How to fix 0x0000008E error in Windows 7


How to fix 0x0000008E error in Windows 7

Blue Death or BSOD screen by its appearance tells the user about a critical failure in the system - software or "hardware". We will devote this material to the analysis of the error corrections with the 0x0000008E code.

Remedy BSOD 0x0000007E.

This error refers to the discharge of common and can be caused by different reasons - from problems in the equipment of the PC to failures in software. Hardware factors include a graphics adapter malfunction and the absence of a system of space on a system disk needed for normal operation, and the software is damaged or incorrect operation of system or user drivers.

This and similar errors can be corrected by applying some methods given in the article below. If the case is launched and recommendations will not work, then you should go to the actions described below.

Read more: Blue screen on computer: what to do

Cause 1: "scored" hard drive

As we have spoken above, the operating system for normal download and work requires a certain free volume on the system (the volume on which the Windows folder is located) disk. If the places are not enough, then "Windows" can start operating with errors, including to produce BSOD 0x0000008e. In order to correct the situation, you need to remove unnecessary files and programs manually or using a special software, for example, CCleaner.

Cleaning the computer from unnecessary files and software CCleaner

Read more:

How to use CCleaner

How to fix errors and remove garbage on a computer with windows 7

Installing and removing programs in Windows 7

Everything becomes a little more difficult when OS refuses to load, showing us a blue screen with this code. In this case, you will have to use the boot disk (flash drive) with some Live distribution. Next, we consider the option with ERD Commander - the collection utility to work in the recovery environment. It will need to be downloaded to the PC, and then create a bootable media.

Read more:

How to record ERD Commander on a USB flash drive

How to set the download from the flash drive in bios

  1. After the ERD bootloader opens its starting window, switch the arrows to its version of the system, taking into account the bit, and click the Enter key.

    Choosing Windows operating system at booting ERD COMMANDER

  2. If network discs are present in the installed system, it makes sense to allow the program to connect to the "LAN" and the Internet.

    Initialization of the background connection to the local network when booting from the ERD COMMANDER disk

  3. The next step is to reassign letters for disks. Since we need to work with a system partition, we will find it in the list and without this option. We click any button.

    Setting the reassignment of drive letters when booting from ERD Commander disk

  4. Determine the default keyboard layout.

    Select the default keyboard layout when loading from ERD COMMANDER disk

  5. Next will be scanned for the detection of installed operating systems, after which we click "Next".

    Select the installed Windows operating system when downloading from the ERD COMMANDER disk

  6. Go to the MSDART set by clicking on the link specified in the screenshot below.

    Go to the collection of utilities to configure the Windows operating system when booting from the ERD Commander disk

  7. Run the function "Explorer".

    Go to operation with Windows Explorer when booting from ERD COMMANDER disk

  8. In the list of ones we are looking for a section with the "Windows" directory.

    Selecting a system hard disk when loading from the ERD COMMANDER disk

  9. You need to start freeing the place with the "Basket". All data contained in it are in the "$ recycle.bin" folder. We remove all the contents, but the directory itself is left.

    Deleting the contents of the basket when loading from the ERD COMMANDER disk

  10. If the "Basket" cleaning is not enough, then you can clean other custom folders that are located at the address

    C: \ users / user_name user

    Next, we give a list of folders in which you should look.







    These directory should also be left in place, and remove only files and folders in them.

    Clearing user folder from unnecessary files when booting from disk ERD COMMANDER

  11. Important documents or projects can be moved to another drive connected to the system. It can be both a local or network hard drive and a flash drive. For transfer, click on the PCM file and select the appropriate item in the menu that opens.

    Selecting a file moving to another disc when loaded from the ERD COMMANDER disk

    Select the disk to which we move the file, and click OK. The time required for copying depends on the size of the document and can be quite long.

    Moving a file to another drive when loading ERD Commander

After the location you need will be released, run the system from the hard disk and already from the working Windows you delete other unnecessary data, including unused programs (links to articles at the beginning of the paragraph).

Cause 2: Graphic Adapter

The video card, being faulty, can cause an unstable operation of the system and call the error today. Check if the GPU is not guilty in our problems, you can, turning off the motherboard adapter and connecting the monitor to other video connections. After that you need to try to download Windows.

Connecting the monitor to the built-in video card on the motherboard

Read more:

How to remove the video card from the computer

How to enable or disable the built-in video card on your computer

Cause 3: BIOS

Reset BIOS parameters is one of the universal techniques when fixing various errors. Since this firmware manages all PC equipment, its incorrect setting may cause serious troubleshooting.

Reset BIOS settings to default values

Read more: How to reset BIOS settings

Bios, like any other program, needs supporting the current state (version). This applies to both new modern and old "motherboards". The solution will be updated code.

Firmware Update on Asus Motherboard

Read more: How to update the BIOS on the computer

Reason 4: crash in drivers

If any program malfunctions occur, you can use another universal means - the system restoration. This method is most effective in cases where the cause of the failure was the software or driver installed by the user.

Read more: How to restore Windows 7

If you use a third-party program for remote administration, it can cause BSOD 0x0000008e. At the same time, on the blue screen, we will see information about the Fabler Win32K.sys driver. If this is your case, delete or replace the software used.

Technical information about the non-working driver on the blue death screen in Windows 7

Read more: Remote Access Programs

If the blue screen blocks contain technical information about another driver, it should be found in the network. This will determine which program it uses and whether it is systemic. Third -est software that installed the driver must be deleted. If the system is a system, you can try to restore it using the SFC.EXE console utility, and when the system cannot be loaded, the same Live distribution will help as in the disk paragraph.

Checking the integrity of system files utility SFC.EXE in Windows 7

Read more: Check the integrity of system files in Windows 7


  1. We are loaded from the flash drive C ERD Commander and reach stepping 6 from the first paragraph.
  2. Click on the link shown in the screenshot to launch the file verification tool.

    Go to the system file verification tool when booting from ERD COMMANDER disk

  3. Click "Next".

    Launch system file verification tool when booting from ERD COMMANDER disk

  4. Settings do not touch, click "Next".

    Setting up system file verification tools when booting from ERD COMMANDER disk

  5. We expect the end of the process, then click the "Finish" button and reboot the machine, but already from "hard".


As you might notice, the solutions of today's problem are quite a lot, and at first glance it seems to understand them is not easy. This is not true. The main thing here is to diagnose correctly: carefully examine the technical information specified on the BSOD, check the operation without a video card, clean the disk, and then move to the elimination of program reasons.

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