Download drivers for hp 3525


Download drivers for hp 3525

The HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 multifunction device is capable of printing and scanning documents, but all these functions will be performed correctly only if you have compatible drivers on a computer. The methods of their search and installation exist five. Everyone will be most effective in different situations, so we will analyze all the options, and you, based on your requirements, pick up the best.

Install drivers for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

As mentioned above, each method has its effectiveness, but the most effective is still installing files using the corporate CD, which comes with MFP. If there is no possibility to use it, check out the following instructions.

Method 1: Official website

One hundred percent option for obtaining similar files, which is on the disk, can be considered the official website of the manufacturer. There you will definitely find a suitable software that will be consistently functioning with a printer, scanner or any other equipment. Let's look at how this process is carried out for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525:

Go to the official HP Support Page

  1. Through the search in the browser or on the link above, go to the official HP support site, where you immediately select the "software and drivers" item.
  2. Go to Drivers for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  3. At the moment we are looking for software to the MFP, so click on the "Printer" section.
  4. Production type HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  5. In the displayed search string, enter the product model name and move to its page.
  6. Entering the name of the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 printer

  7. Do not forget to check the automatically defined version of the operating system. If it differs from the one you use, change this parameter yourself.
  8. Selection of the operating system for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  9. It remains only to deploy a category with files and opposite the necessary click on "download".
  10. Start downloading driver for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  11. Wait for downloading and run the installation wizard.
  12. Open installer for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  13. Extracting files will pass quickly, after which the program window will appear.
  14. Removing files for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  15. Select the components to be installed, or leave this item by default, then go further.
  16. Start installation of the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 driver

  17. Check out and confirm the rules for use on and click on "Next".
  18. License Agreement in HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  19. The scanning, settings and installation process starts. During it, do not turn off the computer and do not close the installer window.
  20. Waiting for the installation of the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 driver

  21. Now you need to go to setting up the printer. Specify a convenient language and click on "Next".
  22. Transition to Setup MFP HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  23. Starting from the first step, follow the instructions in the window.
  24. Setting up MFP HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  25. You will be notified of the completion of the setting.
  26. Complete HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 Setup

  27. Specify the connection type and proceed to the next step.
  28. HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 Connection Type

  29. Connect the MFP, turn it on. Now you can proceed to work.
  30. Connect HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

Method 2: Official HP Update Utility

If the first method was a bit costly in time, as well as the user required a considerable amount of actions, this will be simpler because the main manipulations produces the software used. We will work with HP Support Assistant:

Download HP Support Assistant

  1. Go to the Software Downloads page and download it to your PC.
  2. Download HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 Utility

  3. Run the installation wizard, read the description and click on "Next".
  4. Installing the utility for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  5. Put the marker opposite the string with the adoption of the license agreement and follow below.
  6. License Agreement HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 Utilities

  7. Upon completion of the installation, the utility will open independently. In the main window, click "Check availability of updates and messages".
  8. Start checking updates for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  9. Wait for the analysis. To perform this process, an active Internet connection is required.
  10. The process of searching for updates for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

  11. Near your MFP, click on "updates".
  12. Go to HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 updates

  13. It remains only to install the necessary files.
  14. Installing updates for HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 through the utility

You do not need to restart the computer, connect the printed device with it and proceed to work.

Method 3: third-party applications

For a similar algorithm with HP Support Assistant, special third-party programs also work, only they are focused on any components and peripheral devices. All of them look like each other, differing only in the structure of the interface and additional tools. You can find a list of such software in a separate article by reference below.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

However, DRIVERPACK SOLUTION and DRIVERMAX are allocated among the total masses. Such decisions are considered one of the best. Their drivers are regularly updated, the scanning always passes successfully, and also does not arise problems with file compatibility. Read about the work in the above-mentioned programs, read in materials from our other authors to the following links:

Installing Drivers via DRIVERPACCOLUTION

Read more:

How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

Search and installation of drivers in the Drivermax program

Method 4: DESKJET INK ADVANTAGE 3525 identifier

If you contact the device properties through the Device Manager, you can find basic information about it. Among everything there is displayed a unique code that is used to normal functioning of equipment with the operating system. HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 such an identifier has the following form:

USBPrint \ hpdeskjet_3520_serie4f8d.

Unique HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525

However, it is possible to use it for personal purposes, for example, to find compatible drivers on special sites. If you decide to choose this method, read more about the execution of this process below.

Read more: Search for hardware drivers

Method 5: Preset function in Windows

As you know, there are a large number of tools and functions in Windows, which allows you to more comfortably use the computer. Among the list there are also the ability to automatically install drivers. Almost all manipulations are carried out on their own built-in utility, the user only needs to specify some of the parameters and wait for the installation of the drivers and settings for the equipment.

Device Manager in Windows 7 operating system

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

On this, our article comes to an end. We hope you have found a solution available for yourself and easily coped with the task of searching and installing drivers to the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3525 multifunctional device.

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