Microsoft EDGE does not open pages


Microsoft EDGE does not open pages

Assigning Microsoft EDGE, like any other browser, is to download and display web pages. But with this task, it does not always cope, and there may be a lot of reasons for this.

Causes of problems with downloading pages in Microsoft Edge

When the page is not loaded in Edge, such a message is usually appeared:

An error message failed to open the page in Microsoft Edge

First of all, try to follow the advice specified in this message, namely:

  • Check the correctness of the URL;
  • Retail the page several times;
  • Find the desired site through the search engine.

If it does not load so much, you need to find out the causes of the problem arising and its solution.

Tip: You can check page download from another browser. So you will understand whether the problem belongs to the EDGE itself or it is caused by third-party reasons. For this, Internet Explorer is suitable, which is also present on Windows 10.

If the performance has lost not only EJ, and also a Microsoft Store, issuing an error "Check connection" with 0x80072EFD code, go directly to the method 9.

Cause 1: No Internet access

One of the most common reasons on all observers is the lack of an Internet connection. In this case, you will see another characteristic error "You are not connected".

An error message You are not connected to Microsoft Edge

It will log in to check the devices that provide access to the Internet and view the connection status on the computer.

The computer is connected to the wireless network.

At the same time, make sure that the "aircraft" mode is disabled if there is on your device.

Attention! Problems with page download may occur because of the application of applications affecting the Internet speed.

If you have problems connecting to the Internet, you can diagnose malfunctions. To do this, right-click on the "Network" icon and run this procedure.

Running network troubleshooting diagnostics on windows 10

Such a measure often allows you to correct some problems with the Internet connection. Otherwise, contact your provider.

Cause 2: A proxy is used on the computer

Block the download of some pages can use a proxy server. In independence from the browser, it is recommended that its parameters are determined automatically. On Windows 10, this can be checked on the next way: "Parameters"> "Network and Internet"> "Proxy server". The automatic determination of the parameters should be actively, and the use of the proxy server is disabled.

Proxy Settings in Windows 10

Alternatively, try temporarily disable and automatic parameters to check the page load without them.

Cause 3: Pages blocks antivirus

Anti-virus programs usually do not block the work of the web browser itself, but they can prohibit access to specific pages. Turn off your antivirus and try to go to the desired page. But do not forget to activate again.

Remember that antiviruses do not just block the transition to some sites. Perhaps they are harmful by, so be careful.

Read more: How to turn off the antivirus

Cause 4: Site is not available

The page you request may be simply inaccessible due to troubleshooting in the site or server. Some Internet resources have pages on social networks. There you will probably find confirmation of information that the site does not work, and learn about when the problem is solved.

Of course, sometimes a specific site can open in all other web browsers, and in EDGE - no. Then go to the way to solve the problem below.

Cause 5: Locking sites in Ukraine

Residents of this country have lost access to many resources due to changes in legislation. Although Microsoft Edge has not yet been extensions to bypass blocking, you can easily use one of the programs for connecting via VPN.

Read more: Programs for IP change

Cause 6: Too much data has accumulated

EDGE gradually accumulates the history of visits, downloads, cache and cookies. It is possible that the browser began problems with the download of pages precisely due to the clogs of these data.

Cleaning is quite simple:

  1. Open the browser menu by clicking on the three-point button and selecting "Parameters".
  2. Go to Microsoft Edge settings

  3. Open the Privacy and Security tab, click "Select what you need to clean".
  4. Microsoft Edge Cleaner Button in the Privacy and Parameter Safety tab

  5. Note unnecessary data and run cleaning. It is usually enough to send a browser magazine, "Cookie files and saved web sites", as well as "cached data and files".
  6. Selection of components for removing purposes Microsoft EDGE from garbage

Reason 7: incorrect expansion work

It is unlikely, but still some extensions for EJ can prevent page loading. This assumption can be checked by disconnecting them.

  1. Right-click on the extension and select Management.
  2. Extensions Management in Microsoft Edge

  3. Alternately disconnect each extension using the Turn on to start using the parameter.
  4. Disabling the installed extension in Microsoft Edge

  5. Finding the application, after the disconnection of which the browser earned, it is better to remove it with the corresponding button at the bottom of the control column.
  6. Removing the installed extension in Microsoft Edge

You can also check the work of the web browser in private mode - it is faster. As a rule, it starts without enabled extensions if you are certainly not allowed when installing or in the control unit.

Disable extension operation in private mode in Microsoft Edge

To go into incognito, click on the menu button and select "New inprivate window", or simply press the CTRL + SHIFT + P key combination - in both cases the private window will start, where it remains to enter the site and check whether it opens. If yes - we are looking for the blocking work of the usual browser mode extension according to the scheme described above.

Running a private session in Microsoft Edge

Cause 8: Software Problems

If you have already tried all, then the reason may be associated with problems in the work of Microsoft Edge. This may well be, given that this is a relatively new browser. You can return it to a normal state in different ways and we will start from the easy to complex one.

Important! After any of these procedures, all bookmarks will disappear, the log will be cleaned, settings will reset - in fact you will get the primary state of the browser.

