How to copy text to Instagram


How to copy text to Instagram

If you are an Instagram user, you may have noticed that the application does not have the ability to copy text. Today we look at how this limitation can be circumvented.

Copy text to Instagram

Ever since the earliest releases of Instagram, the application was not possible to copy the text, for example, from the description of the photos. And even after the acquisition of the service by Facebook this restriction remains.

But as in the comments to posts are often a lot of interesting information that you want to copy, users are looking for ways to implement his plan.

Method 1: Simple Allow Copy for Google Chrome

Not so long ago on the Instagram website came into effect important change - the ability to copy text in the browser has been limited. Fortunately, with the help of a simple add-on for Google Chrome, you can re-open the possibility to allocate the text and add them to the clipboard.

  1. Go to Google Chrome using the link below and download the addition Simple Allow Copy, and then install the browser.
  2. Download Simple Allow Copy

    Installing extensions Simple Allow Copy of Google Chrome browser

  3. Open site Instagram, and then by the publication in which you want to copy text. Click in the upper right corner of the icon Simple Allow Copy (it should be colored).
  4. Activating extension Simple Allow Copy in Google Chrome

  5. Now, try to copy the text - again, you can easily select and add to your clipboard.

Copying text to Instagram using extension Simple Allow Copy for Google Chrome

Method 2: Happy Right-Click for Mozilla Firefox

If you are a Mozilla Firefox user for this browser also implemented a special addition to allowing to rediscover the ability to copy text.

  1. In your browser, the link below, complete the installation of add-ons Happy Right-Click.

    Download Happy Right-Click

  2. Installing the additions Happy Right-Click for the Mozilla Firefox browser

  3. Go to the Instagram website and open the desired publication. In the address bar of your browser you will see a tiny icon mouse crossed out with a red circle. Click on it to activate complement the work on this site.
  4. The activation of complement Happy Right-Click in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Now, try to copy the description or a comment - from this moment, this opportunity is again available.

Copying text to Instagram using the supplement Happy Right-Click for the Mozilla Firefox browser

Method 3: Developer Dashboard in a browser on a computer

Pretty simple way to copy text from Instagram in any browser, if you can not use third-party tools. Suitable for all browsers.

  1. Open the image on Instagram website from which you want to copy text.
  2. Press F12. A moment later, an additional panel appears on the screen, in which you need to select the icon shown in the screenshot below, or type the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C.
  3. Calling the panel in the browser developer

  4. Hover over the description, and then click the left mouse button.
  5. Select description by Developer Panel in the browser

  6. On the Developer Dashboard description is displayed (if the text to Instagram is divided into paragraphs, then the panel will be divided into several parts). Double-click on a text fragment left mouse button to select it, and then copy the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C.
  7. Copying text Instagram through the Developer Dashboard in a browser

  8. On your computer, any text editor (Notepad will suit even the standard), and insert the information stored on the clipboard, a combination of Ctrl + V keys. A similar operation is performed with all the fragments of text.

Paste the copied text into Notepad from Instagram

Method 4: Smartphone

Similarly, using the web version, you can get the required information on a smartphone.

  1. First start Instagram app, and after open the desired publication, which will be copied description or comments.
  2. Tapnite in the upper right area of ​​the icon with three dots to open the sub-menu, select the "Share".
  3. Share publication in Instagram

  4. In the window that opens tapnite button "Copy Link Location." Now it is in the clipboard.
  5. Copy Link to Publication in Instagram

  6. Start on any smartphone browser. Activate address bar and insert the previously copied link. Select the button "Go".
  7. A link to the site from the phone Instagram

  8. Follow the screen to open the publication of interest to you. Long hold your finger on the text, after which there will be a mark for his release, they want to place at the beginning and at the end of the fragment of interest. Finally, select the button "Copy".

Copy the text from the Instagram on your smartphone

Method 5: Telegram

The method is suitable in the event that you need to get a description of the page, or a particular publication. Service Telegram interesting by the presence of bots, which are able to perform different functions. The following discussion focuses on the boat, which is able to be removed from the post of photos, videos, and a description.

Download Telegram for iPhone

  1. Start Telegram. Under the tab "Contacts" in the "Search for contacts and people", search bot «@instasavegrambot». Open the searched result.
  2. bot Search in Telegram

  3. After pressing "Start", you will see a small instruction for use. If you need to get a description of the profile, the bot should send a message format "@ login_polzovatelya". If you want to get a description for publication, insert a link to it.
  4. Instructions for use bot in Instagram Saver Telegram

  5. To do this, run the Instagram app, and then the publication, which will be carried out further work. Tapnite in the top right corner of the icon with three dots and then click "Share." In the new window, you should click "Copy Link Location." You can then return to the Telegram.
  6. Copy links to Instagram app on your phone

  7. Highlight the dialog line in Telegram and select the button "Insert". Send a message to the bot.
  8. Send a link to the publication in Instagram Telegram

  9. In response instantly received two messages: one will contain a photo or video from the publication, and in the second - a description of it, which can now be easily copied.

Getting Instagram publication of the text in the Telegram

As you can see, copy the required information from Instagram snap. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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