Navigator does not see NM7 cards


Navigator does not see NM7 cards

Maps for automotive navigators of some models in NM7 format are manufactured by Navitel and are designed exclusively for the latest firmware versions. Within the framework of this article, we will talk about all the features of compatibility of such cards with various devices and methods of their installation when problems occur.

After the navitel maps compatibility errors appear with your navigator, you can resort to several variants of solving them depending on the cause. Provice problems can be both used files and technical malfunctions of the device.

Navitel Navigator

  1. On the official website in the "Download" section, download the update program.

    Go to download Navitel Navigator

  2. Download Navitel Navigator on Computer

  3. Connect to the PC flash drive from the device and open the Navigator Navigator.

    After completion of the acquisition procedure, manual activation is not required. On this problem should be considered solved.

    Cause 3: Faulty Memory Card

    Since most navigators, the Navitel firmware is stored on a memory card, it may well be inoperable. For example, due to the presence or absence of any files. You can eliminate such a malfunction by formatting a flash drive and re-install the desired software.

    Formatting a memory card on a computer

    Read more: Memory Card Formatting Methods

    There are also malfunctions in the work of the drive that do not allow the navigator to properly read the information from it. Faced with such difficulty, the only option is its replacement. Sometimes it can help the recovery procedure described by us in a separate article.

    Search for memory card recovery

    Read more: How to restore memory card


    Within the framework of the instruction, we reviewed the main reasons why problems with NM7 maps can occur on the navigator with the navitel firmware. For answers to questions on this topic, you can contact us in comments or technical support on the official site of Navitel.

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