

  3. In the block with participants, find the one you need to delete (to open a full list, click "Advanced"), and hold on its name to the finger before the menu appears.
  4. Go to the list of participants to remove them in the mobile application Skype

  5. Select "Delete Member", and then confirm your intentions by pressing "Delete".
  6. Deleting a conference party in the Skype mobile application

  7. The user will be removed from the chat, which will be said in the appropriate notification.
  8. Member removed from the conference in the Skype mobile application

    Here we are with you and reviewed how to create conferences in the mobile version of Skype, run them, add and delete users. Among other things, directly during communication, all participants can exchange files, such as photographs.

See also: How to send a photo in Skype


As you can see, there are several ways to create a teleconference or video conferencing in Skype applicable to all versions of this application. A group of negotiating participants can be prepared before, and you can add people along the conference.

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