How to update Viber on a computer


How to update Viber on a computer

Messenger Viber is available on all popular platforms, including on the Windows operating system. The program is regularly improved, new features are added, the mistakes of past assemblies are corrected. Some users have a question associated with updating this software on the computer. In this article we will try to maximize the answer to it.

Update Viber on a computer

Usually, all the necessary files are loaded and installed in the background, after which it is enough to restart the Vaiber, so that the changes take effect, but it does not work for each user. There is only one method as you can update the program in yourself. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Run Viber and on the top panel click on the "Help" button.
  2. Transition to Viber Help

  3. In the pop-up menu that opens, select the "O Viber" section.
  4. Program Information Viber

  5. Compare the current version with the latest and, if necessary, install a new assembly, click on the link specified under the assembly number.
  6. Viber VIBER version check

  7. In the browser, by default, the official developer page will open, where to click on the "Download Viber" button.
  8. Go to download Viber software

  9. Start downloading version for Windows.
  10. Getting started program Viber

As you could understand, the update is made by installing a new version on top of the old. Expanded installation instructions read in the "Method 3" of the other article by reference below.

Read more: How to install Viber on a computer or laptop

Turn off automatic update Viber

The messenger under consideration has one disadvantage - frequent automatic updates that are not always put correctly. Therefore, some users have a desire to disable this process. However, it is impossible to do this through the settings menu, you will have to perform additional manipulations. Let's look at the three most effective methods. For maximum effect, it will be best to use them all at once.

Method 1: Change registry settings

If you have an old version of Viber still not been updated automatically, you can manually change the registry settings, thereby disabling the corresponding function for downloading files. This is done like this:

  1. Cool the combination of Win + R keys to open "Run" where you enter the REGEDIT and press ENTER.
  2. Open Registry Editor in Windows 7

  3. Go to the next way:


  4. Go along the path in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  5. In the folder, find the REG_DWORD files with updater.exe and viberupdater.cmd files.
  6. Properties of parameters in the Windows 7 registry

  7. Double-click the left mouse button on each of the parameters and change their value from the unit to zero.
  8. Changing the parameter values ​​in the Windows 7 registry

After completing these actions, it is recommended to restart the computer and re-run the Viber to make sure the method is effective.

Method 2: Disable system permissions

The operating system has permissions that determine its level of access to various folders and documents. If all major permissions are installed, the messenger can easily install new files without any problems, as a result of which the version is updated. It is possible to prohibit this as follows:

  1. Click on the Viber right-click icon and select "File Location".
  2. File location in windows 7

  3. Move to the directory with the name of the messenger, click on it right-click and select "Properties".
  4. Folder Properties in Windows 7

  5. In the Safety tab, select the System User Group and click on "Advanced".
  6. Additional Windows 7 permissions

  7. Make sure the choice was confirmed, after which go to "Change".
  8. Control of permissions in Windows 7

  9. Tick ​​the checkbox "Creating Files / Data Writing" and "Recording Attributes".
  10. Setting up permissions in Windows 7

Before going out, do not forget to save changes. Now the program does not have access to write, so the data is not installed, but periodically parameters can be discharged or not to work, in connection with which we do not guarantee the one hundred percent effectiveness of this method.

Method 3: Changing the contents of the HOSTS file

By changing the contents of the HOSTS file in Windows, you can achieve address blocking. If you do this with the Vaiber update address, it will not receive access to the Internet and will not be able to download a new assembly. All manipulation occurs literally in several actions:

  1. Go to the next way to get to the Hosts directory:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ DRIVERS \ ETC

  2. Go to Hosts file in Windows 7

  3. Open the file through "Notepad" and enter at the very bottom on the free line the following address:

  4. Changing the contents of the Windows 7 file

  5. Before going out, save the changes.
  6. Saving Changes File Hosts

Now it is enough to restart the PC and the automatic update Viber should stop forever.

In the case when you want to restore automatic downloading of the new assembly, simply cancel all the changes that you were performed in each method. Return all previous values ​​and wait for the data loading.

As you can see, the update Viber does not cause any difficulties, but more difficulties appear when the constant loading of fresh files interferes normally work at the computer, and the built-in solution to disable this process, the Messenger developers have not yet come up.

See also:

Add contacts to Viber for Android, iOS and Windows

How to register in Viber C Android-Smartphone, iPhone and PC

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