Download drivers for samsung np300v5a


Download drivers for samsung np300v5a

For computers and especially laptops, the presence of software to each of the components components is extremely important: without drivers, even the most implanted video cards and network adapters are almost useless. Today we want to introduce you to the methods of receiving software to the SAMSUNG NP300V5A laptop.

Download drivers for samsung np300v5a

There are five common software download options to the laptop under consideration. Most of them are versatile, but some are suitable only for specific situations, so we recommend first to get acquainted with everyone.

Method 1: manufacturer site

Samsung is known for long support for its products, which contributes to the extensive section with downloads on the official web portal.

Internet resource samsung

  1. Use the link above to go to the Samsung resource. Having done this, click on "Support" in the header of the site.
  2. Open support on Samsung website to receive drivers to download drivers for Samsung NP300V5A

  3. Now a responsible moment is to be. In the search bar, enter the NP300V5A, and most likely you will see several models of devices.

    Find a device on the Samsung website to receive drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

    The fact is that the name NP300V5A belongs to the line of laptops, and not a specific device. You can find out the exact name of your modification in the instructions for the device or on the sticker with the serial number, which is usually located on the bottom of the portable PC.


    Read more: How to find out the serial number of the laptop

    After receiving the necessary information, go back to the search engine on the Samsung website and click on your device.

  4. The support page of the selected laptop opens. We need the item "Downloads and Manuals", click on it.
  5. Go to downloads for driver to SAMSUNG NP300V5A on the official website

  6. Scroll slightly down until you see the "Downloads" section. Here are the drivers for all laptop equipment. You will not download all the scope, therefore you need to download all the components by one by clicking on the corresponding button next to the driver name.

    Download drivers to Samsung NP300V5A on the official website

    If the desired software is missing in the main list, then look for it in the Extended List - for this click "Show more".

  7. Open the complete list of drivers to Samsung NP300V5A on the official website

  8. Part of the installers will certainly be packaged in the archive, as a rule, Zip format, therefore you will need an application-archiver.

    This method is most reliable and universal, however, you may not arrange the download speed of some components: the servers are located in South Korea, which is why even with high-speed connection to the Internet, it will be low.

    Method 2: SAMSUNG UPDATE utility

    Many laptop manufacturers produce branded software to facilitate downloading drivers to their devices. Samsung is not an exception, because we bring to your attention the method of using the relevant application.

    1. Go to the support page of the desired device by the method described in steps 1 and 2 of the previous instruction, then click on the "Useful Links" option.
    2. Link to download an update utility to receive drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

    3. Find the SAMSUNG UPDATE unit and use the link "Read more".

      Download Updae Utility for Drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

      The browser will display the installer boot window - download it to any suitable directory on HDD. Like many drivers, SETAP SAMSUNG UPDATE is archived.

      Getting drivers to Samsung NP300V5A in Utility-update

      This way of reliability does not differ from the option with an official site, but has the same minuses in the form of a low load speed. There is also a chance to load an inappropriate component or the so-called Bloatware: useless software.

      Method 3: Third Party Driver Installers

      Of course, the software update function is present not only in the official utility: there is a whole class of applications from third-party developers with similar capabilities. An example of using such solutions We present on the basis of the SnAppy Driver Installer program.

      1. The indisputable advantage of this application is portability: it is enough to simply unpack the archive and open the executable file corresponding to the bit of the installed Windows.
      2. Run Snappy Driver Installer to install driver to Samsung NP300V5A

      3. During the first launch, the application will offer one of the three boot options. For our purposes, the option "Upload only indexes" is suitable - click this button.
      4. Download Snappy Driver Installer indexes for installing drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

      5. Wait for the download of components - progress can be traced in the program itself.
      6. Progress of download indexes Snappy Driver Installer for installation of drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

      7. Upon completion of the downloads of the indexes, the application will begin recognition of the components of the laptop and mapping versions of the drivers already installed on them. If there are no drivers to one or more components, snappy driver installer will select the appropriate version.
      8. Snappy Driver Installer Driver Updates, SAMSUNG NP300V5A

      9. Next you need to select the components installed. To do this, highlight the desired by putting a tick opposite the name. Then find the "Install" button on the left menu and click it.

      Installing Drivers to Samsung NP300V5A via Snappy Driver Installer

      Further program will do without the participation of the user. This option may be unsafe - often the algorithms of the application are incorrectly determined by the audit of the component, which is why there are unsuitable drivers. However, the SnAppy Driver Installer is constantly improving, because with each new version, the probability of failure is becoming less and less. If the said program does not suit you something, then at your service is about a dozen others.

      Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

      Method 4: Component ID

      Low-level communication between the system and connected devices occurs through the equipment ID - hardware name, unique for each device. This ID can be used to search for drivers, because the code in most cases corresponds to one, and only one device. To how to find out the equipment ID, and how to use it, a separate extensive article is devoted.

      Use the ID to install the drivers to samsung np300v5a

      Lesson: Using the ID to search for drivers

      Method 5: System Tools

      At a thin end, you can do without third-party solutions - among the features of the device manager, Windows has updated drivers or install them from scratch. The method of using this tool is described in detail in the appropriate material.

      Use device manager to install drivers to Samsung NP300V5A

      Read more: Installing drivers through "Device Manager"

      But be careful - thus, most likely, it will not be possible to find software for some specific vendor devices such as hardware monitoring of the battery.


      Each of the five considered methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but none of them represents difficulties even for an inexperienced user.

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