Does not work Drive on a computer with Windows 7


Malfunctions in the work of the drive in Windows 7

When working with a computer, a situation can occur when the user reveals that the drive does not work on the PC. This manifests itself that this device ceases to see the discs inserted into it, read them or generally the system does not determine the drive itself. Next, we will try to figure out why this is happening and what ways to solve this problem exist.

If you think this procedure is too complicated, you can go on a lighter path, installing a special program for searching and installing drivers, such as Driverpack Solution on PC. This software itself will delete the desired update and install it on the computer. All the same, the above manual installation is more preferable and when it is used, the final success in solving the problem is more likely.

Transition to automatic configuration of the computer in the DriverPack Solution program in Windows 7


Programs for installing drivers

How to update drivers on a computer using Driverpack Solution

Method 2: "Registry Editor"

If the above actions did not help eliminate the problem with the performance of the drive, it is necessary to perform some manipulations in the registry editor. It is not recommended to change these settings without any need, and therefore use this method only when the rest of the action options did not bring fruits and are confident that the cause of the problem does not lift in hardware or in the BIOS parameters. In any case, before starting manipulations, be sure to back up the system and the registry in order to be able to roll back.

Lesson: how to make a backup of Windows 7

  1. Type the Win + R combination and enter such an expression:


    Click on the "OK" element.

    Go to the system registry editor window by entering the command to run in Windows 7

    Lesson: How to Open Registry Editor in Windows 7

  2. In the registry editor that opens, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE directories, then "System", then "CurrentControlSet" and "Control". Finally, open the "Class" directory.
  3. Opening the Class partition in the Windows Registry Editor window in Windows 7

  4. In the last of the specified sections, find the catalog called "{4D36E965-E325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318}" and click on it.
  5. Go to section {4D36E965-E325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318} In the Windows registry editor window in Windows 7

  6. Now move attention to the right side of the window. Lay the parameter called "UpperFilters". Click on the PCM and select the "Delete" option.

    The transition to the removal of UpperFilters parameter in the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} in the system registry editor window in Windows 7

    If the specified parameter in this section is not, then you must delete the "LowerFilters" parameter.

  7. Transition to the removal of the LowerFilters parmeter in the {4D36E965-E325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318} in the system registry editor window in Windows 7

  8. Next, you need to confirm the actions by clicking the "Yes" button in the dialog box.
  9. Confirmation Deleting a parameter in the system registry editor dialog box in Windows 7

  10. Delete the parameter, close the registry editor and restart the computer. After restarting the PC, the drive must earn.

Closing the system registry editor window in Windows 7

If none of the specified methods helped you, then if there is an appropriate recovery point or backup, you can try to roll back the system to that condition at which the drive performed its functions. In the absence of a positive result, in extreme cases, you can produce a procedure for reinstalling the system.

Startup tool window Restore system in Windows 7


How to restore windows 7

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There are a number of reasons why the drive can not work on the PC with Windows 7. But if these factors do not work hardware or not related to the BIOS settings, in most cases they can be eliminated by manipulations in the Device Maniple (Updating Equipment Configuration and Reinstalling Drivers) or in the registry editor. In the most extreme case, you can use the recovery procedure or reinstalling the system.

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