How to install an electronic signature on a computer


How to install an electronic signature on a computer

Electronic digital signature serves as a certain protection of files from a possible fake. It is an analogue of his own signature and is used to determine the identity upon turnover of electronic documents. The certificate for an electronic signature is purchased from certifying centers and is loaded onto a PC or stored on removable media. Next, we will describe in detail about the process of installing the EDS on the computer.

Install an electronic digital signature on a computer

One of the best solutions will be the use of a special CSP cryptopro program. It will be especially useful with a frequent work with documents on the Internet. The installation procedure and system settings for interaction with the EDS can be divided into four steps. Let's consider them in order.

Step 1: Download CSP cryptopro

First, you should download the software through which the installation of certificates will be implemented and further interaction with the signatures. Downloading comes from the official site, and the whole process is as follows:

Go to the official site of Cryptopro

  1. Go to the Main Page Site Cryptopro.
  2. Find the category "Download".
  3. Go to downloads on the Cryptopro website

  4. On the download center page that opens, select the CSP Cryptopro product.
  5. Choose a cryptopro program for download

  6. Before downloading the distribution, you will need to log into the account or create it. To do this, follow the instructions provided on the site.
  7. Enter the account on the Cryptopro website

  8. Next, accept the terms of the license agreement.
  9. License Agreement on the Cryptopro website

  10. Find a suitable certified or non-certified version under your operating system.
  11. Cryptopro version version

  12. Wait until the program is downloaded and open it.
  13. Open the cryptopro installer

Step 2: Set CSP Cryptopro

Now you want to install the program to your computer. This is not done at all, literally in several actions:

  1. After launch, immediately go to the installation wizard or select "Additional Options".
  2. Go to the installation of the Cryptopro program

  3. In the "Additional Options" mode, you can specify the appropriate language and set the security level.
  4. Additional installation parameters of cryptopro

  5. The wizard window appears before you. Go to the next step by pressing "Next".
  6. Cryptopro Program Installation Wizard

  7. Take the terms of the license agreement by setting the point opposite the required parameter.
  8. License agreement when installing cryptopro

  9. Specify information about yourself if required. Enter the username, organization and serial number. The activation key is needed to immediately begin work with the full version of Cryptopro, since free is intended only for a period of three months.
  10. User data in Cryptopro

  11. Set one of the installation types.
  12. Type of cryptopro installation

  13. If "selective" was specified, you will be able to configure the addition of components.
  14. Choice of cryptopro components for installation

  15. Tick ​​the required libraries and additional parameters checkboxes, after which the installation starts.
  16. Selection of additional components of cryptopro

  17. During installation, do not close the window and do not restart the computer.
  18. Waiting for the end of the installation of cryptopro

Now you have the most important component on the PC to design an electronic digital signature - CSP cryptopro. It remains only to configure additional parameters and add certificates.

Step 3: Installing the Driver Driver

The data protection system in question interacts with the key of the route device. However, for its correct operation, you need to have suitable drivers on a computer. Detailed instructions for installing software to key equipment read in another article by reference below.

Read more: Loading route drivers for cryptopro

After installing the driver, add a guide certificate in CSP cryptopro to ensure normal operation of all components. You can do it like this:

  1. Run the data protection system and in the Service tab, find the "View Certificates in a Container" item.
  2. View certificates in cryptopro

  3. Select the Added Ructane Certificate and click OK.
  4. Certificate Choosing Cryptopro Container

  5. Move to the next window click on "Next" and complete the process prematurely.
  6. Transition to the Cryptopro Container Certificate Installation

Upon completion, it is recommended to restart the PC to change the changes.

Step 4: Adding Certificates

Everything is ready in order to start working with the EDS. Its certificates are purchased in special centers for a specific fee. Contact the company you need your signature to learn about the methods of buying a certificate. Already after it is in your hands, you can proceed to its addition in CSP cryptopro:

  1. Open the certificate file and click on "Install Certificate".
  2. Installing an electronic signature certificate

  3. In the setup wizard that opens, click on "Next".
  4. Electronic Signature Certificate Installation Wizard

  5. Put a check mark near "Place all certificates in the following storage", click on the "Overview" and specify the "Trusted Root Certification Root Centers" folder.
  6. Cryptopro Electronic Signature Installation

  7. Complete imports with click on "ready."
  8. Complete the installation of the electronic signature

  9. You will receive a notice that imports have been completed successfully.
  10. Certificate Import Notice

Repeat these steps with all the data provided to you. If the certificate is on removable media, the process of adding it can be slightly different. Expanded instructions on this topic can be found in another material on the link below.

Read more: Installing certificates in cryptopro from flash drives

As you can see, the installation of an electronic digital signature is an easy process, but it requires the implementation of certain manipulations and takes a lot of time. We hope our guide helped you deal with the addition of certificates. If you want to facilitate interaction with your electronic data, use cryptopro expansion. Read the following links about it by the following link.

READ ALSO: Cryptopro plugin for browsers

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