How to fix the error 0xc000000F when booting Windows 7


How to fix the error 0xc000000F when booting Windows 7

The operating system is a very complex software product, and in some situations it can lead to different failures. They occur due to conflicts of applications, faults "iron" or for other reasons. In this article, we will cover the topic associated with an error having code 0xC000000F.

Error Correction 0xC000000F.

As we have already said in joining, there are two global causes of error. This is a possible conflict or software failure, as well as problems in the "iron" part of the PC. In the first case, we are dealing with drivers or other programs installed in the system, and in the second - with malfunctions in the carrier (disk) on which the OS is installed.

Option 1: BIOS

Let's start checking the microprogram support settings of the motherboard, since this option does not imply any complex actions, but at the same time it allows you to cope with the problem. To do this, we need to get into the appropriate menu. Of course, we will only get a positive result if the reason lies in BIOS.

Read more: How to enter the BIOS on the computer

  1. After entering, we need to pay attention to the loading order (meaning the queue of disks that work in the system). In some cases, this sequence can be broken, due to which an error occurs. The required option is in the "Boot" section or, sometimes, in Boot Device Priority.

    Go to setting up order order in BIOS motherboard

  2. Here we put our system disk (on which Windows installed) is first place in the queue.

    Setting up order order in BIOS motherboard

    Save the parameters by pressing the F10 key.

    Saving the boot order settings in the BIOS motherboard

  3. If you failed to find the desired hard disk on the media list, you should contact another partition. In our example, it is called "Hard Disk Drives" and is located in the same block "BOOT".

    Go to setting up priority download devices to BIOS motherboard

  4. Here you need to put on the first place (1st drive), our system disk, making it a priority device.

    Setting up the priority download devices to the BIOS motherboard

  5. Now you can configure the download order, without forgetting to save the changes with the F10 key.

    Option 2: System Restore

    Switchless windows to the previous state will help if driver or other software has been installed on the culprits. Most often we will learn about it immediately after installation and the next reboot. In such a situation, you can use the built-in tools or third-party software.

    Read more: Windows recovery options

    If the system is not possible, it is necessary to arm the installation disk with the version of "Windows", which is installed on your PC and produce a rollback procedure without starting the system. There are quite a lot of options and all of them are described in the article on the link below.

    Restoring Windows 7 using the installation media

    Read more:

    Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

    Restoring the system in Windows 7

    Option 3: Hard disk

    Hard drives tend to either completely fail, or "refrigerate" by bat sectors. If this sector has files needed to load the system, the error will inevitably arise. If there is a suspicion of the media malfunction, it is necessary to verify it using the utility built in Windows, which is capable of not only to diagnose errors in the file system, but also correct some of them. There is also a third-party software that has the same functions.

    Read more: Verification of disk for errors in Windows 7

    Since today, the failure is discussed today can prevent the download, it is worth disassembled and the method of checking without start windows.

    1. We load the computer from the media (flash drive or disk) with the Windows distribution recorded on it (see the article on the link above).
    2. After the installer will show its starting window, press the SHIFT + F10 key combination by running the "command line".

      Run a command line after downloading from installation media with Windows 7

    3. We define the media with the "Windows" folder (system) command


      After it, we enter a disk letter with a colon, for example, "C:" and press ENTER.

      Dir C:

      Perhaps you have to sort out a few litera, as the installer independently assigns the letters to the discs.

      Definition of the system disk on the command prompt after downloading from the installation media with Windows 7

    4. Next, execute the command

      CHKDSK E: / F / R

      Here the CHKDSK is a check utility, E: - the drive letter, which we defined in paragraph 3, / F and / R are parameters that allow you to restore damaged sectors and correct some errors.

      Click ENTER and wait for the completion of the process. Please note that the check time depends on the volume of the disk and its state, so in some cases it can be several hours.

      Run a system disc check on the command prompt after downloading from installation media with Windows 7

    Option 4: Pirate copy of Windows

    Unlicenzion distributions Windows can contain "broken" system files, drivers and other failed components. If the error is observed immediately after installing "Windows", it is necessary to use the other, the best licensed, disc.


    We brought four options for eliminating the 0xC000000F error. In most cases, she tells us about quite serious problems in the operating system or equipment (hard disk). The correction procedure should be carried out in the order in which it is described in this article. If the recommendations did not work, then, if neither sad, you will have to reinstall Windows or, in particularly severe cases, replace the disk.

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