How to download video from YouTube to phone


How to download video from YouTube to phone

Modern Internet users, most of them, have long used to consume multimedia content from mobile devices. One of the sources of such, namely, various videos, is YouTube, affordable including on smartphones and tablets with Android and iOS OS. In this article we will tell you how to download videos from the most popular video hosting in the world.

Loading video from YouTube to phone

There are quite a lot of methods that allow you to save a video from YouTube to a mobile device. The problem is that they are not only uncomfortable in use, but also simply illegal, as they violate the copyright. Consequently, all these workaround decisions are not only not welcome by Google, which owns video hosting, but simply prohibited. Fortunately, there is a completely legal way to download the video - this is the design of a subscription (introductory or permanent) on an extended version of the service - YouTube Premium, more recently affordable and in Russia.

Download video to your phone in Youtube Premium


YouTube Premium in domestic expanses earned in the summer of 2018, although this service "in his homeland" has been available for a long time. Since July, each user of the usual YouTube can issue a subscription substantially expanding its basic capabilities.

So, one of the additional "chips", which gives a premium account, is to download the video for its subsequent viewing in the mode of Offline. But before proceeding directly to the content of the content, you need to make sure that there is a subscription and, if it is not, to arrange.

Loading video from YouTube to phone

Note: If you have a subscription on Google Play music, access to all the features of YouTube Premium will be provided automatically.

  1. Open the YouTube application on your mobile device and tap on the icon of your profile located in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, select "Paid Subscriptions".

    View settings and paid subscriptions in your YouTube mobile application for Android

    Further, if the subscription has already been framed, go to step No. 4 of the current instruction. If the premium account is not activated, click "month for free" or "try for free", depending on which of the screens presented before you appears.

    Try free Premium Subscription in YouTube Mobile App for Android

    A little lower than the block in which it is proposed to issue a subscription, you can familiarize yourself with the main possibilities of the service.

  2. View Premium Subscription Features in YouTube Mobile Application for Android

  3. Select the payment method - "Add a credit card" or "Add PayPal Account". Specify the necessary information about the selected payment system, then click "Buy".

    Note: For the first month of using the Youtube Premium service, the fee is not removed, but the binding card or wallet is mandatory. Directly subscribe is extended automatically, but you can turn it off at any time, the premium account itself will be active until the end of the "paid" period.

  4. Immediately after registration of the test subscription, you will be invited to familiarize yourself with all the possibilities of YouTube Premium.

    Exclusive Youtube Premium service features in your YouTube mobile application for Android

    You can view them or just click "skip Introduction" on the welcome screen.

    Additional Premium Subscription Features in YouTube Mobile Application for Android

    YouTube's familiar interface will be somewhat changed.

  5. Changed Service Interface in YouTube Mobile Application for Android

  6. Find the video you want to download to your Android device. To do this, you can use the search function, contact the main video hosting, in the trend section or your own subscriptions.

    Search video for download in your YouTube mobile application for Android

    Deciding with the choice, tap on the preview of the roller to start playing it.

  7. Video playback before downloading in your YouTube Mobile Application for Android

  8. Directly under the video, the "Save" button will be located (the penultimate, depicting down the arrows in a circle) - it is necessary to press it. Immediately after that, the file download will begin, the icon pressed your color to the blue, and the circle will gradually be filled, in accordance with the loadable amount of data. Also behind the progress of the procedure can be observed in the notification panel.
  9. Download video in your YouTube mobile application for Android

  10. After downloading, the video will be placed in your "library" (the same name on the bottom panel of the application), in the "Saved Video" section. It is from here that you can run it to play or, if necessary, "Delete from the device" by selecting the appropriate menu item.

    The saved video is located in the Library in the YouTube Mobile Application for Android

    Note: Video files loaded through YouTube Premium features can only be viewed in this application. They cannot be played in third-party players, move to another device or transfer to anyone.

