What are ticks in WhatsApp


What are ticks in WhatsApp

Since WhatsApp master function, users often wonder about the meaning of ticks, instantly appear in the body of messages sent via messenger. We will understand what service in this way indicates the sender information, what practical benefit carries a system of statuses assigned to each parcel in one of the most popular means of data exchange via the Internet, as well as consider the possibility of a ban on the sending of messages to his interlocutors reading reports.

What are ticks in WhatsApp

Graphic icons assigned to each send / sent messages in the transmission process via WhatsApp change their appearance, are designed to provide a simple visual inspection of correspondence by the sender.

What are ticks in the messenger WhatsApp

Possible status messages

Remembering once, that means a total of four image-status at any time to obtain information about at what stage are sent through the service data, that is, to find out whether the information is sent, and if he looked a message delivered.

  1. Watch . This icon is seen in the messages less often. Image means that a message is ready for transmission and "Sent".

    WhatsApp status messages in the form of hours - Message Sent

    If the status is displayed for a long time, it may indicate problems with Internet access on the device, where the application is installed client messenger or temporary disability of service. After the problems on the side of the sender or the whole system will be eliminated, the clock change their image on a check (s).

  2. A checkmark gray . Symbol indicates that the message has been sent and is on its way to the recipient.

    WhatsApp status messages a gray checkmark - Message Sent

    Gray check mark clearly indicates the performance and availability of messenger WhatsApp application to connect to the network at the time of sending the message addressee, but it does not mean that the information is received by the addressee or is delivered to him in the future. For example, if the other party messenger blocked sender identity through its client application, the status of "Sent" in the messages sent by the latter, do not change to any other ever.

  3. Two gray tick . This status means that the message has been delivered to the recipient, but have not yet read them.

    WhatsApp status messages two gray tick - a message delivered to the recipient device

    In fact, such a notification cannot be considered unambiguously in the aspect of "viewing" of the message, since another participant can familiarize themselves with the content of the message received by the device received by opening notifications that can extract any OS, and the status of a message visible to the sender will remain "not read" .

    WhatsApp Reading the message in the notifications of different OS with status preservation is not viewed from the addressed

  4. Two shoes blue . Such a notification unambiguously indicates that the recipient looked through the transferred message, that is, he opened a chat with the addressee and familiarized himself with information in the message.

    Whatsapp Messaging Status Two Blue Tick - Message delivered to the recipient and viewed (Read)

    If the information was sent to the group chat, check out your color to blue only after? As the transmitted information will be viewed by all members of the group.

As you can see, the notification system of information transmitted through WhatsApp is simple and logical. Of course, the graphic symbols described above mean the same in all variants of the Messenger client application for Android, iOS and Windows.

Whatsapp Displays message status (checkboxes) in different OS

Detailed information about the message

Get detailed information about what is happening or has happened with a message sent through WhatsApp is possible using a special function in the messenger. Depending on the operating system in which the application application is running, to gain access to information about the facts of changing the status of the departure and the time of these changes, it is necessary to do the following.

  1. Android . In the chat window, long-term tap will allocate it. Next, we touch the image of three points at the top of the screen on the right and select the "Info" item, which results in detailed information about the path traveled.

    WhatsApp for Android Receive detailed information about the message

  2. iOS. . To obtain data related to the delivery of the message sent via WhatsApp, you need to click on the message to the iPhone until the message menu appears. Next, the list of the list, taping the image of the triangle on the right in the menu, select the item "Data". A screen containing information about the epigations passed by the message will appear immediately.

    WhatsApp for iPhone Call screen with information about the message through the options menu

    Another way to get information about the transfer process through the messenger on the iPhone is simply "brushing" a message from the screen of the dialogue left.

    Whatsapp for iPhone Slide the message Left for more information about him

  3. Windows . In the Application-client, the otcup for the most popular desktop OS window "Info about the message" is called as follows:
    • We carry the mouse cursor to the message, the data on "movement" of which you need to get. The fixation of the pointer on the message will lead to the display of the element as the end of the arrow directed down by calling the menu of options, click on this icon.
    • WhatsApp for Windows Get access to the message options menu

    • In the list of functions that appears, select "Info about the message".
    • WhatsApp for Windows - Details of the message - Item Info in the menu

    • We get complete information about the date and time of changing the status of the message.
    • WhatsApp for Windows Details of the message

Management of read reports

The creators of WhatsApp did not provide in the messenger of wide possibilities of manipulating the display of the above-described user notifications. The only thing that is available to any service participant is to disable reading reports. That is, deactivating this option in its application-client, we prevent sending messages to interlocutors to learn that their messages are viewed.

The operation below will not lead to a trip "Reports on reading" in group chats as well "Playing reports" accompanying voice messages!

  1. Android.
    • We get access to the messenger parameters, taping on the image of three points in the upper right corner, being on any of the tabs in the application - "chats", "status", "calls". Next, select the "Settings" item and go to the "Account".
    • WhatsApp for Android Disable sending and receiving reading reports - Settings - Account

    • Open the "Privacy", the list of displayed options down. Remove the checkbox "Recovery reports" checkbox.
    • WhatsApp for Android Disable reports on reading messages - Account - Privacy - Remove the mark in the paragraph

  2. iOS..
    • Go to the "Settings" section from any messenger screen with the exception of open dialogue and "camera". Open the item "Account", then choose "Privacy".
    • WhatsApp for iPhone Disabling report reading messages - Account - Privacy

    • Wrestling a list of privacy parameters down, we detect the "Read Report Reports" option - the switch located to the right of the name of the specified item must be translated to the "off" position.
    • WhatsApp for iPhone Disable reports on reading in the confidentiality settings of the messenger

  3. Windows . In WhatsApp for PC the possibility of deactivation of the described function is absent. This is explained by the fact that the application of the Messenger for Windows is inherently only a "mirror" of the mobile version of the service client and receives all the data, including the settings, from the smartphone / tablet to which the account is attached.


This describes the graphic statuses that are automatically assigned to messages sent through WhatsApp is completed. We hope that studied information from the user's article of one of the most popular messengers will no longer have difficulties with the definition of the value of the icons accompanying departures. By the way, Viber and Telegram are very similar to the status statuses considered above - no less popular than whatsapp messengers that we tell in materials on our website.

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