Download Drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP


Download Drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP

Xerox products have long been limited to famous copiers: there are printers, scanners in the assortment, and, of course, MFP. The last category of equipment is most demanding about software - without suitable MFP drivers, most likely does not work. Therefore, today we will present you methods for obtaining software to Xerox Phaser 3100.

Download Drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP

Let's notify immediately - each of the following methods is suitable for specific circumstances, so it is advisable to get acquainted with everyone, and only then choose the optimal solution. All options for receiving drivers there are four, and now we will introduce you to them.

Method 1: manufacturer's Internet resource

Equipment manufacturers in the current realities most often support their products through the Internet - in particular, through branded portals, where the necessary software is posted. Xerox is not an exception, because the most universal method for receiving drivers will be the official website.

Website Xerox.

  1. Open the company's web portal and pay attention to the header of the page. The category you need called "Support and Drivers", click on it. Then in the next menu that appears below, click "Documentation and Drivers".
  2. Open support on the manufacturer's website for downloading drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP

  3. The CIS version of the Xerox site does not have a download section, so use the instructions on the next page and click on the proposed link.
  4. Go to the international site of the manufacturer to load drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP

  5. Next, enter the product name in the search, the driver to which you want to download. In our case, it is a phaser 3100 MFP - write in the line this name. At the bottom of the block there will be a menu with results, click on the desired one.
  6. Find Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP on an international website for downloading drivers to it

  7. In the window under the search engine, there will be references to materials related to the desired equipment. Click DRIVERS & DOWNLOADS.
  8. Go to the driver downloads section to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP on the international website for

  9. On the download page first, sort the operating system available according to the BC - for this corresponds to the list "Operating system". The default language is set to "Russian", but for some systems other than Windows 7 and above, it may not be available.
  10. Sort the available drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP on the international website for

  11. Since the device under consideration refers to the Class of the MFP, it is recommended to download a comprehensive solution called "Windows Drivers and Utilities": in its composition it is all necessary for the work of both Phaser 3100 components. The name of the component is the link to download, so click on it.
  12. Download Drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP from the official website

  13. On the next page, read the License Agreement and use the "Accept" button to continue the download.
  14. Continue downloading drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP from the official website

  15. Wait until the package is downloaded, then connect the MFP to the computer, if you have not done before, and start the installer. He will need some time to unpack resources. Then, when everything is ready, the "InstallShield Wizard" opens, in the first window of which click "Next".
  16. Start installing drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP downloaded from the official website

  17. Again, you will need to accept the agreement - check the appropriate item and click "Next" again.
  18. Continue the installation of drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP downloaded from the official website

  19. Here you have to choose, install only drivers or also additional software - leave the choice for you. Having done this, continue the installation.
  20. Selecting the installation of drivers components to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP downloaded from the official website

  21. The last step in which the user participation is required is to select the location of the driver files. By default, a directory on the system disk is selected, we recommend left it. But if you are confident in your abilities, you can choose any user directory - for this click the "Change" button, after selecting the directory - "Next".

Installing Drivers to Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP Downloaded from the Official Site

All further action installer will do on its own.

Method 2: Solutions from third-party developers

The official version of receiving drivers is the most reliable, but also the most time consuming. Simplify the procedure can be involved in third-party programs for installing drivers like DriverPack Solution.

Get drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP through Driverpuck

Lesson: How to install Drivers via Driverpack Solution

If the Solusn Driverpack does not fit you, at your service an overview of all popular applications of this class.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

Method 3: Equipment ID

If for some reason it is not possible to use third-party programs, a hardware identifier of the device is useful, which for the MFP under consideration is as follows:

USBPRINT \ Xerox__Phaser_3100mF7F0C.

The above ID should be used in conjunction with a special site like Devid. Removable instructions for finding drivers via the identifier in the material further.

Get drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP through ID

Lesson: Looking for a driver using the equipment ID

Method 4: System

Many users of Windows 7 and the newer do not even suspect that installing the drivers to one or another equipment using the Device Manager. Indeed, many are negligible, but in fact she has proven its effectiveness. In general, the procedure is very simple - enough to follow the instructions offered by our authors.

Get drivers for Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP via Device Manager

Read more: Installing drivers by system means


Having considered the available methods for obtaining the Xerox Phaser 3100 MFP, we can conclude - the complexity for the end user they do not represent. On this article comes to an end - we hope that our leadership was useful.

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