Configuring the D-Link DIR-620 router


Configuring the D-Link DIR-620 router

D-Link DR-620 model router is prepared for work almost the same way as other representatives of this series. However, the peculiarity of the router under consideration consists in the presence of several additional functions that provide a more flexible configuration of their own network and the use of special tools. Today we will try to describe the setting of this equipment as much as possible, affect all the necessary parameters.

Preparatory actions

After purchasing, unpack the device and put it in an optimal place. The passage of the signal is hampered by concrete walls and operating electrical appliances, such as microwave. Take these factors when choosing location. The length of the network cable should also be enough to spend it from the router to the PC.

Pay attention to the rear instrument panel. It contains all the connectors present, each has its inscription, facilitating the connection. There you will find four LAN ports, one WAN, which is marked with yellow, USB and connector for connecting the power supply wire.

Rear panel of the router D-Link DIR-620

The router will be used TCP / IPv4 data transmission protocol, the parameters of which are required to be checked through the operating system to obtain IP and DNS was performed automatically.

Network Setup for D-Link DIR620 Router

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the article on the link below to understand how to independently check and change the values ​​of this protocol in Windows.

Read more: Windows 7 network settings

Now the device is ready for configuration and then we will tell about how to do it correctly.

D-Link DIR-620 has two versions of the web interface, which depends on the installed firmware. Almost only their differences can be called appearance. We will edit through the current version, and if you are installed another, you just need to find similar items and set their values ​​by repeating our instructions.

Originally log in to the web interface. This is done as follows:

  1. Run the web browser, where in the address bar, type and press the ENTER key. In the displayed form, asking you to enter a login and password in both lines, specify Admin and confirm the action.
  2. Go to the D-Link DIR-620 web interface via browser

  3. Change the main language of the interface to the desired button using the appropriate button at the top of the window.
  4. Change the web interface language D-Link DIR-620 web interface

Now you have selection of one of two types of settings. The first will be more optimal for novice users who do not need to adjust something for themselves and they are satisfied with the standard network parameters. The second method is manual, allows you to adjust the value in each item, making the process as detailed as possible. Select the appropriate option and go to familiarization with the manual.

Fast configuration

The Click'n'Connect tool is designed specifically to perform quick preparations for work. It displays only the main items on the screen, and you only need to specify the required parameters. The whole procedure is divided into three steps, with each of which we offer to familiarize yourself in order:

  1. All begins with what you need to click on "Click`N`Connect", connect the network cable to the appropriate connector and click on "Next".
  2. The beginning of the fast adjustment of the router D-LINK DIR-620

  3. D-Link DIR-620 supports 3G network, and it is edited only by choosing a provider. You can immediately specify the country or select the connection option yourself, leaving the "manual" value and clicking on "Next".
  4. Select a country for 3G in quick configuration of the router D-Link DIR-620

  5. Mark the WAN connection type used by your provider. It is recognized through the documentation provided when signing the contract. If you do not have it, refer to the company's support service that sells you Internet services.
  6. Select connection in quick configuration of the router D-LINK DIR-620

  7. After installing the marker, go down and go to the next window.
  8. Apply the connection to quickly configure the D-Link DIR-620 router

  9. The connection name, user and password are also available in the documentation. Fill in the fields according to it.
  10. Set the main network parameters in fast configuration D-Link DIR-620

  11. Press the "Details" button if the provider requires the installation of additional parameters. After completion, click on "Next".
  12. Detailed network settings in quick configuration D-Link DIR-620

  13. The configuration you selected are displayed, read it, apply changes or return to correct incorrect items.
  14. Completion of the first step of the fast setting of the router D-LINK DIR-620

This is the first step over. Now the utility will hold a pressure drop, checking the availability of Internet access. You yourself can change the site being checked, run repeated analysis or immediately go to the next step.

Conduct the D-LINK DIR-620 router pressure

Many users have home mobile devices or laptops. They are connected to the home network via Wi-Fi, so the process of creating an access point through the Click'n'Connect tool should also be disassembled.

  1. Put the marker near the "Access Point" and move forward.
  2. Getting Starting Access Point in Quick Setup D-Link DIR-620

  3. Specify SSID. This name is responsible for your wireless network. It will be seen in the list of available connections. Set the name convenient to you and remember it.
  4. Entering a wireless network in quick configuration D-Link DIR-620

  5. The best authentication option to specify the "secure network" and enter a reliable password in the security key field. Conducting such editing will help protect the access point from external connections.
  6. Control level of access point in quick configuration of the router D-LINK DIR-620

  7. As in the first step, check out the selected parameters and apply the changes.
  8. Completion of the second step quickly setting the D-Link DIR-620 router

Sometimes providers provide IPTV service. A TV prefix connects to the router and provides access to television. If you are supported by such a service, insert the cable into the LAN free connector, specify it in the web interface and click on "Next". If there is no console, just skip the step.

