How to add a photo to Yandex pictures


How to add a photo in yandex pictures

The search method in the image in Yandex is an effective tool for finding information. Not least, this is ensured by the fact that users themselves load the appropriate images on the pages of their sites or open access to their own images on file storage services, after which they are indexed by the search engine. It is important to understand that add an image directly to the Yandex. Martinki service is impossible, for these purposes, a separate web service has a separate search giant, but not everything is so simple with it.

Until April 2018, you could download the personally made photos of Yandex. Funers. In it, users could find images, watch, evaluate, add to favorites and share them. However, currently the possibility of adding files to the service is not available. The reason is to close the pictures and the gradual transfer of the basic capabilities, such as storing photos, on Yandex.Disk. In the near future, all files added to hosting will be placed in a special folder on the disk. It pleases at least that the place allocated under them in the cloud is provided free of charge.

Yandex. Fights move to Yandex.Disk

You can learn more about the fate of the Yandex service. Fights can be on the blog page Pictures on this link.

Note: The transfer of photos to the disk will take some time, upon completion of which the link will appear on the first web service with its new location on the second. Photo contests that have been held earlier are already underway in the Yandex. Solvection section.

Contests photos in Yandex.Collections

Despite the fact that Yandex. Fights still offer the ability to download images, which the corresponding button is talking on the main page of the site,

Download your photo on Yandex web service. Using Yandex.Bauzer

Her pressing does not give any result, you will simply see another reminder of the dragged crossing and the upcoming closure.

Confirm the download of images on Yandex.Photos web service via Yandex.Browser

It arises quite a logical question: "What to do in this case?" The most reasonable thing is to follow the path proposed, more precisely, even dictated by Yandex, that is, ship photos and any other pictures immediately to the disk, where they will be stored. And if you need to share any file or otherwise, otherwise all albums, with someone personally or open access to them, you can always use the appropriate capabilities of the cloud storage. Earlier we talked in detail about how it was done, so we simply recommend to get acquainted with the relevant materials on our website.

Yandex.Disc interface in Yandex.Browser

Read more:

How to upload photos and other files on Yandex.Disk

How to open access to files on Yandex.Disk


Yandex. Fucked service was launched in 2007 and existed for more than 10 years. As already mentioned, the company no longer allows you to use it as a hosting. Old images will be presented in the form of references to branded cloud storage. For solutions of similar tasks, you will now have to resort to Yandex.Disk, good, functionality it allows you to use it both for storing files and for exchanging them.

See also:

How to set up Yandex.Disk

How to use Yandex.Discom

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