How to Create Letter Template in Thunderbird


How to Create Letter Template in Thunderbird

To date, Mozilla Thunderbird is one of the most popular postal customers for PC. The program is designed to ensure the security of the user, thanks to the built-in defense modules, as well as facilitate electronic correspondence through a convenient and understandable interface.

The tool has a considerable amount of the necessary functions like advanced multicake and activity manager, but there are still no useful opportunities here. For example, there is no functionality in the program to create templates of letters that allows you to automate the same type and thus significantly save working time. Nevertheless, the question can still be solved, and in this article you will learn how to do it.

Creating a letter template in Tanderbend

Unlike the same Bat!, Where there is a native tool for creating fast templates, Mozilla Thunderbird in its original form will not boast such a function. However, the support of additions is implemented here, so that, according to their will, users could make any opportunities for which they lack. So in this case, the problem is solved only by installing the corresponding extensions.

Method 1: QuickText

The perfect option for both the creation of simple signatures and for the compilation of whole "frames" of letters. The plugin allows you to store an unlimited number of templates, and even with classification by groups. QuickText fully supports HTML text formatting, and also offers a set of variables for every taste.

  1. To add an extension to Thunderbird, run the program first and through the Main Menu, go to the "Supplements" section.

    The main menu of the postcard Mazila Tedlanderd

  2. Enter the name of the addon, "QuickText", in a special search box and press "ENTER".

    Search for an add-on in the Mozilla Thunderbird postal client

  3. In the built-in mail browser, the Mozilla's Additions Directory page opens. Here simply click on the button "Add to Thunderbird" opposite the desired expansion.

    List of search results in Mozilla Thunderbird Additions catalog

    Then confirm the installation of an additional module in the pop-up window.

    Confirmation of the QuickText Add-on Installation in Thunderbird Post Client from Mozilla

  4. After that, you will be prompted to restart the mail client and thereby complete the installation of QuickText in Thunderbird. So, click "Restart Now" or just close and re-open the program.

    Mozilla Thunderbird MOZILLA Mail Client Restart Button when installing extensions

  5. To go to the extension settings and create your first template, expand the Tanderbend menu again and hover the mouse over the "Add-on" item. A pop-up list appears with the names of all the extensions installed in the program. Actually, we are interested in the "QuickText" item.

    List of extensions installed in the mail client Mazila Thunderbend

  6. In the QuickText Settings window, open the TEMPLATES tab. Here you can create templates and combine them into groups for convenient use in the future.

    In this case, the contents of such templates may include not only text, special variables or HTML markup, but also file attachments. QuickText "templates" can also determine the subject of the letter and its keywords, which is very useful and saves time when conducting regular monotonous correspondence. In addition, each such template can be assigned a separate key combination for a quick call in the form of "Alt +" digit from 0 to 9 ".

    Creating a letter template using QuickText add-on in Mozilla Thunderbird

  7. After installing and configuring the QuickText, an additional toolbar will appear in the writing window. Here in one click your templates will be available, as well as a list of all variables of the plug-in.
  8. Email Creation Window with QuickText Tools Panel in Mozilla Thunderbird Postal Client

The QuickText extension greatly simplifies work with emails, especially if you have to conduct interviews on Imile in a very and very large volume. For example, you can simply create a template on the fly and use it in correspondence with a specific person, not making every letter from scratch.

Method 2: SmartTemplate4

A simpler solution that is nevertheless perfect for maintaining an organization's mailbox is an extension called SmartTemplate4. Unlike addon, considered above, this tool does not allow you to create an infinite number of templates. For each Thunderbird account, the plugin proposes to make one "template" for new letters, response and sent messages.

Supplement can automatically fill in fields, such as name, surname and keywords. Supported as ordinary text and HTML markup, and a wide selection of variables allows you to make up the most flexible and meaningful patterns.

  1. So, install SmartTemplate4 from the Mozilla Thunderbird Additions Catalog, after which restart the program.

    Installing SmartTemplate4 Expansion from Mozilla Thunderbird Additions Catalog

  2. Go to the plugin settings through the main menu of the "Supplement" section of the mail client.

    Running SmartTemplate4 Settings in Mozilla Thunderbird Post Client

  3. In the window that opens, select an account for which templates will be created, or specify common settings for all available boxes.

    SMARTTEMPLATE4 add-on settings in the Mozilla Thunderbird

    Make the desired type of templates using if necessary, variables, the list of which you will find in the corresponding section of the "Advanced Settings" section. Then click "OK".

    Creating a letter template in the expansion of SmartTemplate4 for Mozilla Thunderbird

After setting up the extension, each new, response or forwarding letter (depending on what kind of messages templates were created) will automatically include the content you specify.

See also: How to set Thunderbird postal program

As you can see, even in the absence of native support templates in Mozilla's mail client, you still have the ability to extend the functionality and add the appropriate option to the program using third-party extensions.

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