Chrome cleaning tool


Google Chrome cleaning utility
Those or other problems with Google Chrome are a fairly common thing: the pages will not open or instead of them are error messages, the pop-up advertising is displayed where it should not be like that things happen almost with each user. Sometimes they are caused by malicious programs, sometimes - errors in the browser settings or, for example, incorrectly working Chrome extensions.

Not so long ago, the Chrome Cleanup Tool (Chrome Cleanup Tool, previously Software Removal Tool) appeared on the official website of Google for Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, which is designed to find and neutralize potentially harming Internet and expansion and expansion browser. Chrome in working condition. Update 2018: Now the cleaning utility from malware is built into the Google Chrome browser.

Installation and Use Chrome Cleaning Tool from Google

The Chrome Cleanup Tool program does not require installation on a computer. Just download the executable file and run it.

Download Cleaning Tool Chrome

At the first stage, the Chrome cleaning tool checks the computer for suspicious programs that can cause the wrong behavior of the Google Chrome browser (and other browsers, in general, too). In my case there were no such programs.

Search for malicious programs in Chrome cleaning utility

At the next stage, the program restores all browser settings: the main page, search engine and quick access page, delete various panels and disconnect all extensions (which is one of the necessary things, if you have unwanted advertising in your browser), as well as removal All temporary Google Chrome files.

Disable extensions in Chrome Cleanup Tool

Thus, in two steps, you get a clean browser, which, if it does not interfere with any system settings, must be fully operational.

In my opinion, despite its simplicity, the program is very useful: much easier in response to anyone or the question of why the browser does not work or other problems with Google Chrome arise, to suggest trying this program than to explain how to disable extensions , Check the computer for unwanted programs and perform other steps to correct the situation.

You can download the Chrome cleaning tool from the official site If the utility did not help, I recommend trying ADWCleaner and other means of removing malicious programs.

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