Additionally: In the settings of the YouTube application, you can get into the profile menu, the following features are available to you:

  • Choosing the preferred quality of downloadable video;
  • Determination of downloading conditions (only on Wi-Fi or not);
  • Destination for saving files (internal device memory or SD card);
  • Removing loaded rollers and viewing the space occupied on the drive;
  • View by videos of space.

Quality settings and download parameters in the mobile version of Youtube application for Android

Among other things, with a subscription youtube Premium, any video can be reproduced by the background - both in the form of a "floating" window and exclusively as an audio file (the phone can be blocked).

Background playback of audio and video in your YouTube application for Android

Note: Download some videos are not possible, although they are publicly available. This is due to the restrictions given by their authors. First of all, it concerns the completed broadcasts that the channel owner further plans to hide or delete.

If the tasks are important for you to use any services and solving the tasks for you, first of all, the subscription YouTube Premium will probably interest you. After placing it, you can not only download almost any video from this hosting, but also to watch or listen to it with the background. Lack of advertising is only a small pleasant bonus in the list of advanced features.


Apple's devices Owners are as well as users of other hardware and software platforms, very simple and perfectly legally access the content presented in the most popular video hosting directory, even beyond the action of data networks. To save the roller and view it in the future, offline will need an iPhone attached to AppleID, YouTube application for iOS, as well as a decorated Premium subscription in the service.

How to download video from YouTube on iPhone

  1. Start the YouTube application for iOS (when accessing the service through the browser, download the video proposed method is impracticable).

    YouTube for iPhone - Running Applications

  2. Log in to the system using the username and password from your Google Account:
    • Press three points in the upper right corner of the YouTube app. Next, tap "Log in" and confirm the request received for an attempt to use "" for authorization, tapping "on".
    • YouTube for iPhone - Main menu - Authorization in Google

    • Enter login to the appropriate fields and then password used to access Google services, click Next.
    • YouTube for iPhone - Authorization in the application with the Google account data

  3. Subscribe "YouTube Premium" with a free trial:
    • Tap the avatar of your account in the upper right corner of the screen for accessing the settings. Select "Paid Subscriptions" in the list that opens access to the "Special Offers" section containing descriptions available for additional features. Touch the link "More ..." below the description of "YouTube Premium";
    • YouTube for iPhone - Premium Subscription Design - Account - Paid Subscriptions

    • Click on the screen that opens the "Try Free" button, then "confirm" in the area pop-up with the account data registered in the App Store. Enter the AppleIID password used on the iPhone and tap Return.
    • YouTube for iPhone - Purchase Premium Subscription Authorization in AppleId to confirm payment information

    • If earlier, payment information was not specified in the Apple account, it will be necessary to make it, which will be received by the corresponding request. Touch "Continue" under the specified requirement, tap "Credit or Debit Card" and fill in the fields of payment tools. Upon completion of entering information, click Finish.
    • YouTube for iPhone - Binding payment card to AppleID when buying Premium Subscriptions

    • Confirmation of the success of the purchase of a subscription with access to the premium functionality YouTube application for iOS is the display of the "Finish" window, in which you want to tap "OK".
    • YouTube for iPhone Purchase Premium Subscriptions successfully completed

    Binding payment cards to AppleId and "Purchase" Subscriptions in YouTube with a free period of use do not mean at all that at the time of the implementation of the actions will be made off the funds from the account. The automatic extension of the subscription after a 30-day expiration is already on a paid basis can be canceled at any time until the completion of the privileges of preferential conditions!


    Unlike all third-party applications, extensions, and other crutches, allowing you to download video from YouTube, which we considered the option with the design of the Premium subscription is not only the official, which does not violate the law and the rules for the use of the service, but also the easiest, convenient to use , also offering a number of additional opportunities. In addition, its performance and efficiency will never be questionable. No matter which platform your mobile device is running - iOS or Android, you can always load any video on it, and then watch it in offline.

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