Define IPTV settings during quick adjustment of the router D-Link DIR-620

Manual setting

Some users do not fit "Click'n'Connect" due to the fact that it is required to independently set additional parameters that are missing in this tool. In this case, all values ​​are set manually through the partitions of the web interface. Let's consider the process completely, but let's start with WAN:

  1. Move to the "Network" category - "WAN". In the window that opens, allocate all the connections present and delete them, then go to the creation of a new one.
  2. Start an independent setting of WAN router D-Link DIR-620

  3. The first step is to select the connection protocol, interface, name and replacement of the MAC address, if required. Fill all fields in accordance with the instructions in the Provider's documentation.
  4. Main WAN Settings Manual D-Link DIR-620 Routher Configuration

  5. Next, go down and find "PPP". Enter the data, also using the contract with the Internet provider, and upon completion, click on "Apply".
  6. PPP parameters during manual configuration D-Link DIR-620

As you can see, the procedure is performed quite easily, literally in a few minutes. No difficulty and adjustment of the wireless network. You need to make the following actions:

  1. Open the "Basic Settings" section by deploying "Wi-Fi" on the left pane. Turn on the wireless network and need to activate broadcasting.
  2. Enable Wireless Network Manual D-Link DIR-620 Router

  3. Set the network name in the first line, then specify the country used by the channel and the type of wireless mode.
  4. Set Wireless Network Parameters D-LINK DIR-620 manual settings

  5. In the "Security Settings", select one of the encryption protocols and set the password to protect your access point from external connections. Do not forget to apply changes.
  6. Wireless Safety Safety during the D-Link DIR-620 Routher Setup

  7. In addition, the WPS function is provided on the D-Link DIR-620, turn it on and install the connection by entering the PIN code.
  8. Setting up WPS router D-Link DIR-620

    After a successful configuration, users will be available to your connection point. In the "List of Wi-Fi Clients", all devices are displayed, and the disconnect function is present.

    List of Wi-Fi clients of the router D-Link DIR-620

    In the "Click'n'Connect" section, we have already mentioned that the router in question supports 3G. Authentication is configured through a separate menu. You will only need to enter any convenient PIN code in the appropriate lines and preserve.

    Self-setting 3G modem router D-Link DIR-620

    The router is built into the Torrent client, which allows you to download to the drive connected via USB connector. Sometimes users need to adjust this function. It is carried out in a separate section "Torrent" - "Configuration". Here the folder is selected for download, the service is activated, ports and type of connection are added. In addition, you can set limits to the outgoing and incoming traffic.

    Torrent configuration in the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

    On this process of the main setting is completed, the Internet must function correctly. It remains to complete the completion of the optional actions, which will be discussed below.

    Security Setup

    In addition to the normal network, it is important to ensure its safety. This will help the rules embedded in the web interface. Each of them is exhibited individually, based on the user's needs. You have a change in the following parameters:

    1. In the "Control" category, find "URL filter". Here, specify the fact that the program needs to be done with added addresses.
    2. Actions for the URL filter in the D-LINK DIR-620 router settings

    3. Go to the URL subsection, where you can add an unlimited number of links to which the previously specified action will be applied. Upon completion, do not forget to click on "Apply".
    4. Add URLs for the D-Link DIR-620 Routher Filter

    5. In the category "Firewall" there is a "IP filters" feature, which allows you to block certain connections. To go to add addresses, press the appropriate button.
    6. Go to add IP filters in the D-Link DIR-620 router setting

    7. Specify the main rules by entering the protocol and the appropriate action, specify IP addresses and ports. The last step is the click on "Apply".
    8. Routher D-Link DIR-620 IP Filtration Settings

    9. Such a procedure is done with Mac addresses.
    10. Mac filter settings in the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

    11. Type the address in the line and select the desired action for it.
    12. Add MAC filter in the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

    Completion setting

    Editing the following parameters completes the D-Link DIR-620 router configuration process. We will analyze in order each:

    1. From the menu on the left, select "System" - "Administrator Password". Change the access key to a more reliable, protecting the login to the web interface from strangers. If you have forgotten the password, to restore its default value will help reset the router settings. Detailed instructions on this topic can be found in the other article by reference below.
    2. Change the administrator password in the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

      Read more: Password reset on router

    3. The model under consideration supports connecting one USB drive. You can limit access to files on this device by creating special accounts. To begin with, go to the "USB Users" section and click Add.
    4. Go to add users USB router D-Link DIR-620

    5. Add a login, password and easily check the box near "read only."
    6. Add USB users in the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

    After the preparation procedure, it is recommended to save the current configuration and restart the router. In addition, it is available to create a backup and restoring factory settings. All this is done through the "Configuration" section.

    Save the D-Link DIR-620 router settings

    The procedure for the complete adjustment of the router after the acquisition or reset may take quite a long time, especially in inexperienced users. However, there is nothing difficult in it, and the above instructions should help you independently deal with this task.

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