EDGE Correction and Recovery

Using Windows Recovery Tools, you can reset the Edge to the original state.

  1. Open "Parameters"> Applications.
  2. Starting applications through Windows Settings

  3. Through the search field or the usual scrolling of the list, find the "Microsoft Edge" and click on it. The available features are deployed, among which select "Advanced Parameters".
  4. Advanced options for Microsoft Edge

  5. In the window that opens, scroll down the list of parameters down and next to the "Reset" block, click Fix. Window so far do not close.
  6. Fixing Microsoft EDGE through additional parameters

  7. Now run EDGE and check it out. If it does not help, switch to the previous window and select "Reset" in the same block.
  8. Reset Microsoft EDGE through additional parameters

Check the program operation again. Did not help? Go ahead.

Check and restore the integrity of system files

Perhaps previous methods cannot be locally eliminated by the problem, so it costs to check the stability of Windows entirely. Since EDGE refers to system components, then the corresponding directory on the PCs must be checked. To do this, there are special command line tools, the user remains only to highlight some time, since the process can be unpreceden if the hard disk has a large volume or problems that have arisen are quite serious.

First of all restore damaged system components. To do this, use the instruction on the link below. Please note: despite the fact that it is given for Windows 7 users, the owners of the "dozens" can take advantage of it in the same way, since there are absolutely no differences in the performances.

Read more: Restoring damaged components in Windows using DISM

Now, without closing the command line, you start checking the integrity of Windows files. The instruction is again for Windows 7, but fully applicable to our 10. Use "Method 3", from the article on the link below, which implies checking through CMD.

Read more: Check the integrity of system files in Windows

Upon successful verification, you must receive the appropriate message. If errors, despite the recovery via DISM, were found, the utility will display the folder where the scan logs will be saved. Based on them, it will be necessary to work with damaged files.

Reinstalling Edge

You can correct the situation, reinstalling the browser through the Get-AppXPackage cmdlet from Microsoft. This will help you the PowerShell system utility.

  1. To begin with, create a Windows recovery point in case that something goes wrong.
  2. Read more: Instructions for creating Windows 10 recovery point

  3. Turn on the display of hidden files and folders.
  4. Read more: How to enable display of hidden files and folders in Windows 10

  5. Go to the next way:
  6. C: \ Users \ Username \ APPDATA \ Local \ Packages \ Microsoft.microsoftedge_8Wekyb3D8BBWE

  7. Delete the contents of the destination folder and do not forget to hide folders and files again.
  8. Deleting all folders from the Microsoftedge-8Wekyb3D8BBWE folder

  9. PowerShell can be found in the "Start" list. Run it on behalf of the administrator.
  10. Run PowerShell with administrator rights from the Start menu

  11. Insert this command to the console and press ENTER.
  12. Get-AppXPackage -allusers -Name Microsoft.microsoftedge | Foreach {Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml" -verbose}

    Team to reinstall Microsoft Edge via PowerShell

  13. For loyalty, restart the computer. EDGE should return to the original state.

Cause 9: Disconnected Network Protocol Support

After the October Windows Update to 1809, many users have problems not only with Microsoft Edge, but also with Microsoft Store, and perhaps with a PC application Xbox: Neither, nor the other want to open, issuing various errors. In the case of the browser, the reason is standard: no page does not open and no limit recommendations help. It will help to configure the network connection rather nonstandardly: on the IPv6, despite the fact that it is not used as IPv4 replacement.

The actions performed will not affect your Internet connection.

  1. Press Win + R and enter the NCPA.CPL command
  2. Go to system connections through the Run window in Windows 10

  3. In the opening network connections, we find our, we click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties".
  4. Properties of a custom network connection in Windows 10

  5. In the list, we find the "IP version 6 (TCP / IPv6)" parameter, we set a tick next to it, save on OK and check the work of the browser, and if you need to store.
  6. Enabling IPv6 in network connection properties in Windows 10

The owners of multiple network adapters can be done differently - to enter the following command in PowerShell, launched with administrator rights:

Enable-NetadapterBinding -Name "*" -componentid MS_TCPIP6

The * symbol in this case serves as a wildcard sign, freeing from the need to prescribe network connections names one by one.

With the previously modified registry, enter the key value responsible for the operation of IPv6, back:

  1. Through Win + R and the REGEDIT command included in the "Run" window, open the registry editor.
  2. Log in to the registry editor through the Run window in Windows 10

  3. Copy, insert the path to the address field and click on ENTER:

    The path to the list of disabledcomponents in the registry editor

  5. Two times click the LX for the "DisableDComponents" key and enter the value 0x20 (X is not a letter, but a symbol, so copy the value and paste it). Save the changes and restart the PC. Now repeat one of the two options for turning on IPv6 above.
  6. Configuring the disabledcomponents key in the registry editor

Read more about IPv6 and choosing a key value to read on Microsoft Support page

Open IPv6 Setup Guide in Windows on the official Microsoft website

The problem when Microsoft Edge does not open pages, can be caused by both external factors (Internet connection, antivirus, proxy), and the troubles of the browser itself. In any case, it will be more correct to exclude obvious reasons first, and only then resort to a radical measure in the form of reinstalling the browser.

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